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Highest Dps/best Shotgun?


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Ehh... slashing is alright for some (corpus and infested) and less than ideal for others (grineer and corrupted), but elemental damage is where the bulk of damage is located (for me its around 80%). 

So while 20% of your damage to that napalm may be reduced to 50% effectiveness, it really doesn't matter when the other 80% damage gets a 75% damage buff (if using radiation).

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The thing hits like a truck full of lead. It will mess up anything you shoot it at.

The Two-shot firing thing takes a bit of getting used to, but learn it and it will wreck everything.

Corrosive/ice on a slash weapon is also an amazing combo.

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Physical Spreads mean nothing, just Physical Total. all Physical Damage exists for is to boost your Elementals.


BoarP cannot be touched for BurstDPS though, due to it's asinine RoF. it's potential Damage, though.



i'd still much rather use other Shotguns though. Sobek, Drakgoon, and SWraith once in a while if i'm feeling lazy.

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The Brakk. Obviously.


Though if you want a high-DPS primary shotgun thats not the Phage, then Boar Prime is the only way to go.


Good luck finding Shotgun Spazz.

You're better off with just using accelerated blast. i tried Shotgun Spazz and it kicks like a horse and when it starts to recoil up the pellet count drops to 2- 3 pellets (i dunno if this is a bug). Also, accelerated blast has puncture damage as well and uses the same mod capacity as shot spazz at max rank. that +60% firerate will do wonders for your boar prime, +90% IMO  is just wasting a ton of lead on the walls rather than on the enemy.


If you combine accelerate blast and shot spazz you'll get this soma hybrid shotgun that peppers anything to powder but you have to aim at your feet because of that damn kick.

Edited by H.Katsura_999
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I've always loved the Hek...


It seems I'm alone, though.

LOL you're not alone. DPS for me isn't everything to a weapon and the hek is my fav shotgun until i got the Boar Pr.


The Hek has some Sweeeeet shotgun music to it.


Edited by H.Katsura_999
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