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Nyx Absorb "Power In Use" Bug


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so i was soloing the Ceres Dark Sector Defense,

and i used her absorb and fell off the cliff like a dumb &#!.

But when i  teled back up the absorb is still going... BUT I CAN WALK AND RUN AROUND

, i can also shoot weapons like ogris near myself and still stay healthy. 

the Absorb also takes in those damage and release it so.... DOUBLE OP

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If you are knocked down at the beginning of casting this skill when you get back up you wiil be able to move around normally as if you didnt cast the skill while the absorb bubble is still around you working normally.

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Basically, I can move around while having an absorb shield. I can shoot and am immune to damage until i run out of energy or i cancel absorb.


Here is a vod of the bug in action: http://www.twitch.tv/flare_eyes/b/528867403?t=4h42m

Note: This also shows a visual glitch where Nyx's absorb doesn't disappear for other players after you use it.


Step to reproduce (probably other possible ways it can happen):

Have a group of 2+ people. Use nyx and ogris (modded to 1 shot yourself).

1. Charge up ogris.

2. Shoot the ground about 0.5m-1m in front of you.

3. Quickly (this takes alot of timing) press 4 right about when you take damage. You will die but still have the shield on.

4. Get revived by a teammate.

You will keep the absorb shield, which absorbs all incoming damage, but will still be able to move.

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I had it before the current update, if you press 4 right before getting knocked out (like getting hit by an Ancient) your Absorb is cast but you are able to move, right back then you had to recast it to release the blast, it may be possible to replicate in a less lethal way by having someone with ratiation status to knock you with something else without killing you.

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I had it before the current update, if you press 4 right before getting knocked out (like getting hit by an Ancient) your Absorb is cast but you are able to move, right back then you had to recast it to release the blast, it may be possible to replicate in a less lethal way by having someone with ratiation status to knock you with something else without killing you.

Going in a pit and than spawning back works

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I found a bug using Nyx that gives you, pretty much limitless invincibility, since the skill lasts 9 mins with fleeting, and pickups sustain this forever.




Simply kill yourself, and tab absorb just as you die, then have another player get you back up and your mobile, and can use guns, jump run slide, melee, use powers with absorb still running, Immune to damage, Controls, Drains, and a handy aoe on tap if needed.



I found this out using Angstrom shooting the floor to charge Absorb, its easy to reproduce once you get the timing down.

so, trinity perma immunity is back, only without the need to cast, and only for one person.




and yes pictures or it didn't happen!












Fix please...

Edited by Tatersail
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The thing is...


It can last forever now


Hope its fixed


Blame DE for not having the foresight to place hard limits on the duration. Blame the community when it gets nerfed into the ground in some other way. Beside that I am for getting it fixed but it has been broken so long I wonder if that bug will get fixed anytime soon. 

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I tried the cliff one this a few mins ago and if they fixed it its even more broken now. Not only am i absorbing while moving, my energy isnt even going down anymore. Ancient disrupters can hit me and my screen looks disrupted but my energy doesnt go down.

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