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Uh...purpose Of Secondary Weapons?


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Hi gais. So recently I've decided to get a impact-heavy secondary weapon. I bought the Bronco, Magnus, and Viper. I tried all of them all to decided which one I was gonna level. Then I realized: I don't really need to.


What is the purpose of secondary weapons? The primary and melee weapons seem to do a lot more damage. 

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Because when your Hakuna Grakata means no ammo for the rest of your days, and your rag on a stick does snuff all damage....


You need a secondary peashooter to aid you in running away screaming your eyes out whilst Grineer goons guffaw as their Butchers scuttle to grapple you back.

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Hi gais. So recently I've decided to get a impact-heavy secondary weapon. I bought the Bronco, Magnus, and Viper. I tried all of them all to decided which one I was gonna level. Then I realized: I don't really need to.


What is the purpose of secondary weapons? The primary and melee weapons seem to do a lot more damage. 

Variety, backup, fun, your pick.

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Bronco, Magnus, and Viper.

Because they are not Marelok... nuff said... You bought the WORST of the secondaries... Hek even Embolist is more epic.


Also its used when you run out of ammo, but I always use Marelok over everything else. Not even my Primary is as good as my secondary. There is just no explanation as to why I can't make my primaries like Braton, Soma, grinlock, or even a shotgun work as good as Marelok. Seriously dude... you bought THE WRONG GUNS.

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Generally speaking, they almost all have good reload speeds and their ammo is very common.  So they're just dependable in terms of raw usability.  That, and some secondary weapons with fully kitted out mods will outstrip just about every primary without question in per shot damage whilst still retaining good ammo economy.


Plus it's just the rule of cool to kill dudes and dudettes with a pistol.  It'll make you more awesome.

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A lot of secondaries are actually much better than primary weapons due to having superior mods, especially multi-shot mods (you can basically fire 3 bullets per shot with all of them). If I'm not mistaken, the only primaries that trump secondaries significantly are crit-guns (because of superior crit chance/damage mods) and the AoE weapons like the Ogris and Penta.


Of course there's also the swag factor. What looks cooler, toting around some boxy SMG, or dual revolvers?

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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When downed, when carrying a datamass, when using a short range primary and need to make a long range shot. Also... marelok is a beast.


Honestly, if you go down without a secondary, you'll use your primary. If you pick up a datamass without a secondary, you can still use it in Mobile Defense missions. Pistols are mainly used when I run out of ammo or when they have higher DPS/leveling primary/melee.

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Because they are not Marelok... nuff said... You bought the WORST of the secondaries... Hek even Embolist is more epic.


Also its used when you run out of ammo, but I always use Marelok over everything else. Not even my Primary is as good as my secondary. There is just no explanation as to why I can't make my primaries like Braton, Soma, grinlock, or even a shotgun work as good as Marelok. Seriously dude... you bought THE WRONG GUNS.

I'm rank 3, I can't buy the marelok yet

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Honestly, if you go down without a secondary, you'll use your primary. If you pick up a datamass without a secondary, you can still use it in Mobile Defense missions. Pistols are mainly used when I run out of ammo or when they have higher DPS/leveling primary/melee.

Not anymore, it seems. When I picked up the datamass without a secondary I was forced into melee.

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Not anymore, it seems. When I picked up the datamass without a secondary I was forced into melee.


I meant that you can use the datamass in Mobile Defense missions, not your secondary. f you don't have one, of course you'll swap out to another weapon. Usually melee, in this case.

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