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Glorious Battle And Victory In The Name Of Your Clan [Dark Sector Megathread]


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anyone consider the fact that the taxes pay for the rails to be fixed aswell as the battle pay everyones getting hence why its so high? its basically a tax return. eventually people will realise you lose more from starting conflicts than you do from their tax rartes. the resource tax is always 0% which is great due to the fact you get increased reasource drops and increased exp. theres plenty of other ways to make credits.

Pretty much this. Your odds of victory unless you're willing to sink a HUGE deal of credits into it are slim to none. Math people please use it! I promise it's your friend!



If I was to guess, and it's merely a guess a large portion of the population is especially uncomfortable with Eclipse is due to the rather blanket silence they seem to be operating. Perhaps trying to avoid the perception of being a monster like Warbros?

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If I was to guess, and it's merely a guess a large portion of the population is especially uncomfortable with Eclipse is due to the rather blanket silence they seem to be operating. Perhaps trying to avoid the perception of being a monster like Warbros?


im pretty sure that they dont really need to communicate much, blanket of silence doesnt really matter. and if they decide to boost taxes on solar rails to 100%, people will retaliate and they would lose their control and any trust they have gained from people. no one would fight for them again. i hope they keep control and people realise that they benifit more from leaving things well enough alone,

Edited by Noctisque
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 You two are perfectly allowed to be that way, however what you want will lead to MORE contested states as opposed to less. No-Tax Rails have a harder time repairing and thus will be attacked more often. People looking to set out and attack are going to be looking for Defenders who wont be able to keep both repairs and battlepay up. No-Tax rails are the perfect target in that situation. Attacking them lets you bleed the Alliance running them for funds, meaning you may not win in one pass - but you may very well catch them on the next. Or at least soften them to the point that someone else finishes them.

Wait, rail maintenance requires resources?

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If I was to guess, and it's merely a guess a large portion of the population is especially uncomfortable with Eclipse is due to the rather blanket silence they seem to be operating. Perhaps trying to avoid the perception of being a monster like Warbros?

Silence isn't going to save any face here. People will invent reasons to think the worst is happening - or has happened.

It isn't like Eclipse - or any clan within it - has done anything that'd warrant an increasingly more negative response. All you can say they've really done is shifted around to get comfortable with the DarkSector system and Defended themselves quietly.

And yet people still act like something should be done about Eclipse. The reasons don't have to be many, or even make sense, that is just how things go.

Personally, Eclipse could do with some more Warbros-like traits. And no, I don't mean the smack talking. Even if they did want to try to follow up on the Warbros smack talk they'd have trouble being as good at it as us.

Warbros was only actually a monster in the sense that for all the smack talking we also smashed out results to suit what we were saying.

But in reality, behind the scenes, you had a Clan extremely proud of it's results and downright excited to take on any challengers. Hype levels during events would get insane. When one of the guys was vying for a top spot on the personal event leaderboard the entire clan would treat him like a Champion and everyone was dedicated to helping push forwards. Hell, I've only seen one other clan in just over the year I've been playing Warframe with members who create fan art celebrating their clans existence.

The fact that I've been able to take part in a Clan that was this great. This proud. This capable. It's been massive for me as a player. Hell, it may just be the best way to fight off Burn out I've ever seen. All those people getting that excited because "We're gonna prove we're the goddamn best!" and having a damn good time doing it. Literally nothing compares.

Wait, rail maintenance requires resources?

Not 100% sure. I don't play that role for my clan. I don't think it does but I don't know for sure.

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They tax waaaaaaaay too high, but they give the highest battle pay with the credits from those taxes...

Its really annoying. I think its because of the taxes and the fact that they control 99% of the dark sectors...

I was talking to someone in game and they said their just worried Eclipse will grow into a monopoly.

And I agree. Its pretty much happening now anyway.

A simple fix would be to have a max number of rails deployed...

Maybe like 4 or something...

Apparently theres 26 so... yah.. 4 sounds decent.


(Dont know if theres a mega thread on this or what but.. yah)


Easy solution to your problem :


Challenge the Solar Rails with your own, win or lose. If you lose, give incentive for players not to run those particular rails. Thus, all that happens is their rail getting damage and no income to repair it (other than their own stocks, which will constantly decrease over time), creating attrition.


If people were smart, they would look elsewhere to run Solar Rails if they wanted X rail to fail. Play on their rail when they're not contested, you're just helping them maintain it.


Of course, only a small portion of the playerbase visits the forums so in reality, no one will actually get how that works until they realize it themselves... which might take a while. Unless people joins alliances and purposefully have their members avoid those select few rails.

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 So in conclusion - there cant be a tax free DS becouse DS will aways be contested and contested means expenses for battle pay and rail repair.




"Say, that's a mighty fine solar rail you've got there. What's that? You're letting people in for free? That's just asking for trouble, my friend. What if something were to "happen" to your solar rail? You'd have to repair it, am I right? And that would cut into your business and we'd feel really bad about the whole situation. So tell you what. If you pay us a little bit now, we'll make sure nothing bad happens to your rail and take care of you if anybody else tries to move in."



Congratulations. You're the Mafia.

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Who cares about the credit tax?  I care about the resource tax and Eclipse charges no resource tax.  I played jupiter last nite with 25% credit tax and still left the match with 10k.  I'm glad to see someone figured out that a society without taxes is sure to fall.  The battle pay these guys handing out to is icing on the cake. 

