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What Are Some Things You Never Want To See Implemented In Warframe?


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1) Revealing any of the Tenno's faces.  I still have trust issues from the Tali'Zorah incident.


2) Wings or wing-like cosmetics.  Save that crap for those fantasy MMOs with bunny-eared lolis and naked women. 


3) Direct PvP becoming anything more than it is now.  No leaderboards, no rewards (cosmetic or otherwise), just a side-gig.

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Things I don't want to see currently (but would be open to in the future once the game has expanded it's lore, tilesets and nodes):


1. More Loot Saturation

2. An increase in the required materials for clan research (Like absurd quantities of oxium needed to create Zephyr, Helios)

3. More enemy types (Until the AI improves)

4. More one trick pony warframes or warframes that have generally 1-2 applicable skills while working in groups. (Nova, Trinity, Nyx, Mag, etc) Can elaborate if asked.

5. More poor implementation of mechanics (Like... light traps :trollface:



Some things I'd want to see when the game has expanded in said ways that I opened with:


1. More ways for players to be expressive (Like more player created cosmetics, certain emotes). With emotes, not like dancing or anything silly. Things that are serious and retain the warframe feel. 

2. A team creator system. 

3. More expansive boss fights or raid boss fights. These bosses would drop tier tokens instead of loot to remove the "exclusivity" of what a raid boss normally gives. 

4. Auction house and the ability to trade any components in this game. 

5. More lore based mission types, or mission types based on the warframe you're using. Like an origin mission. 

6. A corrupted based warframe or enemy (similar to stalker, but corrupted). 

7. A past based mission or series of missions. (Like being able to relive parts of the Old War).

8. Many other things I can't think of right at the moment because tired.

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  • Revealing Tenno faces or any of the other covered up chars like the Stalker (it just breaks the mystery)
  • PvP becoming mandatory to advance through the game or to obtain items (don't mind PvP for fun though like the Conclaves currently, or Event-Leaderboards and probably indirect PvP like proposed with the upcoming Badlands if done well)
  • Animal pets like all the other friggin stock MMOs... But I guess that train has departed already. -_-
  • Random varying stats on items so you've to grind for better variants of the same item
  • The game becoming Pay 2 win

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- Any further forms of PvP. I'm not one to appreciate PvP that well, and it just doesn't really fit with Warframe's current PvE environment.
- P2W. I doubt people would want Warframe to turn into another RuneScape.
- Upgraded graphics that require gaming-grade hardware to run. I'm not affected, but I know a fair few friends who have enough trouble running the game already.
- More host migrations. Period.
- As mentioned before, a load of aesthetics similar to how TF2 has many hats. Warframe's not a dress-up simulator.
- More easier bosses. The current ones are already easy enough, and should be revamped instead to be more challenging.


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I'll go first...I never want to see over-the-top gimmicky TF2-style hats.  A few silly things are okay (candy cane scythe etc) but I never want this to go down the road of TF2.  Unless if we can get Easter Bunny Ears then I will chuck money at the screen (sarcasm, kinda).




So, what are some things you NEVER want to see implemented in hopes of keeping Warframe, Warframe?





Too late they already put them in the game here's the list:


1. Gender locked frames - should not be forced to play female frames

2. Cost of plat packs

3. Broken voice chat that doesn't even work, why even put it in if voice does not work, makes no sense

4. Last but not least Loki, most worthless frame ever

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Anything that would detract from the feel of Warframe. Examples include:


-- A crafting system that would let players make stuff to sell to other players. The trading system I don't have a problem with, but Tenno are warriors, not craftsmen and tinkerers.

-- Emotes that are overly goofy. Saluting, pointing, twirling a weapon, a fistpump, that's cool. Dancing like Tom Jones or moonwalking, not so much.

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Grind 2.0

A feature that lets you reset the entire solar system nodes, so you would have to play again/grind to complete all nodes again just for the mastery xp.

More weapons every week just to level them for mastery rank

buffs/nerfs that aren't necessary

messed up void drop table rewards

new materials that you have to grind hours for it

new bugs/glitches to break the game and kill the fun

new Prime Access Pay to Win/Pay to not grind - let rich platinum players to suffer just like us and waste time.

New enemies like: Grineer Scorpio 2.0 | Rollers 2.0 | recolored Ospreys 2.0

removal of good content

removal of balance - making factions unbalanced and all nodes messed up with the wrong factions

Grind 3.0

RNG 2.0

RNG 3.0 - that chooses an RNG pool that chooses another RNG drop table

Edited by HideorEscape
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PvP That would kill the game for me, optional or otherwise I have yet to see a non-PvP game that has not been ruined for me by the addition of PvP.


Multi-cell Raids, I have yet to see a game that improved the more you relied on other people for your own progression in a critical piece of content. Enough people are $&*^s that as the number of people directly contributing to your game experience increased the likelihood of one of them ruining your fun approaches 1.


On the flip side I _would_ like to see some Tenno-NPC under-the-mask just not _our_ Tenno.

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