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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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Perhaps I missed it but could you point me to were they said it was being released today?


Advent calenders don't have under the last box "open next week".


Since you're unfamiliar with them, advent calendars are a calender where under each box a piece of crappy candy or something is under each flap on the calender. You don't put a middle finger under the one for Christmas.

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Dont listen to the Negative talk DE! you're bringing us an amazing game. and.... ITS FTP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some have forgotten that. 


But....there have been promises made in that past that were not kept so i understand the reaction. I'm talking about cross platform and account transferring. so some feel a little uneasy about this update being another disappointment. 


But i have faith

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Sometimes people need to grow the hell up and quit acting like somebody got murdered.

Well for new or newer players that may be the case but for us veteran players who have been playing the game for over two years and have participated in the closed beta it does get kind of old sometimes. But that is to be expected I mean we have been supporting the game with our testing and money and stuff so I mean I'm not &!$$ed about it or anything but I am a little bit disappointed but it is what it is. Overall I have always been pleased with the final product and I would rather have a clean release then a buggy game breaking one they could have handled holding it back a tad better though.

Edited by Archangelzz
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Melee 2.0 isnt a normal update. It is as big of an update as a game going from alpha to beta. So please understand that de realising this so soon is actually a miracle. They work their &#! off to get it to us. You can criticise reasonably later. Right now, they need our emotional support.

Really? Melee 2.0 isn't the first of it's kind you know that? I remember when the mod tree system was still around and then got changed into the current card/slots system and they basically resetted everyone back to mercury. That would be what I would call alpha to beta. Heck, we ARE actually still in beta, and unless U13 is the actual release, this is no patch of the magnitude you speak of.

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i say take the time to work on it, but plan ahead for disaster. there are sayings across every language that are the epitome of this very situation. "dont put all your eggs in one basket" and dont count your chickens before they hatch" are the first ones to pop in my mind.


DE, i love you all, been with you since dark sector.


take the OP's words with a grain of salt, as i myself have felt as he/she does presently with false hopes and exceeding lack of communication with the player base.


megan and rebecca. you are community moderators. moderate. pass info along, interact with the player base instead of a one post to be buried in a hype thread.


we want your content, we want to test it, and report to you our findings. we want communication. we want interaction. and we get the bare minimum.


some of us, are just tired of the bare minimum.

Edited by ObviousLee
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Maybe she didn't know what to say to a "HOLY S#&$ U13 IS COMING HYPE" 'd community.


I'll have to agree with that; it feels like the backlash goes over what damage control DERebecca can do, someone higher up is going to have come in to calm the community... Now, pushing that explanation to the devstream on Friday might make the problem worse.


But damn! This really shows what pressures the developers are feeling, they're obviously trying to make it live up to the hype (multiple iterations of melee 2.0) while having no clear cut indication from us what the hype expects.

Edited by DSMK2
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DE set an expectation of weekly updates, but we need to be willing to wait for big game changing updates. If you are familiar with coding and adding content to games, then you would recognize that hicups in the patches happen, and when the Developer is pumping out new stuff every week, hicups are bound to happen.


The only thing DE needs to do is communicate with the community. I know that Wednesday updates are supposed to be a surprise but when there is a delay, it's the producers job to give people a new goal date, and to not miss the new goal. I'm totally willing to look past this, so long as the update works when it is ready. Either way, it'd take a lot more then missing their original goal deadline to make me unsatisfied, look at all the awesome stuff DE has done this year alone. They are doin really well overall, give them a break. "They're work'n on it."

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Advent calenders don't have under the last box "open next week".


Since you're unfamiliar with them, advent calendars are a calender where under each box a piece of crappy candy or something is under each flap on the calender. You don't put a middle finger under the one for Christmas.

So what you are saying is that DE did not say update 13 was today. 


Because you are definitely not saying otherwise. 

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The hype and buildup comes from within. Even the creators themselves could not change the hearts and minds of our fellow Tenno, as their minds had already been made up. They believed in something that was never really there, in the hopes that it would arrive within a time that no one ever stated.


These are the auspices of self-delusion.

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Could you imagine that the count down is an April fools joke.... that would be awesome.


But anyways if I have to wait a week before update 13 so be it, I just hope that the update turns out really good XD





P.S. I know April fools was yesterday.

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Give us something new today. I don't care what is it. I don't care if it is only one new thing.

I'm thirsty for new content since you start the hype. And now this is a huge disappointment. 

I will stay civil but DE please don't miss this chance to redeem yourself.

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Whatever the case may be, it was a horrible idea to release that website to generate EVEN MORE HYPE on top of that 150+ thread, where people were actually hoping for Update 13 this week.And they should either release these updates as they are and let us help DE test/improve them and stop leading us on, all the while giving false hope. Seriously, things like these are getting more and more common for DE and look very bad on their reputation.

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So all that hype that was apparently leading to today was, in fact, only hyping more hype? (all that for a countdown thingy) Well that's disappointing...


I hope that Archangelzz is right, if it's just something that went horribly wrong (heck, they are completely revamping the melee system, things could easily turn wrong) then hey, too bad, S#&$ happens...

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So what you are saying is that DE did not say update 13 was today. 


Because you are definitely not saying otherwise. 

Why did you just call DE stupid idiots? You're saying DE doesn't understand how advent calenders work.


I'm reporting you for insulting DE.

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Really? Melee 2.0 isn't the first of it's kind you know that? I remember when the mod tree system was still around and then got changed into the current card/slots system and they basically resetted everyone back to mercury. That would be what I would call alpha to beta. Heck, we ARE actually still in beta, and unless U13 is the actual release, this is no patch of the magnitude you speak of.

Thousands of animations and hundreds of thousands of lines of code, I expect new update to have the biggest size yet too. Man, this is more than you think. They are developing a melee system worthy of an AAA title. If warframe was beta, it will be delta or whatever respective letter it is, this changes a lot.

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Care to explain why?


BECAUSE REBECCA BASICALLY CONFIRMED THAT IT WAS INTENDED FOR TODAY. How much clearer do I have to make it. I've got no problem with you or others saying that the excessive rage is unwarranted, but stop spewing this crap that it wasn't intended for today.

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It's just an update.

And people are flipping sht just because they have to wait 7 days.


The grineer system thing was obviously being mis-interpreted... also by me... I also thought we're gonna get u13 today.

Well, we will get it next week. so what?

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