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Coming Soon: Devstream #27


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Quick & short question, why is every weapon after U12 clan tech?


It's really frustrating having to wait three days for every weapon that get's added. I would love it if you guys wen't back to putting new weapon blueprints in the marktet, or alternatively, reduce the research time to at least one day.

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Have you ever thought about removing warframe ability mods entirely and creating a system where warframes must unlock their abilities by ranking up? I think that this would help the drop tables a little and allow us to use mods that are currently just thrown into our closets like handspring for example. This would also help put more meaning into "mastering" a warframe and also allow us to have fun with the differing abilities without sacrificing a mod slot to use it such as ashes teleport ^.^

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Any possible way you can update the dragon nikana appearance? That ribbon on the end clashes with any other accessory for the weapon except  another ribbon. Suggestion is to remove the ribbon completely and just let there be 2 accessories of whatever we equip. Say corpus chain, have one where the ribbon should be and one at end of scarab. None equipped then just be a clean scarab like regular nikana.

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3 Quick Questions:


1) Are you planning on giving players more in-depth information on stances in-game using the UI or codex?  Possibly some numbers?


2) Is the base stat system ever going to be looked at and re-balanced? (Armor, Stamina, Health, Shields)


3) Will we see more melee-oriented frame abilities work in conjunction with the combo counter instead of countering combos? (Slash Dash, Hysteria, Blade Storm, etc)

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For us people with high end PC's, will there ever be an option for higher res textures?


Will there ever be support for Stereoscopic 3D? I have 3D hardware and would love official support.


Warframe has horrible Antialiasing, sorry but its true. Will Warframe ever have multiple AA options in game or at least fix it so that the NVidia control panel AA settings actually work with Warframe.



Warframe does look wonderful with everything maxed out and runs like a dream, never dipping below 60fps. I just think it could look better even on its current engine. Earth looks so good now with the river and streams, trees, tunnels.. You guys are doing awesome stuff with the water. The hazey atmosphere, vents spewing out gasses, Ceres with its robotic machines moving around. Who ever is making the maps is very good and it is very appreciated! I want more of this type of stuff! Keep up the good work and Thank You!

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  • What is going to be the next " 2.0 " system you will be working on? Could it be "Movement 2.0" ?

Why did you rename the wonderful " A sword Alone" into "The Dark Sectors" if those extra missions are completely inferior and broken compared to a good overhaul of the Melee system?

Having said that, why didn't you wait to deliver a much better themed version of the Dark Sectors as standalone for U14?

What do you plan to do with the "hole" on earth, where a bossnode has been before? I hope you put in a beefed up version of a Prosecutor and slap on more Lore this way to set the stage for Vay Hek later on. Pretty much like you let Nav coordinates drop from mission 1, this way you could introduce beacon drops as a teaser (I'm not talking about "farm for Vay Hek on his earlier location". Not dropping all beacons, or if, then it should only be 1 per kill and sharing the drop table for a rare resource, so you are not always getting one).

I dearly hope you will sit down for some update and say "okay, not much new content, but much bug fixes and polish, including graphic/sound." This would keep all departments busy. Will we ever see this kind of update where you take the majority of your work time to get back on things and put them in line with each other? Or will this be planned for ... *dun-dun-dunnnn* "Launch day v1.0" ?

Considering the talk about factions and standings and reputation buildup; will we ever see a token system to replace some drops, so we can bypass at least some of the RNG with ingame time effort, and to add specific rewards that might have previously been clan tech only? This would further allow Warframe blueprints from regular starmap boss nodes to acquired with a currency

Will we ever see the possibility to sell materials for credits or convert materials to others?

Do you regret the choice of making prime parts trade-able? Considering, it was pretty much the only thing you could get with ONLY ingame effort.

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1. is there any chance that we can get 'charge attacks' and 'blocking while in gun equip mode' back?


2. a lot of players are saying that the combo multiplier makes the combo better than the charging,

well it is true that they give more output but are the combos really necessary?

