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Your Introduction To Warframe


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Just Curious, I wanted to know the Community's response:

What got you into Warframe?/What was the first Warframe Profile you saw?/What Warframe you switched to after your first that kept you playing?


1. My very first Online Game. :|
And it's fun.

2. VALKYR! She's awesome.

3. I started with Mag, then got Prime Access for Ember Prime. Excluding Prime Access, I went onto Zephyr and at the same time Valkyr!

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1) My buddy got me into Warframe, after continuously bothering me to play with him. I knew about the game, since its release, but, for some odd reason, I didn't really appreciate it at that time.

2) Pft, I don't know. My guess is Excalibur.

3) I started with Volt (He was one of the three starters, back in the day.), then I believe I went with either Rhino or Frost. Maybe Rhino, since he dropped on the Jackal.

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Just Curious, I wanted to know the Community's response:

What got you into Warframe?/What was the first Warframe Profile you saw?/What Warframe you switched to after your first that kept you playing?

1. My very first Online Game. :|

And it's fun.

2. VALKYR! She's awesome.

3. I started with Mag, then got Prime Access for Ember Prime. Excluding Prime Access, I went onto Zephyr and at the same time Valkyr!

My skype friends were playing this game while i was grieving about Dungeon Fighter Online being shut down. They were huge dark sector fans and were psyched it was the same company doing warframe that got them more involved into this game. I wasn't thrilled with a space 3rd person shooter.

Overtime they got me to play...

and ya.. i became hooked.

trinity was the warframe for me. She felt like the crusader from dfo.. sort of :P

they been around since closed beta. i joined shortly after mods came out.

Edited by ss4chris
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hmm I was looking for a new game and I can't remember where I saw this one but somehow I ended up downloading it. I almost gave up because my computer sucked but I lowered the settings enough so it was playable. And now I am still here lol (with a better comp too) I started with excalibur and I still pull him out and dust him off once in a while. 

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1. Kept seeing my friends playing Warframe while I was on L4D2, got interested, played it, and addicted till now. Sad part is all of them quit playing save for one who plays once in a few weeks :(




3. EXCALIBRO ONCE MORE. Got meself a Volt after that, which was a pain in the &#! to get from Golem. Still keeping both of them till this day.

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1. Just a bad decision before the final exams and the test to proceed into highschool. NO REGRET




3. Ember. I can't recall how I moved to Saturn without going through Venus.

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1. my son kept telling me about this awesome game called "Warframe" and how i should give it a try so we could play together, so i did...you know...to do some father-son type bonding stuff...running around killing things together. but when i started, he quit....sigh


2. Excalibur


3. Frost

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1. Advertisement on Youtube (I think it was on the early open beta)


2. Excalibur


3. Excalibur. This guy easily grow on me. I still have it until now, even when I have more superior frames than him

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1. Saw the game on steam shortly after launch there and thought: "How can anyone come up with something as strange and great as this?"


2.Not sure, probably Excaibur


3.Excalibur is still my favourite although I got almost all the other frames by now.

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1. School friends. I initially didn't want to join in because I thought it was P2P. I'm the only one out of all my friends now who still plays Warframe.

2. Excalibur.

3. I didn't need any frame to keep me in Warframe. I started out with Excalibur, then moved onto Rhino. Now, I have access to just about every frame (save for a few), though I mainly play Nyx.


I can't recall how I moved to Saturn without going through Venus.

Back in the old days of Warframe, there were two "end nodes" in Mercury which unlocked planets. One was Venus and the other was Saturn. I was there.

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I played the hell out of ME3 and spent a lot of time lurking on BSN. Around February last year I got a new Laptop that was actually capable of playing games, at the same time I was starting to get burnt out on ME3 and the devs had ended updates to the multiplayer mode. 

For a while I messed around with a few other games, before remembering a post I saw on BSN about Warframe, so I looked it up and gave it a go. It ended up pushing some of the right buttons evidently since I'm still here.


Before playing I did a bit of research into the game, and since I was pretty thorough I honestly can't say which profile vid I watched first.


As for Frame path, I started with Loki, since from my ME3 days, I knew how great cloak could be, and my playstyle involved most of my damage coming from gunplay rather than relying on powers. I at first wanted to move onto Volt since I liked characters with electric abilities in other games, however i actually ended up getting a Banshee together before Volt, though after my research Banshee seemed to be the better option, so I built Volt, 30'd him and sold him off since I still preferred Loki. And well things just went from there.

