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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name Suggestion: (1-2 words max)  



Behaviour:  (max 200 words) 

This Infested is a medium sized, horror that is comprised of a toothy Core surrounded by 15-20 long tentacles attached to individual, mutated Corpus and/or Grinneer type Infested - which the 'core' encases itself with in a globe like shape when dormant/defensive.  It floats about two Tenno tall off any surface, and moves very, very slowly through the air; levitating via gaseous propulsion.  This creature attacks, predator like, when it is confronted or aggravated by prey, using the mutated units that make up it's outer body mass.  As this layer of mutated units takes damage, the Core is forced to discard them based on which part of the layer has sustained the most, concentrated damage.  This exposes its tentacles and eventually the vulnerable Core, which takes the most damage from attacks.


Attacks: (max 200 words)

Directly attacking or nearing the Phalanx will cause the 'Core' to release the tentacle attached, mutated units from parts of it's body toward the attacker.  These infected units can be both slow and agile, and will approach the attacker if the he/she has tried to escape (though, only as far as its umbilical like tentacle will allow, if it cannot pursue further - the core retracts the tentacle/unit back to shell itself.  The mutated units slash and bite the player in numbers as it's primary attack.  But if the Phalanx's units/shell has sustained enough damage (as mentioned above) it will discard them to expose its the entire tentacle, these tentacles can then grab the player; holding them while the other mutated units surround and subdue.  For the player to be released, the tentacle must be severely damaged or destroyed (note: the player held by said tentacle can still attack the tentacle, albeit at a slower rate).  


Environment restrictions:  (max 20 words)

Found in medium to large, open or vertically expansive environments.  Is seen in packs of 1-4, respective of environment size.


(Optional) Art or Reference Images: (Max 3 images).




Edited by Dedarknayt
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Name Suggestion :Dragonfly


Behaviour : It is a new type of infested unit the flies and has a supportive role.


>It flies around like corpus orps and when approached it will follow the target and do some nasty tricks.


Attacks : It can shoot nasty goo with corrosive damage and has the effect to slightly reduce the sight of the player (the player's screen will turn greenish in color and blurred for a certain time but if the player keeps on recieving goo from the dragonfly the debuff wont subside). Also when the dragonfly dies it will explode corrosive goo and apply a corrosive proc also applying the blurring effect.


note: the the goo has a corrosive proc chance.


Environmental Restrictions: Due to its flying nature they must not fly across pit holes causing item drops to fall preventing players to get it.


Art: My image for these infested is like a grinneer ballista but evolved to shape like a dragonfly



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Edit: Sorry. I'm blind. Missed the Infested part


Name Suggestion: MOA Rider


Behaviour:  Will take a second to prepare a charge and then rushed towards the players with a Corpus lance and shield while riding on a modified MOA. After the charge is complete, the rider will take a brief pause before charging again. He is resistant to damage from the front due to his shield and takes full damage from the back. The lancer uses regular (green) moas for his shenanigans, and can mount another one if his mount dies before he does. He uses a special "Saddle" like item to make moas rideable.

Attacks: (together) Lance!- The rider will charge at the players and try to knock them down with his lance. This may cause bleed or electric damage.

(rider alone) Phalanx- The rider will hold up his shield and lance to slowly advance to players with a one man phalanx formation. He can only stab with his lance. If another regular moa is nearby, he will mount it and resume his charge..

Environment restrictions:  Most common on gas planets and ice planets. Rarely seen on corpus ships.

(Optional) Art or Reference Images: No images. Imagine a prod crewman with an electric lance and a square shield that could be made of the same materials the ether weapons are made from.

Edited by Arctarus
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Name Suggestion: Tripod

Behaviour:  Crawls across terrain on three legs and positions itself to fire continuously on enemies. It is mostly found on ceilings or walls hidden from view until unsuspecting enemies walk by. 

Attacks:  Fires a continuous beam towards enemies and explodes upon death.

Environment restrictions:  Found on Corpus tilesets due to infesting an Elite Crewman. (Or at least mostly Corpus tilesets)


I've been seeing a lot of wall crawling and ranged infested ideas...

DE pls

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Name Suggestion: Infested Troller. (Or Scavenger)


Behavior: This is a FLYING infested which usually glides in the air but comes down(for melee players) and randomly grabs OTHER INFESTED to drop down on Players like a volatile bomb. (Please see Attack section) If shot down from a certain height it will drop down and explode as well.


Attacks: Bigger the infested the more dmg it does. Grabbed/dropped infested blows up on impact as if they were a Volatile Runner. (But bigger boom boom is good too so your choice on the size of the infested explosion.)


Environment restrictions: Anywhere it is able to fly.