•i have achieved 2.5x to 3x with just quick melee(stance-less) on a high attack speed machete and nami skyla making the combos waste of time to do as long as you get the same multiplier



3. the void tables are getting too crowded because of all this primes coming yet there are only 4 wraframe primes farmable what if the rest of the gang's primes come? is the void getting their own star map?

an orokin void overhaul




i have ideas on the primaries like call this mos "marksmanship" like how auras and stances have their own name
then TURN ALL AMMO MUTATION IN TO MARKSMANSHIP MODS!! FTW!! (note: marksmanship is not a real thing yet)
then turn thunderbolt into marksmanship for bow
then charged chamber into marksmanship for snipers (how bout primed chambers? idk this is just a suggestion, not a real thing)

then make one for riffles and shotguns like:
•shotgun: every 3 shots gives +1% reload speed that stack X times, x=based on mod marksmanship level

see where im getting? haha


5. making extractors more intelligent







7. the riffle slide animation is fugly(my opintion)



8. earth, phobos and all other open door level survival



9. more alt helm, body skin pls!


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When will those with mastery level 15 be able to deploy a 5th Extractor\Distillery

Mastery 0-4 was 1 drone

mastery 5-9 was 2 Drone

mastery 10- 14 was 3 drones

Mastery 15 -19 is supposed to be 4 drones


Then because we had Prime Extractors\Distilleries we were supposed to be allowed to deploy an extra drone. Is this no longer the case.



Will defence missions ever get the same stackable reward system that survival mission have?



Account migration to PS4.


Its been at least 9 weeks since Sheldon stated that account migration could be able within a week. We have heard nothing since. I think its a shame that its taking so long. Both DE and Sony are missing out on sales of Platinum. With the transfer of accounts PC players will need platinum and they will either buy it, or sell Prime parts and Mods to those on the PS4 who are looking for a quick boost and who will therefore buy platinum to buy from those who have migrated there accounts.


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#1 What about stealth?


-Alternate paths to end a mission?

-Shutting down/shooting lamps to remain less noticeable in the dark?...

-The ability to throw an object to distract the undetected enemies when they are stuck in front of one?

- Ability to hang on the edges and move sideways before climbing?

- Max amount of alarm resets?

- Stealth rewards? It takes A Lot more tactic, smart gameplay & more time  than just go Rambo.

- You once talked about a special stealthy mode, how will you implement that?(and make it not too punishing for "rushers"?)

- What about a solo restart button?( "Oops, I didn't want to be detected once! I want to restart it!")


(FYI, the ultimate Stealth thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/3930-stealth-feedback-suggestions-thread/ )

#2 Melee Units rework & new and more unique enemies/ factions?


-Can we expect a lot more enemy diversity and behaviours? (Grineer & Corpus are currently acting the same way)

 *) New Infested units, such as range enemies,wallrunning ones,infested with a more frightening feeling?

 *) Civilian units for Corpus(technicians)/Grineer?

- De_Steve said something about a new faction, coming to the Dark Sectors, can you tell us something about this?

- AI 2.0 : can we expect smarter PNG with organization and tactics beyond individual "thinking"? For instances : Commanders actually leading their troops and shouting orders?

-More idle animations for our frames and our enemies, to bring more life in the game? At the moment, enemies don't have any reaction once seeing their pal gets cut in half by a glaive or see a corpse lying down. They don' actually talk to each other too.

- Non-opponent NPC's ? (or not directly)


#3 What about Kubrows(tenno-sided,wild & grineer sided) and other sorts of friendly pets?


#4 What about your RNG reduce attempts?


#5 What about Wildlife?


#6 What about the Infesteds return in the solar system,in their Infested Ships?


#7  What about environment interaction? (Demolishing a structure that falls on enemies,dealing a vast amount of damage/Crowd Controlling (trolling) them?


#8 What about melee contest winners weapons?(and other ninja-like weapons, such as dual Nunchaku/Dual Sai?)


#9 What about bosses rework?


   -Who will be the next boss being worked on after Hek? As Melee 2.0 just arrived, an epic melee combat against Tyl Regor      would be very much appreciated. Moreover, bosses are currently just improved normal units/colorswaps (yeah I'm lookin' at you Raptor,Nef Anyo,Ambulas & you too Tyl...). Can we expect you to bring more identity to them, just like you did with Vor,Ruk,Salad V & Uncle Hek?


#10 What about ability mods being put in the market for credits to give us a  fairer drop table?


#11 What about a recovery system once knockdown occurs?(like a quick circular attack+stand up)




#12 What about Stance mods and their drop frequency? Melee 2.0 has a lot of potential, but sadly the majority can't fully enjoy it because of that Random Number Generator problem(adding common stances on the market or easily onbtainable,and having the rare ones much more grindy)... Also, do you plan on adding more combos?


#13 What about the next Prime warframes besides Loki? Old chaps like Ash,Nyx and Trinity are a little let down


#14 What about the Focus system,when it is coming, and the Proxy wars you hinted in previous streams?


