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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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I agree with this. 


DE has been massively passionate about this project of theirs, and I don't think they're out there to make themselves look bad and miss deadlines. It really isn't something anyone would want to do, especially knowing what reaction they'd get from the community. 


At any rate, disappointed though I was, at first, I stand by DE. I'll wait patiently for the Update that changes my favourite part of the game.

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Whatever the case may be, it was a horrible idea to release that website to generate EVEN MORE HYPE on top of that 150+ thread, where people were actually hoping for Update 13 this week.And they should either release these updates as they are and let us help DE test/improve them and stop leading us on, all the while giving false hope. Seriously, things like these are getting more and more common for DE and look very bad on their reputation.

It was only a mega thread because of the constant flow of little threads being merged into it. Every update would have had a similar sized mega thread if they had previously merged so often.

They have released much larger trailers which collectively would have taken much longer than the website with short animation recaps for updates. As I'm sure the actual animation team has been working on melee animations with little spare time for trailers.

I'd rather "test" mechanics without show stopping bugs which they obviously still have, to a semi stable release rather than hotfix after hotfix just to make it tolerable. Its already a open store game, the demand for quality is more so than its open beta title would have you believe.

Edited by Firetempest
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A 1 week delay doesn't come out of nowhere. They saw this happening at least a day ago, possibly more, and figured the best solution was to suprise everyone on release day.


I'm not quitting the game but you really are hurting DE by being so quick to their defense when they do something stupid. Don't you want them to improve? You're hurting them so hard.

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You know, DE never announced or anything that the Grineer Systems page was meant to count down to Update 13 releasing today. The community did. 


So it's the community's fault for making assumptions and getting excited over something that wasn't 100% sure.

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Sigh... I was expecting the release of U13 today, but alas, it was delay to next week. To be honest, like many others, I am disappointed. But I can't complain. I will actually support this. You heard me guys. I will support this delay. Why you ask? DE over the years have been inconsistent of their promises. Yes, that is true. But like they said in the stream, they do not want these major updates to have too much expectation it can't live up too. To be honest, the hype can't really get any higher. Cmon, Melee 2.0? Up to date, there are more than 10 animation set for melee weapons I believe. This takes time to animate and model. Also, there's going to be new weapons being added into the games, more modeling and animating. For example, the new Katana weapon, which is more than likely to have its own unique moveset. Talking about movesets, we also have to compensate for mods. These mods will add additional animations to each of the weapon set.


Moving on, we are most likely to get Badlands introduced as well, as hinted with the new 48 hr. Alerts.


It also takes time to get rid of obvious bugs.


All in all, this update will be huge. We will get huge contents and new gameplay. So let me ask you guys this. Would you guys rather get small, underwhelming updates full of bugs that will make the game basically broken and unplayable?(I'm not talking about Rhino Prime with Vanguard helmet, not talking about Grineer Light Trap broken, I'm talking about Broframe making Warframe literally unplayble broken, okay?) Or would you rather be given a huge update, introducing new systems into the game, obviously still ridden with bugs ( not major ones, no game or update are perfect, there's always a glitch in the system) but playable and enjoyable?


In the end, let DE take their time. When the Update is released, download it, and judge it when you actually get to play it. Only then will you be able to complain. Until then, please consider how hard DE is trying to push these update out. They listen guys. They know we want the update. Even I want the update. BUT, we will have to wait... and see what is in store for us. 


Remember Tenno... Patience is key...

We must rise above the Greedy Milks...

Ascend above those degenerate clones...

We are Tennos... Not so masters of the blade... 


But soon...

They will feel our swords though their flesh,

Our hammers crushing their skulls,

Our polearms ravaging their bones,

Our daggers in their backs...

Our Scythes tearing them in half...

We will take back what is ours...

We will create a glorious empire...

We will drive them out of our system...

We are Tennos...

Ally of all that is good.

Enemy of all that is evil.

We will bring balance to the world.

Once.. and for all...



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Nothing to with creating a game is created easily. In the world of programming it's not always possible to keep to deadlines. Has anyone stopped to consider that the team have found something which doesn't quite work with U13, or something that is actually breaking?


