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Coming Soon: Devstream #26


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Hello DE!


1) What will this new Warframe be called, and what role will he/she play alongside other Warframes, offensively, defensively, or simply as a support? What can we hope to see with future Frames as well?

2) I remember in a past Devstream that there may be something along the lines of a quest system, and that said do we expect more NPC like characters to whom we will interact with?If i'm incorrect, will there be such a system?


3)With the realease of music teasers. How diverse will the music become, and under what circumstances will they change or transition from track to track. 


 Not so much a question, just keep up the good work! You never fail to deliver, no matter how long it takes!

Edited by TheFrostWolf
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Will the new water themed Warframe be clan-tech? It is perfectly reasonable to wait 3 and a half days before playing a warframe, but myself and several other players I have spoken with about this agree that having to wait 6 days before we can even start crafting our warframe is on the ridiculous side of the timewall.

Considering how many dwarf planets, asteroids, and moons we have in our Solar System compared to what you have added into the game, will we be seeing some of these in future updates to add more nodes?

While I'm certain you have heard this many times, what exactly caused Update 13 to be delayed?

After we get finally get Melee 2.0, what is the next "2.0" we can expect you to be working on?


Why are Helmets being phased out rather than being given a special mod slot? Helmets being given a mod slot that functions much like how the Aura slot does has proved multiple times to be a very popular idea on the forums that would probably not be that hard to implement, so why are stat helmets being phased out instead, with newer players having no chance of obtaining them?

Also, with us having access to both a lever action rifle and lever action pistol, can we expect a lever action shotgun in a future update?

Edited by BizarreFetalChimpanzee
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This is not a rage thread, so please leave it at the door.



In light of today's events, many are displeased with what has happened, what hasn't, and how the situation was handled. That's not what I want this thread to be about either. What happened has happened and that's the way it is. 


Such that, I've come to the conclusion that perhaps it is not in DE's best interest to host the developer livestream this Friday. Hear me out.


Please read this very carefully as my goal is not to contest any of the information put out today. Rather, based on this information, steps should be made in the concurrent direction that the decisions were made originally.


We were told there would be no update whatsoever today, I am not contesting this. We were told the reason for this was because all effort and resources must be allocated to address the issue that prevented U13 from going out. Alright. This is a perfectly acceptable reason that I understand wholeheartedly. Thus, I believe if DE truly wishes to devote all the man power and time they wish to meet the projected released of U13 next week that we should not pull four vital staff members from their desks for even an hour just to address us. 


Next, there is the matter of what the livestream will entail. "live-playthrough and commentary preview" I do not see this as ideal. Many people, myself included, were understandably disheartened by the hype and thus delay. We will recover, but I see this live-playthrough of a batch of content as another ploy of hype. I know this is not meant to be harmful in anyway to us, but think about the consequences of another crash if there were unfortunate circumstances that delayed the update further. This would be the second time people would have felt they'd had content waved in front of them only to be pulled away. The chances of this are probably slim - but after what we have seen today, is it worth the risk?


So with all that in mind, I ask that DE please consider cancelling the devstream in order to focus on the update and prevent another unstable wave of hype. 

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for a TL:DR version:



DE offers cheesecake, and tells us about how deliciously awesome it will taste

We work ourselves up over the cheesecake

DE tells us the cheesecake is here

Much Excite. Wow. Can Not calm.

DE says we cant have cheesecake for another week.

Much Rage.

DE eats cheesecake in front of us on friday.


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They need to address the community and say what happened and hear feedback. The livestreams are the reasons I put up with the occasional hiccups, because I know that the people who are responsible care. I would not have stuck with this game for very long if DE didn't communicate to us through the livestreams.


Do you think the rage is real now? Imagine if we didn't know that we'd get an explanation for why this happened.

Edited by immolator1001
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The devstreams don't shut down all work throughout DE, they just pick a few key personnel to discuss work on the game for about an hour.  The disruption to their efforts to fix whatever prevented today's release won't be too great.  I have a little bit of reservation about showing off the content and its potential to cause some strife, but the opportunity to explain what went wrong, and rebuild some confidence with the playerbase can't really be ignored.