#15 What about Previous streams ideas implementations + old and frequent fixes request?


#16 What about T IV keys and the ability to choose a normal-hard mode once the node is completed (and the ability to choose your nightmare mods via an item or something)


#17 Where are the emotes /idle expressions for the tenno you showed in a previous devstream? And the cloth physics we saw in the Sword Alone trailer(for Frost,Trinity & Volt)?


#18 What about 3 of the next frames being those of the community? I'm referring to these really popular ones :


  - Dragon(!!) : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/37089-a-warframe-concept-the-dragon-new-revisions/?hl=typhus


Typhus(!!!) : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/176524-warframe-concept-typhus-parasiteviral-samurai-type-update-11042014/?hl=typhus

   - Female version : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/204447-female-typhus-needs-a-name-closed/?hl=%2Bfemale+%2Btyphus


   - Myst (!!) : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/192490-myst-warframe-concept-sneak-peek-oo/?hl=myst


   - Sutekh (!!) : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/177972-warframe-concept-drawing/


#19 The unavoidable,yet you guessed it.... Story mode/Lore? Vor's prize has been around for ages and still remains empty. Some people also feel that they're just running&gunning every non-Tenno being without purposes. You also showed one of the queen's face. We are all very curious about this aspect...


That's all I got to ask as a 1-year-player, thanks for listening Digital Extreme. :) (I hope)

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With melee 2.0, have you ever considered a 'melee' specific gamemode for the Dojo or conclave matches? 


Also, have you ever thought of the possibility of a conclave re-work?

I hardly ever see people playing in conclave. Is there a possibility of making conclave matches an actual competitive thing where you start off as a n00b in competitive conclave, where you can earn gear for your arsenal that is completely separate from your coop arsenal? I think this could be a good idea because conclave doesn't get much attention and it would be cool to earn things from participating in conclave that could be used for the main part of the game!

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All of the sentinels that you can get the Blueprint on the market currently have new skins.... All of them Except Wyrm. Can we expect a new look for Wyrm sentinel soon or will there be research-sentinel skins before the Wyrm can get one?

Ever think about touching up the earlier primes (IE Frost and Excalibur)? I can change the helm of Excalibur Prime and Helm of Frost Prime and there isn't much of a aesthetic difference from them and their non-primed versions. We see Ember, Mag, and Rhino Prime with little things to make them a bit more than just a recolor with gold flakes and an exclusive helmet.  I'm not saying to completely redo them just add a bit more stuff to make them a bit more special.

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1Will you be adding in game chat to dojo ever? .

2 do ps4 players have to wait for update 13 to get hellios or will you release it before 13

3 will you guys do dev stream play with ps4 players or will it always be pc

4 do you guys ever plan on adding a fix to valkier for dojo fight or a nerd for conclave to weapons when fighting other players so it's not so Un balanced

5 will you please add a fourth tab for trade if so when if not why not?

6 can we please get Cicero event one more time for those who never got a chance to get it?or some way to get the mods other then trade

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1. So we've got Dark Sectors but what's the go on Proxy Wars?

2. In the most recent loading screens Valkyr and Hydroid are holding both a gun and sword, is this gonna happen and if so are we going to be able to dual wield two different single handed secondary's (e.g. Cestra & Viper).   

3. At the moment we have the Solar Map, but is it possible we will ever get an in-game kinda menu, as you showed off the concept art for lotus shaped ship so the game would begin from there With stats (mission types, alerts. invasions etc) being displayed on the control panels for the ship?    

4. The earth frame we've got Ice, fire, water and air but no earth frame. And a guy in the community made a really nice looking concept which fits the lore of the frames brilliantly I feel. 

5. Is Iva Izar one of the Grineer queens and will we ever get any closer to meeting them?

6. If I recall there was a prize for who could guess what Vor's prize is and since you could be showing it this stream I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that it has something to do with the Lord Vetmar and the Royal Trade Convoy 


Link to Lotus ship concept:


Link to Earth Frame concept:

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my question: now that melee 2.0 is out, will you guys be adding more unique melee weapons? as i heard codename: sword and board sounds like a sword and shield (awesome and can not wait by the by). But will you add other weapon types? not just stances in general.


Examples: Halbred, poleaxe, spear and dagger, bardiche, dadao sword, sickle whip chain, hook swords, possibly more sword/spear and shield types?


PS if my question is chosen my name is pronounced Of Aeons. ^^

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