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Spoken like someone who isn't in a Clan he can be confident in.


 But really, why even come into the thread to post that? It's like walking into a Chinese Restaurant and complaining about the menu full of Chinese food. Yeah, cool. Your opinion is fine. But then why the hell are you coming into the thread? 

Its the truth. There is no reason to run them. no rewards worth while and enemies are as dense as paper. If anything its like walking into a Chinese restaurant and being served tacos. "Why is this even here" comes to mind.

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People rebelling for the sake of rebellion. So silly.


Keep up the good work, Eclipse, you barely feel the credit tax, but you sure feel that battle pay!


Herein lies the problem. If you're being taxed on it, then having it dumped back on you in battle pay, some credits will be lost in translation. You will lose money compared to a no tax no pay scenario.


People "feel" better, and come out behind because they don't think about whats actually going on.


That said, I think solar rails are a bit poorly executed. For one thing, why when assulting a tenno tower does it look like an Orokin construct rather than something more like the dojo stylistically?

Edited by Hyginos
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Were people


Not tenno...


And its not all blakc and white like that


Each tenno is a different shade


Disagreements and war are bound to come


It shows even now



I want to see everybody take off your party hats. NO Smiling! No Laughing and most importantly No having fun!

It's banned. Get out. Get lost.

Edited by Sutherland
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Whats funny is these were your 'glorious leaders' you all thought were great, 0% awesome. So you fought for them and helped them keep the places they took so quickly. Now they realized 0% wont work, but also that they own so much, so now they charge far more breaking their promise because thye know they can't keep it. Even with those high taxes though with some of the battle pay Im hearing idk it doesnt sound like they can keep that up.

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Its the truth. There is no reason to run them. no rewards worth while and enemies are as dense as paper. If anything its like walking into a Chinese restaurant and being served tacos. "Why is this even here" comes to mind.


 Now you're speaking my language. Just the difference between you saying something like this and something like your original post is pretty big. Anyone can say "This thing sucks." after all. The forums could do with more people saying more then that. Even if only a bit more.


 I actually understand this complaint pretty well. It is one of the things I've been taking very seriously. Contested States just aren't desirable enough on the Personal level. Battlepay is too inconsistent. The reward for actually going in there and fighting those enemies needs to be something more.

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Herein lies the problem. If you're being taxed on it, then having it dumped back on you in battle pay, some credits will be lost in translation. You will lose money compared to a no tax no pay scenario.


People "feel" better, and come out behind because they don't think about whats actually going on.


Well, half true. Apparently Eclipse taxes the bejezus out of their own alliance members, which means that the high battle pay is half coming from normal people playing with the normal tax, and half coming from the Eclipse members throwing all their spare time into grinding credits to keep their rail going.  Which will only last as long as they remain interested in doing so.  Which is probably closely related to the length of time we talk about them.

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Im currently trying to unite all anti eclipse forces,i have met clans in game that are fighting eclipse and one of them joined our alliance.no matter howsmall the clans are as long as they are active and fight eclipse they are welcomed.


What's it's name? The Holy Hipsters?


I don't exactly take sides myself, but I'm fighting against every alliance that tries to charge a resource tax.

No, it's more likely "The Alliance of People Whining Over Something That Can Be Earned in Many Ways Possible"

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"Say, that's a mighty fine solar rail you've got there. What's that? You're letting people in for free? That's just asking for trouble, my friend. What if something were to "happen" to your solar rail? You'd have to repair it, am I right? And that would cut into your business and we'd feel really bad about the whole situation. So tell you what. If you pay us a little bit now, we'll make sure nothing bad happens to your rail and take care of you if anybody else tries to move in."



Congratulations. You're the Mafia.


 Hell of a way to miss everything else in my post BUT let me make a slight corection.

"What if something were to happen to your solar rail ?" - its not what if. How many rail's you see that are not contested ? Zero you say ? How could that be - so many of them were 0% taxes... Oh wait its them lil guys like you shouting the laudes that once they take a rail they will charge zero taxes for the good of all tenno. Then they realise that zero taxes cant support battle pay and rail repair and start charging taxes - including resourse taxes.


 Wona talk greedy ? Go check the alliance's that charge resorse taxes - they are the greedy once. Ah but they dont hold the important nodes and they didnt kick your alliance &#! - so they are not the bad guys - Eclips is couse they pay good dont charge resorse tax and have the balls to charge 75% tax for its own members just so it can give something back to the community - the horror .....


 And once more - if you have the balls to demand zero % DS taxes - i demand only free stuff in trade channel - we are all tennos after all - right ? Even better - send me some plat brotah share the welth dont be greedy.

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Here's a good solution. Stop playing at the sector they control. If nobody play their sector, they won't get any tax money. Let the leech die off its own greed. Feel free to take their battlepay though. I can never understand why people still playing when the credit is just merely 10k. Go join recruit void mission, you could easily get more per run.

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Well, half true. Apparently Eclipse taxes the bejezus out of their own alliance members, which means that the high battle pay is half coming from normal people playing with the normal tax, and half coming from the Eclipse members throwing all their spare time into grinding credits to keep their rail going.  Which will only last as long as they remain interested in doing so.  Which is probably closely related to the length of time we talk about them.


But we can't really know how much their own members actually run their rails.

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