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Higher Drop Rate For Stalker/harvester/g3 Weapons


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I've fought stalker a dozen times and all i've got is dread. 

I've fought harvester four or five times and i don't have a single detron part. 

I don't actualy have much of a grevience with g3. I've killed them once and got one part. Realy i'd need other players to tell me how they fair with G3 drops. 




It's not great. Increase the mastery ranks of the weapons if they aren't supposed to be for newer players. The current system is bullS#&$. There's less than a 1/50 chance of the stalker popping up and it's not so much better when you want to actualy get a drop from him. 



There should NEVER be a chance for these rare bosses to drop nothing. Farming them is all due to RNG. It's is criminal to have finally had them appear, kill them, for them to drop nothing. We aren't doing a loot council to receive a raid drop... we are farming boars until the rare golden boar spawns only for it to drop some minor bacon.... what the normal boars drop. This is pretty messed up. It's about as bad as getting credit caches for rewards in survival.


Sums it up realy well. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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First off, it's all RNG. Whether they spawn or not is totally up to the game.



Stalker: His weapons are not suppose to be easy to get. It took me, as probably many others, to get our Despair. Ironically the last weapon I needed was Hate and I farmed the Darvo mission until I got it. If you sitll have problems with Stalker I suggest you play more with randoms as they likely have Stalker marks as well.


Harvester: His drop rate is already buffed after his release because people complained about the drop rate(go figure). He has 100% chance to drop one item and a 30% chance to drop a 2nd. If you still have problems with Harvester I suggest you farm Invasion Missions because it's likely any randoms you come across will have a Harvester mark.


Grustrag Three: As far as I'm concerned I wish they never brought the Brakk back into the game. 

Edited by (PS4)natek_morzy
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With the G3, I faced them for the first time 2 days ago while I was soloing invasion missions.  now, keep in mind I got the brakk from the gradivus dileama, and as soon as I knew they were after me, I was looking forward to some of their good mod drops.  kill them all in about 30 secs, and I am now able to build a spare brakk...........   Sometimes, being lucky sucks XD

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I just need the Hate from the Stalker(and all the Brakk parts for the G3).


I've defeated the Stalker at least 10 times in the past 2-3 weeks and he has dropped absolutely nothing.


The first two times I battled him, he dropped Dread and Despair.


Go figure.


I've also battled the G3 three times so far, no Brakk parts in sight.

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I have no idea how many runs I've done, trying to get the Brakk.

What I do know is that it's way, way more than anyone ever had to do during Gradivus.

And that's not a good thing; it's pissing me off, because there's about seven or eight different layers of RNG on this one, and those people got a damn welfare weapon AND start crying about it coming back.


Of the few G3 spawns where they actually dropped a Brakk part and I didn't suffer a game-breaking bug stopping me from collecting the drops and completing the mission (Gotta love half-closed doors and Host Migration problems), I've had two Receivers and a whopping FIVE Blueprints.


Meanwhile, I just got the parts to build a second Detron for myself, and I never farmed for the Harvester.

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There should NEVER be a chance for these rare bosses to drop nothing. Farming them is all due to RNG. It's is criminal to have finally had them appear, kill them, for them to drop nothing. We aren't doing a loot council to receive a raid drop... we are farming boars until the rare golden boar spawns only for it to drop some minor bacon.... what the normal boars drop. This is pretty messed up. It's about as bad as getting credit caches for rewards in survival.

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wait...wasn't G3 and Harvy drop 100% parts?? (1 random parts only)


Nope, at least for G3.


Each one can drop either neurodes, mods or a Brakk part. But only one can ever drop a part per kill.


Unless Nekros happens, apparently.

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I've been playing for almost 8 months now, after on and off stalker hunting (usually 8 hours straight in a day) I just got my despairs I've also managed to accrue a dozen hate, 9 dread, and enough slash dashes to supply the worlds newb Excaliburs. At this point I don't even care to use them.

Harvey was a stroke of luck for me, I got detron in two runs in a matter of hours but such is the buff already mentioned

Now the G3 have really got my goat, I've farmed them since they came out I had not seen them once in the first two weeks. I did nothing but hunt and host groups since then. I've run out of forma BP to make (had 16 prior) since not running and void or derelict missions... After 7 encounters I have countless natural talents, 3+ of each multishot, and one BP (not one part)

These chances are really affecting the fun factor I really just want to get my brakk and play the damn game

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They should put it on a bi-weekly rotating schedule.  100% drop rate on a part, 0% on the others, and which part it is rotates every 2 weeks.


Keeps it as a long-term, non-farmable goal, but removes the frustration since you can stop after you get the part on rotation, and do something else until the next part rotates around.

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They should put it on a bi-weekly rotating schedule.  100% drop rate on a part, 0% on the others, and which part it is rotates every 2 weeks.


Keeps it as a long-term, non-farmable goal, but removes the frustration since you can stop after you get the part on rotation, and do something else until the next part rotates around.

On paper that sounds pretty good, albeit forcing players to wait maybe even longer then they were planning it would create a lot of ease. For me the biggest thing will be all the memes and comics of G3 stalker and Harvey putting lotion on each other's backs on the beach lol

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when it came to the stalker it took me a long time to get despair (estimate of over 60+ kills). i got dread a lot and only received Hate once.


i got detron completed within 2 kills (got receiver from a kappa oxium farm run off someones's mark and got bp and barrel from my own mark during an invasion.


G3 i got lucky and managed to get the bp and barrel in one kill when they were released but thn i decided to go to bed and by the time i woke up DE had patched their drop rates to what they are now and it took me about another 6-8 kills before i got my receiver during a random attack during alert run on Earth.


i was lucky on drops overall but what i WASNT lucky on was the spawns. it took me many corpus map runs to get harvester to even attack me and G3 wasnt very common either.


*fun little side story* earlier yesterday a buddy and i were running an apollodorus survival to exp our helios sentinels and our frames/weapons and a 3rd fellow joined us who was also leveling a frame and some weps...about 45 seconds in g3 attacked me and what ensued was the narrowest victory against them (my 2 allies died and i managed to kill the 2 that were left with my saryn and my grinlok using molts and miasma to prevent death as my frame was only about lvl 18 so it wasnt full strength) of course we got fairly garbage drops which were a neurode, a rare 5 core and a split chamber.

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