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Cant Wait For Next Frame!


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Lol So I just got Hydroid up to 30, and I now only need to get my Rhino Prime to 30 to have all frames(excluding Excalibur Prime) at 30. now my question is.... What do you all think the next frame might be?



My money is on this https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/176524-warframe-concept-typhus-parasiteviral-samurai-type-update-11042014/

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Loki is def' likely the next Prime for sure, to go along with a possible female frame. Or they will save the next frame for U14 and release Loki Prime before then in a smaller update.


We have at least a month or so before next new frame though, I believe.

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Typhus (or a frame based on it) probably isn't next since the concept is masculine. DE likes to release in a cycle of masculine to feminine to keep the armours balanced along gender lines.

Master Race Prime

I'm still betting it's Trinity Prime next.

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Time Master Warframe:


Name: Metronome


1st Ability

Tempo – Slows down all enemies within range for a short amount of time.


2nd Ability

Hour Glass – Decreases enemies overall health per second until dead.


3rd Ability

Time Reversal – Bring back to life a fallen comrade who has wasted all revives.


4th Ability

Freeze Frame – Stop enemies in their tracks and keep them in suspended animation allowing you to attack.



4th Ability Example




EDIT: With diversity of all the frames we have, Warframe might as well become an Anime.

Edited by (PS4)truelight4u
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Does not even look like a frame, it looks like any generic armored character with an insect theme, Mynki's designs are unique and beautiful for their complexity and ambiguity, that thing just looks "badass"... the wings are the most cliche and uninspired thing i have ever seen, well... actually the whole design screams GENERIC. 

Edited by Orbister
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Typhus (or a frame based on it) probably isn't next since the concept is masculine. DE likes to release in a cycle of masculine to feminine to keep the armours balanced along gender lines.

I'm still betting it's Trinity Prime next.

Keeping in mind Zephyr was designed by players as a Male Frame in these forums... that really doesn't mean much for the concept, unfortunately. They could make it female if they wanted to, just as they did Zephyr.

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I simply cannot wait for the Grind behind Grind behind Grind behind Grind acquisition method.


Lemme guess, we're gonna have to grind Key Pieces to make a Key to go to a mission to grind more Key Pieces to make a Key that allows us to fight the actual boss next time?


Sounds 'bout right.


Oh wait, I bet the next frame will be yet another Prime whose parts are tossed in the ever-growing pile with all the other Void/Derelict crap that I still can't get to this day because old junk is still dropping. I'm still getting countless Frost Prime pieces, Latron pieces, and other junk I've completed MONTHS ago.

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Master Race Prime


How original.


I still want a gunslinger frame though, complete with poncho.


All frames are gunslingers, and ponchos are just large syandanas


Time Master Warframe:


EDIT: With diversity of all the frames we have, Warframe might as well become an Anime.


You'd make a brilliant writer for an anime series. Call it "Recyclia - The Time Basket"


I like the idea of a Roman-based warframe, although it doesn't fit the lore i suppose..


What lore?

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We have a fire frame, air frame, water frame...the next should be an earth frame, right?  With abilites like Volcano, Quake, Landslide, and such and such.  You could call her, um...Rocky McRock...or something.

Or go the obvious route and call her Gaia.

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Volcano sounds too much like something Ember should be doing. Not to mention, Rhino is already very close to an "Earth" frame -- he uses Iron Skin, he uses a huge AoE "Quake Stomp" type attack, and he uses his own body to slam against his foes.


All are typical Earth element abilities you find in other games that Earth-aligned characters are usually doing.

Edited by Xylia
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Volcano sounds too much like something Ember should be doing. Not to mention, Rhino is already very close to an "Earth" frame -- he uses Iron Skin, he uses a huge AoE "Quake Stomp" type attack, and he uses his own body to slam against his foes.


All are typical Earth element abilities you find in other games that Earth-aligned characters are usually doing.

While Rhino is close to an Earth frame, I do not count him as one as he does not specifically do anything related to manipulating the earth around him.

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Does not even look like a frame, it looks like any generic armored character with an insect theme, Mynki's designs are unique and beautiful for their complexity and ambiguity, that thing just looks "badass"... the wings are the most cliche and uninspired thing i have ever seen, well... actually the whole design screams GENERIC. 

Oberon proportions, Mag over all, Trinity's tail, all look bad, and the community has stated this time and again.


the wings? Are you talking about the unique Syandana, that fits with his equally unique, insect, samurai, worn, decaying, badass, natural, organic, beautiful, look. to be cliche? yet you probably dont find Valkyrs unique Syandana to be cliche at all right right?.


Complexity and ambiguity the the epidemy that frame, did you not even pay attention to the amount of complex detail he put into it. he even went so far as to explain in detail of how he is able to parkour.


Not sure if you are a troll, or just a stupid person that cant see how amazing someone elses work is, and is just content to remain "inside the box"

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While Rhino is close to an Earth frame, I do not count him as one as he does not specifically do anything related to manipulating the earth around him.



My point is, what exactly would an Earth Frame do that Rhino (and others) doesn't already do?


If it is Earth, then it is probably incredibly durable, tanky, etc. It will probably have some kind of Quake-like attack (which Rhino already does). You could do something like Quicksand, but then that'd be pretty close to that ability Hydroid has already. You could... throw rock-like projectiles, but eh. A lot of the earlier frames already have abilities just like this (Ember, for example). You could... turn people to stone... oh wait, Frost already does something almost exactly the same. You could give him Stone Skin.....oh wait, Rhino has Iron Skin.


See where I'm going with this?

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My point is, what exactly would an Earth Frame do that Rhino (and others) doesn't already do?


If it is Earth, then it is probably incredibly durable, tanky, etc. It will probably have some kind of Quake-like attack (which Rhino already does). You could do something like Quicksand, but then that'd be pretty close to that ability Hydroid has already. You could... throw rock-like projectiles, but eh. A lot of the earlier frames already have abilities just like this (Ember, for example). You could... turn people to stone... oh wait, Frost already does something almost exactly the same. You could give him Stone Skin.....oh wait, Rhino has Iron Skin.


See where I'm going with this?


What about shooting up a bunch of spikes or pillars around you that impale enemies or send them flying? 

What about raising up a huge pillar in front of you that smashes enemies upwards into the air, or crushes them against the ceiling? 

Maybe create a rock sphere around yourself and act like a pinball of death?

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Oberon proportions, Mag over all, Trinity's tail, all look bad, and the community has stated this time and again.


I happen to LIKE Mag.... at least if you take Mag Prime and give her the Regular Mag Helmet.


It is almost like playing a Quarian! And those were my favorites from the ME-verse.

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