In all, DE shouldn't let this unforeseen speed bump prevent them from continuing forward and beginning to mend the fences that were damaged in the Hype Train crash earlier today.

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DE offers cheesecake, and tells us about how deliciously awesome it will taste

We work ourselves up over the cheesecake

DE tells us the cheesecake is here

Much Excite. Wow. Can Not calm.

DE says we cant have cheesecake for another week.

Much Rage.

DE eats cheesecake in front of us on friday.


This. The stream just needs:


- Apology for handling this hyping proccess poorly.

- Telling us what went wrong.

- Laughs.

- Discussion.


Stop hyping U13. Hype blew up. Show us the human side of it and that they are feeling how it sucks to not meet expectations. This livestream seems like a way of saying "Yeah, it got delayed, sorry, but look at all the cool things you can throw your money at!"


Even if that's not the objective, it feels...off...

Edited by sedu13
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I see where you are coming from, but you have to realize that not everyone views the delay in the same light that you do. I don't agree that tail tucking is a proper response. Wouldn't that feel more like avoiding the playerbase than actually addressing player concerns? If anything, having a stream may be MORE important than ever.


Personally, I'm going to wait till the livestream and see how they manage the issue.

Edited by Hyperius
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We shouldnt have to wait for a Devstream on Friday. If DE really values it's customers so much, then why has the DE Staff not realeased an explanation today for what went wrong ?


It's the same S#&$ they have been spinning around whenever things went wrong like this : "S#&$ happens. See what you can play with next patch on this Friday's Devstream ! Look at these cool new features !" See you next Wednesday ! Oh, and here's a Forma and a potato to keep you occupied till then !"


Edit : this means that they will have a working build, or at least some weapons and parts of a working build ready by Friday. So why can't they give us those things till Wednesday instead ?

Edited by Deathstroke2000
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Now I know what you're trying to convey, but I honestly think its better if they still go ahead with the Devstream. It should serve as a good way to give answers to those in the community that want to know what's keeping back the update. It would also speak volumes of the people over at DE and how much they care about their players if they would just explain what went wrong with a good and sincere answer. Sometimes problems like these should be addressed right away and not kept under wraps for the better of the community as a whole. Just my two cents in this whole messed up fiasco.

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Well, not everyone got very hyped up and ya know, there do work overtime as well and they can easily make up for the hour or more spent on this livestream and humans can bounce back from any future set back. people need to learn to stop getting involved in idiotic hype threead. Thie mixed feelings is due to such hype crap getting others so hyped up.


The Tenno need to do their part and lower their expectations. this devstream is also good for focusing on questions about the update and may raise important questions and perhaps more idea.


in the end, humans need to stopped getting all worked up and hyped up so much so and avoid posting idiotic hype pics and lower their expectations and expect delays especially when this 2.0 has been getting delayed so often and remember that there are always game breaking bugs.


If everyone would follow this example and avoid or even dete hype threads than perhaps the hype would plummet, yet still exists and hearts won't be crushed.


In the end, it is as much the players fault as it is the dev team unless they give a hint than it is all them.

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As much as I'm sure DE means well by hosting a livestream showcasing the new content, but honestly, it's a bad move on their part. A lot of people who don't normally follow week-by-week updates caught swept up in the hype-tanic that was this past week, only to be bummed when it hit the iceberg. Many are/were furious at having to wait an additional seven days in order to get to the new content, much of which was/is completely unknown to the community, such as the crossbow/harpoon/?, the water frame, etc. For DE to have a livestream showing off new content on friday, it sends a subconscious message of "Look at all this AMAZING content that you should be exploring for yourselves two days ago!" Even if this is unintentional, some will view it this way.
That said, there's really not a whole lot that DE can sit and talk about for an hour right now outside of U13.

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So apparently my thread got merged. Sorry for trying to have a calm and collected conversation outside of somewhere it'll get buried and forgotten. I'll be sure to be more careful next time.