Just consider this.


Would you rather a complete bug filled release, or a slight delay to the update, so it fixes bugs/exploits/instabilities & DE Get a little more time to improve functionality of M2.0 and other features they wish to bring into the game?




Regardless what DE Do, there is constant QQ on the forums about the slightest thing.


Oh, This does not work! DE Please!

It's delayed, I cannot go on! It's such a disappointment that they promised & cannot deliver

Spoon feed me updates whenever I want them!


How about show some appreciation for what DE has already done for the game? Instead *@##$ing and crying about another 7 day delay which will benefit the game.

IN Defense of the community. Melee 2.0 has been delayed by mhm.. A month or two now. it was supposed to come in U12. then A week or two after U12. then 12.5 also didnt happen. they nerfed melee 2.0 already because they made it simpler than first. they took THIS much time and we get a simplified system over what we were going to get... yeah good use of time uh-huh. If they knew what they were doing they wouldnt hype and tease us this much only to throw our hype train into a 3 meter thick concrete wall... wich proceeds to be run over by a swarm of rollers.

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Lol I'm glad.


Too bad my post was deleted.


Wasn't needed because it was placed to try and add some humourous content to annoyance in the community. Either you can cry/get angry or you can just laugh and be amused.


Words to live by.  Wish more of this community thought that way.

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A 1 week delay doesn't come out of nowhere. They saw this happening at least a day ago, possibly more, and figured the best solution was to suprise everyone on release day.


I'm not quitting the game but you really are hurting DE by being so quick to their defense when they do something stupid. Don't you want them to improve? You're hurting them so hard.


You're assuming this is a trend they actually want to continue. I'm reasonably sure it isn't, even if we don't reinforce it with a major game-wide dumping.

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So, I assume your getting whiny about U13. If so, here's a question. Would you rather they rush it, and release a potentially over-buggy update, or take their time and have it be amazing? I have patience, I don't know about you.

oh look, the same response people gave week after week, when they pushed the update back WEEK AFTER WEEK. Its become months! they hinted at it in February, then said March... Guess what, its now April and their is no saying they might not just continue this ongoing cycle of pushbacks.

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I think OP is half right.

- They can delay the update as much as needed, after all it is their game, but they did messed up with the misscalculation of time, they have to take in account these kind of last minute problems, before they start a hype, and they also have to answer clearly if they want to be respected. It is obvious that a lot of people is going to get mad. The main problem is that DE have had this problem before, so it bother some people a lot. Personally i feel sad but only because they dod not answered the right way, the community in this very moment are fighting to win a poll, we love the game and the DEvs lol,  i think we deserved a better response and answer form the one that was handed to us.

Edited by Hayzemet
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yu dont get it we are mad cause we love wf


and maybe that countdown.. is like a backstab if not april fool



but we love WF for sure no doubt



btw are we still winning the poll thingy?

Edited by Tsoe
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I feel this is going to be a breaking point in the way DE show us new content. I think with all the rage that is coming out they will be more cautious about showing new content to prevent the hype going crazy, and as a result we have lost much as players, all because of people who can't wait for another week.

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Nothing to with creating a game is created easily. In the world of programming it's not always possible to keep to deadlines. Has anyone stopped to consider that the team have found something which doesn't quite work with U13, or something that is actually breaking?


Just consider this.


Would you rather a complete bug filled release, or a slight delay to the update, so it fixes bugs/exploits/instabilities & DE Get a little more time to improve functionality of M2.0 and other features they wish to bring into the game?




Regardless what DE Do, there is constant QQ on the forums about the slightest thing.


Oh, This does not work! DE Please!

It's delayed, I cannot go on! It's such a disappointment that they promised & cannot deliver

Spoon feed me updates whenever I want them!


How about show some appreciation for what DE has already done for the game? Instead *@##$ing and crying about another 7 day delay which will benefit the game.

i showed my appreciation by spending a large sum of money, close to a grand actually, on this game. MY problem, is the complete lack of communication between testers, and developers.

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