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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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I find this quite amusing.


Complaining because DE decied to finally hold back an update that isnt ready (obviously learning from their past mistakes), and a lot of people complain.  Though the same lot of you would complain if it was buggy when they did release it.


Honestly if any of you can show where DE has said it would be released today.  All I've seen about u13's release is player assumptions as to when it would be.


Software updates are a fluid beast, it is like trying to put togeather a 1000 piece puzzle with a vague picture, and most of the pieces the same shape.


DE wants us to play with their new toys as much as we want to play with them, but no one wants new broken toys, or the new toys when the old ones are broken in the process.


Personally I appreciate DE taking the time to make sure it's right and not just 'good enough', there has been far too much 'good enough' in the past.  DE I'm happy to wait for it to be right, so keep up the good work.

Edited by Loswaith
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No players, no game.

No game, no players.

It's a give and receive. We give our time to DE and we expect to be given reliable service and stay updated if nothing else. It's not entitlement, stop using that as an excuse or case for arguing because I don't think many understand what that word means. It's just as bad to use the word "entitlement" to allow devs to get lazy as it is to try and shut down players who would like quality service out of a game they dedicate time to.

DE has never been good at communicating, that much is a fact and that's just what we players have to get used to. 

I agree 100% but the white knights will not allow this to be, and look what happens to threads with constructive criticism on DE's PR policies.

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Well Update 13 was going to be today, so why would you need a reinforcements?

when did i say i need reinforcements? i just wanted some pretty syandana or a cool looking new helmet, or maybe a cute flying pet sentinel, what need are you talking about my good sir? 

Edited by Orbister
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Honestly, I'd rather have DE make us wait a week. 7 days. 7 days and everyone freaks out. Okay, I could understand a freak out if they said, "Sorry, not today. It will be out in another 2-4 months," but it's not that. It's 7 days, that's it. I would much rather have them fix it, polish it and then get it out.


The alternative would be like slapping together a bad burger because a customer was angered it didn't get to them in a minute. "Yeah let's just slap a patty between two buns and a chunk of lettuce." No, it doesn't work like that. Okay, there's a delay, but really? 7 days and everyone freaks out hardcore?

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Also, the upcoming DevStream #26, was it? or 27? Will be a preview for the U13 which covers basically pretty much everything (now sure about Melee 2.0) but the water frame and the new shipyard tileset would be featured as well. So ya, for now I'm just looking forward to that.

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I'd just like to know the reason for the delay. Bug? Design change? Bad time estimation? Loss of manpower?


Whichever it is, I won't hold it against them (especially the first and last of the four).  I'd just like to know which it is.

             ***development meeting***

"well, we need to get this update out and keep the players happy"


              ***uproarious laughter around the table***


"wait...before we release it, my team has come up with a few new, glorius bugs we need to throw into it."

"ok...we'll hold off on it then. throw them a couple new alerts to get their minds of it...they won't mind"

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The entitlement here is crazy...


Has no one ever played an MMO before? Weekly updates, even small ones that add a weapon or some vanity item are extremely frequent in terms of online gaming and to have to wait ONE WHOLE WEEK for an update is understandable. The game will go on and while I know that people are excited over what is to come you have to be able to take disappointment in life and throwing a rage filled tantrum online about how DE is taking advantage of you while the game is F2P is beyond ridiculous. Take a step back and get some perspective people.

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I think it's the fact that melee 2.0 kept getting delayed. Combine with the grineersystems page, which obviously led to a release this week, and you get massive hype.


Long awaited rework (melee 2.0) + most work put into build up (grineersystems) = massive hype.

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I believe that rage stems from everyone believing the update would be tonight. It was the "clues" in the Grineer systems that pointed to tonight. The rage will slowly evaporate into skepticism. It is just a matter of time. 

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I admit I was slightly disappointed, but I know that DE are polishing the update for us, so its fine :)

Better to have a less buggy update than to release it haphazardly with game-breaking bugs.

From my perspective, the Rage Truck was inevitable, whether they released it or not. So they chose to delay it, to polish up more stuff!

I still have faith! Go DE!

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My guess is that U13 was originally planned to release today, but DE's QA team caught bugs or thought that it still needed some more revising, or that not every little thing was just the way DE wanted it. 


This extra week is probably all hands on deck to make sure it's the biggest, most polished update to be released. Like... Update 6 or 7 big.

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One thing to remember, loudest not necessarily equal to majority.

Personally, I think the updates/major changes are quite timely already. And I don't really consider myself a particularly patient individual.

Let the dev take as much time as they think is necessarily (balanced between having a more solid release vs having people tired of waiting drifting away).

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As a community, we've grown incredibly entitled due to weekly content patches and updates. I mean, sure it's nice to get new stuff every week... but it sets up a dangerous trend in which we, the community become spoiled.

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