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Idea To Rework Ash


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as you might figure from the subject i have a few ideas that would help out the frame that is ash. just a couple of things first is the biggest problem is his ult although its one of the coolest ults interns of how it works it takes me out of the game too much i have to sit there and wait for it to finish before i can say rez a buddy or get to an objective and it takes away from his fun

to fix this i thought of a (i say easy) easy fix instead of him jumping around target to target have him make use of his name ASH and change blade storm to Ash Storm have it have the same or close to the same animation of smoke bomb but he spawns an ash clone not solid like the powder ash sorta like shadow clones and have it do ash's ult for him but much faster(not the player so having the clone move faster without the game breaking should be easier). the idea is to reduces the time out of the game and to still do that cool ninja'esk feel and full maxed out Ash Storm gives you a second clone to work with so you have 2 going at once(cant hit the same targets while both are out). the damage can stay the same for the most part but it needs to scale better with the melee weapons equipped so high crit melee more crits in ult have elemental have ult do elemental damage.



P.S. GET RID OF SHURIKEN ITS USELESS!!! (couldn't think of a replacement why not just make it a seppuku were your "pet" kills you and the mission just ends.)(p.s. this p.s. is troll cause i couldn't think of an replacement for shuiken but it needs to go)


P.S.S. teleport and smoke bomb are fine.

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I think that Blade Storm should consist of Ash and two clones performing the exact same animation on the same number of (total) enemies for the same amount of (total) damage that it does right now. A fire-and-forget wouldn't really suit Ash; he's more of a get-right-up-in-your-face class.


Basically, just tripling Blade Storm's speed and tripling the badassery per second, without having to alter anything about the animations themselves.

Edited by SortaRandom
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I think they did fine making his ult build up combos for the melee damage multiplier.

Now they just need to fix the ult to actually increases its damage from the multiplier, because right now it is bugged.

Smoke bomb should stealth allies in range, making it a bit more viable.

Shuriken should have a bomb attached to it or something to at least knockdown.

Teleport I'm not sure how to buff honestly.

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What shuriken needs is melee combo compatibility, it needs to ignore armor and have knockback.

What Bladestorm needs is not to pre-mark targets but also attack targets that subsequently enter the range, also animation should be at least 0.5sec faster per kill.

What Shuriken and Bladestorm both need is critical chance of 20% 

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So you suggest ash having 3 abilities... Honestly how does that sound ok to you? Making his ult a buffed version of his second ability, im not a fan of blade storm but it is a good skill to recharge shields when needed, not only damage, and shurikans are all right, and honestly they are more of an ult then blade storm almost, for someone like you who doesn't have patience, if it didn't get nerfed it does 2000 damage total, 1k each shurikan, which can scale greatly.

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I think that Blade Storm should consist of Ash and two clones performing the exact same animation on the same number of (total) enemies for the same amount of (total) damage that it does right now. A fire-and-forget wouldn't really suit Ash; he's more of a get-right-up-in-your-face class.


Basically, just tripling Blade Storm's speed and tripling the badassery per second, without having to alter anything about the animations themselves.

It'd be cool if Blade Storm was instantaneous. Ash creates x amount of clones for x amount of enemies and they all get hit at once.

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Teleport has no need to be buffed other than MAYBE a faster activation time or better range. It goes well with the new combo system. Enemies to far? Hit count about to disappear? Teleport to their faces and pick up the pace. It's lovely, really.

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the buff should be like.


1. shuriken will deal a sure bleed proc

2. smoke screen is aoe making team invis aswell

3. teleport is free aim

4. bladestorm marked targets are in fear (like nekros terrify)



we all can dream

shh...it wont come true.

Edited by Ritchel
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It'd be cool if Blade Storm was instantaneous. Ash creates x amount of clones for x amount of enemies and they all get hit at once.


That seems over-the-top and lag-inducing. Also, way too fast for an ability that was designed to be slow but lethal, and way, way too fast to be aesthetically pleasing to the viewer.

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Unless something has changed since the last time I talked about Ash (and it HAS been awhile). Assume that I am talking about optimized values of power efficiency and damage. 

Generally, the issue with Bladestorm is that it has a long casting animation and very high power. This is bad in lower level maps where things are very easily killed and Warframes who have large radius damage abilities will usually be preferred (Nova, Rhino, etc). The more difficult content becomes the better Ash performs as things like Molecular Prime and Rhino Stomp begin to fall off in effectiveness: MPrime is more difficult to get set up as enemies do not die nearly as quickly, and Rhino Stomp requires that every enemy it hits to stop floating before it can be recast. Meanwhile Bladestorm flexes the massive amount of damage it can do while placing Ash in relative safety against an increasingly powerful threat. 

So while Ash may appear to be lackluster in lower to mid-level maps, he becomes a lot more effective in higher level maps as there isn't quite so much "overkill" going on.

For lower level maps it was a better idea to stick to Shuriken as you could spam it to take down small clusters of enemies extremely quickly, but with the new aftercast it gained that no longer appears to be the case and I don't know that I really recommend it anymore. 

What I *do* recommend, however, is that everyone who plays Ash embrace your Melee 2.0 god, Smokescreen. With the revised melee system and 400% damage bonus from invisibility Ash finally plays as advertised; an invisible blade of death that turns everything it comes in contact with into a fine red mist. I've actually dropped my Bladestorm build (and all of those fancy mods I worked so hard to get) in favor of a pretty subpar smokescreen build and the results have been absolutely fantastic. Add in Life Strike and you are pretty tanky on top of it all. Teleport is also very useful with Smokescreen for getting around the map quickly now that you can no longer pop Bladestorm for a quick long-range kill, although it isn't really necessary. 

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I personally forma'd my Ash to accomodate for just Smoke Bomb and teleport and place mods in all the other slots.... it was painful but necesarry, 5-6 forma's >.<


Bladestorm is "fun" to watch but I've had too many times where it just made me lose mobile defence missions.

Shuriken doesn't scale at all into late-game and is just worthless once you go beyond a certain level.

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Blade Storms Animation is awesome, no need to change it. Its a big part of Ash's uniqueness and i love seeing it. 


I do however agree that there should be a cancel button incase there is an emergency.


I would also love to see the damage multiplier affect Blade Storm too, would be so epic. At first it sounds a bit OP, but in the long run it will be a great scaling ability and step further towards more frames with end-game abilities, because right now, Ashes Blade Storm hits a brick wall when the enemies levels get high enough. Either that or some kind of Crit/Proc Chance would be awesome for Blade Storm.

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Blade Storms Animation is awesome, no need to change it. Its a big part of Ash's uniqueness and i love seeing it. 


I do however agree that there should be a cancel button incase there is an emergency.


I would also love to see the damage multiplier affect Blade Storm too, would be so epic. At first it sounds a bit OP, but in the long run it will be a great scaling ability and step further towards more frames with end-game abilities, because right now, Ashes Blade Storm hits a brick wall when the enemies levels get high enough. Either that or some kind of Crit/Proc Chance would be awesome for Blade Storm.


Blade Storm actually is affected by the multiplier. But you have to have your melee weapons equipped before you activate it.

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This idea has been suggested before, and I still don't agree. I like being the one to jump about on people's heads and stab them in the teeth. I also love Shuriken. Don't ruin my Ash, please.


I had an idea tha tyou do it to one enemy, while other clones do it on the other enemies effected. that way we still get our awesome animations.

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