Yes, any sort of criticism of DE, no matter how constructive is not allowed in here.

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I kind of came in on the tail end of this conversation but what I gather is people would rather there was no livestream on friday, which I think is just the rage talking. IMHO I think they should continue with the livestream, but at the same time I believe it would be social suicide to showcase what should have been given on Wednesday.   What should be given besides a obvious apology, is a full explanation, sans any levity, of what happened. With that being said here is my question for Friday.


Question-Was Grineer.com activated without fully testing that U13 was ready to go? 

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Wow, playing the content in a live stream that we should have been playing f*cking today.


Way to rub it in our faces DE.

They couldn't meet the deadline, so they are trying to compensate by showing us some early previews of what to expect while polishing it up for release.

They are putting in effort on their side, so the least you could do is NOT spew hate all over the place.

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Alright, you overhauled melee, what's the next X.0? Stealth 1.0? Clans 3.0? PvP 2.0? Endgame 1.0?


Can we talk about moving ability mods to the market? It seems like a pretty widely accepted dilution solution, on the forums at least.

What will badlands missions have to offer for players who already have everything? I don't need more rare resources, I have every mod, so what's going in there that will really incentivize playing those missions? Will there be badlands exclusive mods?


When can veteran players expect to see content which will really challenge them? I mean stuff that is so hard that people can't figure out how to beat it for a few weeks. People will complain on the forums and you guys don't adjust the difficulty of it because it's supposed to be insanely hard. That kind of challenge. Is that ever going to happen? I am talking Warframe if it was Ninja Gaiden, where not doing a backflip or blocking at the right moment means you're dead. Falling down a cliff kills you instead of gently replacing you where you were. Enemies gib you instead of downing you. Really lethal environments that destroy you if you're not vigilant. Enemies that seem impossible to defeat until you learn exactly how they behave, and at that point they only become extremely challenging. Really hard gritty levels that get our adrenaline going... Will it ever happen? (Chances of Rebecca reciting all of this, 0%)

Edited by VegetableBasket
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Serious question here.


DE, when will U13 come out? And by come out, I mean really come out? Either give us a set date and follow through with it, or tell us when it is really ready.



They couldn't meet the deadline, so they are trying to compensate by showing us some early previews of what to expect while polishing it up for release.

They are putting in effort on their side, so the least you could do is NOT spew hate all over the place.

Personally, if they need as much as a week to complete U13 for release, I wish they would cancel the stream this week. Obviously they need as much man power as they can get.


Also, I'm not watching the stream this week, it's usually just filled with distractions and the devs not talking about the questions anyway. There'll be a lot of concept art, side conversations and they might bribe us by giving out more than plat three times.


I also have a feeling that U13 isn't coming out next week either, it's already been delayed 2-3 times, might as well delay it another month and make it into U13 v2.

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We shouldnt have to wait for a Devstream on Friday. If DE really values it's customers so much, then why has the DE Staff not realeased an explanation today for what went wrong ?


It's the same S#&$ they have been spinning around whenever things went wrong like this : "S#&$ happens. See what you can play with next patch on this Friday's Devstream ! Look at these cool new features !" See you next Wednesday ! Oh, and here's a Forma and a potato to keep you occupied till then !"


Edit : this means that they will have a working build, or at least some weapons and parts of a working build ready by Friday. So why can't they give us those things till Wednesday instead ?



complain AFTER you watch the stream not before. shouldnt you be grinding?

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I'm concerned about the Badlands. I'm in a small clan because I like to play/socialize with my friends, not strangers. It seems like the Badlands will make small clans choose between forming alliances, requiring you to play politics with random people on the internet (How could that go wrong?), being exploited by larger guilds or just avoiding the Badlands altogether. Normally I wouldn't have a problem with the third option, but you've expressed that the Badlands are going to have higher difficulty, something I've wanted for a while, as well as a better drop chance for rare mods, some of which take considerable grinding. This is not a fun choice. Are you going to provide any other options for those of us who don't find EVE-style games fun?

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