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A friend and myself were looking for a new F2P game to play together on steam. We saw Warframe and it really stuck with me. We play, one left, the other continued. Could guess which one stayed.


I can't recall what was the first warframe profile I saw but i do know what frame I got after my starting Excal


Which is Ash. As far as I remember I was a solo runner (even killed the old Sargus Ruk alone with beginning gear) and when I saw what he had I really wanted to try him so i went straight to Tyl Rygor to get him.

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1. I've been following Warframe for a loooooong time. I was keeping an eye on Dark Sector back when it was sci-fi and was let down by the released version, so I was all over it when I heard they where trying again. I was in closed Beta and everything.

2. Dev Diary #2

3. Started with Loki. I play all the Frames still but Nova is my main. Zephyr is starting to take over though.

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1) Its my second online game, introduced by my big brother.


2) If I could remember correctly, It was Nyx.


3) I started up with Mag, since it felt weird using a male character before, now I use Nova.

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1. I had just finished playing Mass effect 3 and I was bored. Watched the PS4 sony stream  at E32 013 and I saw warframe. It blew my mind. Space ninjas with virus suits and super powers, with no eyes ......it was  the most original thing I had seen in a while. The excalibur design was so awesome I wanted to play the game. + I was happy to see my lapop could run it X)


2. First profile I saw? I think it was mag. Never really liked mag though = god vs corpus , meh vs grineer XD


3 first frame = excalibur: ( Hell I rebuilt him for slash dash XD)

Second frame : Rhino. I still have him to this day . That frame is PURE POWER

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1) I was enticed to play by Steve's charismatic answers from an interview about warframe by some game news website back in early 2012. I signed up even before cbt started but I didn't play until after almost a year since I was busy back then and I was still playing other games.


2) Warframe profile? I can't remember. The first profile that they released probably.


3) Started with Loki, after that I wanted to play a frame that's totally different so I got Rhino.

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1. Was looking for a new online multiplayer shooter game, I think I found this game on mmohut.


2. Excalibur I think.


3. Started with Volt then i got Rhino and played as Rhino for quite some time.

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1) Got introduced to it by my current Warlords. Quit for a month because of computer and life issues, came back and now am an everyday player.


2) I first saw Ash from one of my Warlords. I was... disinterested with him at the time.


3) Started with Volt, will end with Volt. Very partial to Nova, Saryn and Valkyr, too.

Edited by Kashiki
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My friend got me to play Warfame.


Mag because excalibur is a bland unicorn.

The Grineer want better-tasting warframes to get owned.


Ash and Vauban later on, because this is the best warframe since ever.

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1.&2.My friend and I were at school and I was browsing the net on my laptop. He told me about Warframe and urged me to visit their website. I saw the PC trailer and the video profiles of the three starter frames. I copied Warframe from him and started playing. I played on my friend's PC for the first time I did and I failed the mission xP. 


3. Trinity was my second frame. Good laawwwd her blessin' was dah bomb. 




1. My very first Online Game. :|
And it's fun.

Same here! 

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1. I almost didn't remember this, but I sort of had two introductions to Warframe back in November 2012, I actually was reading some stories on IGN, and came across a free Warframe Closed beta key giveaway. I figured, "Meh, free game. I'll take it." So I got the key, hopped into a game and started playing (This was around update 4). The problem was the host was horribly, horribly laggy, so I literally was able to run around bullets and kill everything without taking any damage. Needless to say, I wasn't too impressed, so I gave the game up for about 2 weeks. Then, when I came back, I finally got into a game without any problems and ended up actually liking it a lot more, and it all went downhill from there.


2. I actually had all the Warframes at the time when the profiles came out, so the first profile I watched was the one for Vauban. It had me chomping at the bit to try him out.


3. My second frame was Mag. This was back when Mag's pull only effected a single target, shield polarize was single target, and bullet attractor didn't work. The thing was I didn't understand that she was broken, so I still loved her. 

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1. Friend was saying "Oh Warframe looks really interesting, but nobody plays it.

   Goes on to Warframe main site and see Loki's oddly intriguing head. 

   Downloads immediately. The rest is history.

2. Started off with Loki and marveled at how fragile he was. Got used to it after a while though.

3. Got Excalibur Prime shortly after, and that was my main for a while. Then I somehow got friends to play the game at that point, and nobody was interested in playing a tanky character, so I built Rhino to be the team reviver. Mained Rhino until my friends quit the game. Now I switch to all frames equally.

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