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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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Alrighty so first off i would like to say hello to my community members!


Second, i would like to start off saying that i do not want any huge negativity or raging in this thread it'll only prove my point.




Now to the main topic, Update 13.


Why are people mad right now? because melee 2.0 was to be implemented in update 13 but was held back to this week and now it is being held back even more.

Did you stop to think why they held it back? No, i understand that most of you right now are in a state of anger and need to vent it out by complaining to DE or about DE. Let me stop you right there.





DE is not to blame right now, its the community.


Before you go all world on fire on my but at least hear me out, i think you'll understand in the end.


      The reason why this update was held back again was because of the reason it was held back the first time. 

The Hype did not equal the product being delivered.

With over 2,700 posts on the anticipation UBERTHREAD, days before the update was scheduled to be released, the hype just simply is too much for what DE believes they are offering.



       Another reason that the community is responsible for this is because of our demands, mind you, not even requests anymore. The community for several months, if not the entire game life, have been asking for end game content. But recently with the devstreams talking more and more about the focus system, the badlands, and endgame overall; people have been demanding for this content again i emphasize the community isn't requesting anymore they are demanding.


        For this alone i have to say shame on you community as you are neglecting the kindness of these Developers and milking them for all they are worth. Warframe is a game that the developers created FOR THE COMMUNITY, and progresses and develops by the decisions OF THE COMMUNITY.


        But time and time again we see that people, if not the majority of the community, abuse this power by demanding more from the developers, scrutinizing any new content that they experiment with (remember the grineer lights?), and most just say that they are veterans of the game and threaten to leave the game all together if nothing is done about their needs and wants. 



Now lets turn our attention to [DE] and see why they delayed Update 13


        One topic is the main cause, End Game. Like i mentioned in the previous reason, the community has been demanding the release of end game content ever since the mentioning of the focus system and the badlands a few DevStreams ago. Now with the huge amount of hype that was created by the potential release of Update 13 today they feel as thought they can do more to make the product live up to the hype.


        The solution they see is to add the Endgame content with the next update. that way the overwhelming demands of the community can be quelled for at least the mean time. Because lets be honest the community of warframe is only kind to its Developers when they are paid with updates.





In Summary (for those who don't want to read)


Update 13 was delayed due to the following


-  Product would not live up to hype

      - so [DE] decided to add extra stuff, including endgame material to live up to the hype



     So do not treat this delay as just another failure of [DE], which it isn't at all, this is an update that needs to live up to the hype so they are going to make it big by including the mother of all content.




That alone should be enough to silence the raging hearts of the mindless, heartless, selfish, brutes that call themselves tenno.



My final thoughts and regards to the part of the community that harasses [DE]


-  I want you to look deep into your soul, and now i want you to REALLY look at what [DE] has done for this game, and how fast they deliver these amazing amounts of content.


NOW i want you to go to other games and compare how long it takes for them to release an update, as in ONE UPDATE. Have you compared? Now that you have seen that NOT A F$$$ING SINGLE ONE OF THOSE OTHER MONEY GREEDY AS*HO**S GIVE A FLYING RUK ABOUT THE GAMERS AS MUCH AS DIGITAL EXTREMES DOES!


You people are disgraceful if ever a word was to be branded on your head. Just disgraceful. I for one thank [DE] every single update via messaging [DE]Rebecca to tell her to give my best to all of them working there that they are doing an amazing job - no - ASTOUNDING JOB at developing this game. And almost everyday i defend their honor in the threads against people that only spit hate and demands to this group of F&&KING SAINTS!


To the lighter side of the community (aka the non-haters)


To the people who are of the good side of the community, i know you are also in this distress about the delay but yet again i implore you to exercise patience with Digital Extremes as they have done so much already and amazed us every-single-time with their work and content. I would like you to support me in saying that this delay is well needed not only to teach those who are ungrateful for DE's work, but also giving them time to rest up and work on the end game content. 


To [DE]...


I hope to god i never see you falter at the hands of the darker side of this community, all of you should be commended for working outside the normality of the world. 

You aspire to create a game with help from the community to steer you in the right track. and you even have fun discussing and communicating with us, something you would never find in any other games. other games have underpaid support callers for that. but no, we get to talk to the main developers, an opportunity so rare as developers of other games have egos that rise above the clouds.


I thank you for all your work and would like to say you have one member of this community who is patient for the next content and as well as contempt with what you have given us now.  (^__^)/



Back to the community


Who else has the patience for an update that will change warframe's gameplay as we know it?


Which members of this community can look past the greed and appreciate that which [DE] has already delivered?


I would like to know that i am not alone in this. Prove me wrong that this community isn't completely enveloped in greed. PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG.




Edited by DeathMavrik
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before posting a negative reaction to the current kerfuffle.


Before you post. ask yourself "would I really sit across from these people working on this game and tell them what I've written here on this forum to their faces?"


if the answer is no. delete your post.


if the answer is no and you don't delete your post. Know that you're a coward. honestly, the nicest way I can put it.


if the answer is yes... Well then... i don't know what to say. you obviously feel wronged. your statement must have merit.


go forth and post.


then ask.


You may want to ask yourself why you let a "game" something thousands of people play for relaxation and fun. make me feel the exact opposite.


if posting hate on forums is relaxing and fun... ya... you've won.

You said "kerfuffle" my day has been made. All is forgiven DE. You have the Villain of Saints to thank! LoL

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Would you tell someone the same thing four times?

I lold


But yes I would... sometimes.




You may want to ask yourself why you let a "game" something thousands of people play for relaxation and fun. make me feel the exact opposite.


Don't know ask DE instead.

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Well tbh that website really overhyped the whole thing.

I myself am disappointed that it is not out today, but I am excited now that badlands is confirmed:D. Also yeah I'd rather them take another week on it, sort out what needs to be sorted out add features remove problems etc. then pass it to QA testers to make sure we get quality stuff. A problem is that the game is so huge that the smallest change causes weird bugs. So major implements are really no small matter.

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i was dissapointed too, but hey... It's better to wait a little bit more until it's u13 is polished... there's a lot of new stuff in there!


hopefully melee 2.0 wasnt supose to come along up12

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The Warframe community has quite a bit of drama queens.

When WF was first opening up last year, the big issue were the founder packs, then it turned into not enough content, then it turned into too much content, then it was too easy to get credits, then the tilesets were boring, then it was too easy to get frames, next it was RNG being unfair, then it we "needed" clan items, then clan tech takes too long, prime access is unfair, they're taking away helmet stats, proto-skin is a ripoff, blahblahblahblahblahblahblah....

Now it's this. One thing after another, no matter the importance, value, or ridiculousness, the community starts an uproar.

Honestly, this game's been around for over a year, and I've enjoyed it quite a bit along the way.
This isn't the first hiccup, nor will it be the last.

Sure, I've been let down by somethings; who hasn't?

But the pure whiny-ness of this community over the past year is seriously making me worry for the future of DE as well as Warframe.



Edited by Cepmosod
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