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Mmobomb.com F2P Final Showdown Megathread (Victory & Never Forget Edition)


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LET me clear something .. If WE lose or WE win .. i will Still LOVE this game .. No matter what ! and i will Still love ALL the DE !! they did more then i expected , they are cool ! , they try to keep us updated with streams , WE here to have fun not to win a war .. and stop crying about that silly POLL!!

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people keep saying to put a link in game,,,,,there is one, in the news section right in the left upper corner of the screen. you click it, it goes right to the voting. if you're in steam it pulls up a browser in the overlay, if you have that enabled.


I didn't start actually paying attention to that section until I joined the forums. I'd wager that a large portion of the community does not pay it any mind either. The inbox messages pop right up in your face so the likelihood of someone not noticing it upon login is slim to none.

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LET me clear something .. If WE lose or WE win .. i will Still LOVE this game .. No matter what ! and i will Still love ALL the DE !! they did more then i expected , they are cool ! , they try to keep us updated with streams , WE here to have fun not to win a war .. and stop crying about that silly POLL!!


This guy right here. <points up>


If we win, awesome. We win at the internetz. If we lose, we got second place. The company that makes this game I love got second place, out of sixty-four other pretty awesome games, and that's pretty good. Hell, I didn't know anything about it until I saw this giant thread in general. So, good luck to the winner, and let's all be chill and have some good fun slaughtering the greedy milk.



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True, but that is not enough... Most players don't even read that news corner.

Smite took this poll finals very seriously, they are advertising heavily on social media, and their secret weapon is this:




Yeesh, they highlighted it in blue and everything. We can't really fight against that.


Either way, there's no reason to be upset everyone. We did an epic job. For a game that's only been in open beta for a year, we smashed many well established faces -without- DE's help at all, and only a quick boost right at the end from them when it came to Mabinogi.


Be proud guys. Win or lose, we Tenno have shown our might. Even with DE not focusing directly on the event (They have far better things to do at the moment), we, as a community, rallied together. I have absolutely, positively no doubt in my mind that if that link wasn't in Smite's launcher, we would have won a long time ago simply from our community working together, without the help of DE.


Again, be proud friends. And don't give up just yet.

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We will soon be entering the final 12 hours.


When we fought Mabinogi, it was within the final 12 that we struck back with over 15,000 votes.


I have my fingers crossed that DE might have something in store come Monday morning.





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Gonna be cutting it close timezone wise, though. I'm terrible at conversion but i believe it ends for them at 4pm so while they'll have time to stick something in, Most of the US will likely be working when the poll ends. That said, lets make it happen and pull it back once again.

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We will soon be entering the final 12 hours.


When we fought Mabinogi, it was within the final 12 that we struck back with over 15,000 votes.


I have my fingers crossed that DE might have something in store come Monday morning.







Show them all the Power of the Tenno!


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Why aren't our millions of players voting? ;_;


they got bored of grind..........and playing other games waiting for melee 2.0.....


i bet majority of it dont even know abbout this.......

Edited by Zoliru
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Why aren't our millions of players voting? ;_;

Many of them don't speak English or use social media.


We really needed something in the launcher, or an in-game mail that was guaranteed to pop up for all of the players rather than the tiny, inconspicuous news item in the top left.


I fear our window may be closing fast to notify players with the launcher and in game inbox... Not many people tend to play on Weekday mornings.


But... perhaps... when people are at work and are browsing the internet they may happen across a tweet or facebook post they may have otherwise missed. After all it was Wednesday morning when we struck back against Mabinogi and amassed nearly 15k votes in the final hours of the poll.

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they got bored of grind..........and playing other games waiting for melee 2.0.....


i bet majority of it dont even know abbout this.......

Gawddammit. I bet it would help a huge deal if players received a message from Lotus in their inbox about this. And their emails maybe but that might be pushing it.

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Many of them don't speak English or use social media.


We really needed something in the launcher, or an in-game mail that was guaranteed to pop up for all of the players rather than the tiny, inconspicuous news item in the top left.


I fear our window may be closing fast to notify players with the launcher and in game inbox... Not many people tend to play on Weekday mornings.


But... perhaps... when people are at work and are browsing the internet they may happen across a tweet or facebook post they may have otherwise missed. After all it was Wednesday morning when we struck back against Mabinogi and amassed nearly 15k votes in the final hours of the poll.

Oh yes. I was there and it was simply amazing *_*

Whats the most spoken language next to English? Russian? Lol

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