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Name: Pouncer

Behavior: Stays on walls and ceilings for movement, rarely goes on ground. Likes to nest in fungus sprouts growing off the ground. Avoids contact with any natural light source. Once it finds a prey, it will stalk that prey and try to hunt them in secret. May take minutes until it actually attacks you when it stalks you. If a player spots the pouncer, they will immediately be attacked.

Attacks: Pouncer's attacks are heavily guerrilla warfare and stealth based. They will pounce you at the most unexpected times from either 3 locations. The wall, the ceiling, the fungus sprouts (They are camouflaged in). Pouncing will cause a QTE for you to get him off of you. Pouncing is similar to Left 4 Dead's Hunter. Friendlies will have the chance to shoot him off of you. Remember what I said about spotting him stalking you? He will immediately pounce you when you spot him, since you ruined his fun. Therefore he goes into a adrenaline rush. His attack speed increase and it will be harder to get him off in QTE. However the adrenaline rush cost his HP, leaving him more vulnerable to be shot at by other players.

Environment Restrictions: Places with natural light/sunlight and places with electricity. 

Example Picture:


(Sorry for large picture couldn't find any smaller ones)

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Name Suggestion: Parasite Spore


Behavior:  A stationary enemy guarded by other enemies. Bulbous like a bleeding tumor dead center in a colorful lotus flower. Has holes like lotus roots with little quivering parasites inside to really set off trypophobia.
Attacks: Every 4-7 seconds when a tenno is in proximity, it will shoot off a parasite that if it doesn't hit on the way out it will slither towards a uninfected. Upon contact it makes a legion like Saryn's Venom ability, If attacks uninfected enemies, they become infected. A tenno will spends 10 seconds hunting team mates, then the legion explodes causing 
damage. The legion can be shot by team mates to prevent/stop affects.
Environment restrictions:  Yes. Can only spawn in dark corners; like loot rooms.
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Name Suggestion: Bubbling Avenger


Behaviour: The corpses of dead Infested that are not destroyed dissolve into a semi-liquid form that seeps into cracks in the floor. There it pools, growing stronger the more Infested are killed and not disposed of correctly. When it has reached full strength, it bursts forth from the floor with a thunderous howl, a gargantuan monstrosity of twisted and molten flesh that half-melts to force its way through ventilation shafts to chase its victim down. It will also passively absorb nearby Infested that die or are near death in order to heal itself.


Attacks: Fixates on the nearest Tenno it can path to when it spawns, charges them at incredible speed, and begins punching them until they die and then selects a new closest target. Needs no other attacks--its punches also deal Viral, Toxin *and* Corrosive damage. Merely being in its vicinity deals these damage types as well, and any contact with the Avenger's "skin" is even worse.


Environment restrictions: Should spawn roughly around dead Infested; no spawning in unexplored areas. Requires lots of corpses.

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Name Suggestion:



Will remain hidden, clinging to ceilings until an enemy walks by them. Mostly stay in groups of two or three. When attached to the ceiling they look like cocoons as they wrap themselves with their wings. When an enemy passes them they let out a high pitch cry warning other Flyers or infected in the area of the threat. Sometimes they may attack before an enemy approaches if a fellow infected is attacked within a certain radius of them. 


The attack by dive bombing their targets, they attack with sharp claws on their feet and can even spit highly corrosive acid from their mouth. May on very rare occasions use their prehensile tail as whip to stun or stagger the enemy. 

Environment restrictions:  

Wide open areas so they can easily fly around in. 

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Name: Infested Security

Behavior: These pieces of Corpus technology that have always been an annoyance to the Tenno are an all together different story once infected with the Technocyte virus. Having sprouted a variety of appendages this pair of infected security systems still work in perfect unison. This stealthy pair strike from a distance and are known to destroy themselves in an attempt to destroy anyone who would separate them from their mate.

Attacks: The Camera makes a loud screeching sound which calls other infested and is loud enough to stun anyone standing to close. The Turret rapidly fires medium ranged spines that can pierce the thickest armors. Without the Camera the Turret will fire wildly in all directions, and without the Turret the camera will strike at its foe exploding in a noxious, choking cloud.

Environmental Restrictions: found near Infested controlled Corpus outposts and ships

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Behavior- Very territorial when it comes to protecting its area. Will chase its prey until it gets tired or the prey is dead.




1-screech- gives of a bone chilling sound staggering it's prey


2-Cling-jumps on its prey inflicting severe claw and bite attack


Enviroment- Near large nest and in dark infested corridors

Edited by XFusionx
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I hope you guys like big ideas.


Name: Hive Mind


Behavior: Not your normal boss thus not normal boss like behaviors. Because it is a hive it can't move, but it has armor plating that is has accumulated from fallen grineer. This armor covers it's body and due to there being so much of it warframes can't hurt it until one of the areas opens up while releasing infested(more details in attacks). When it opens up to release infested it also give the warframes a chance to deal damage to weak spots under the armor that can cause some armor to fall off. Once enough armor has fallen off to where there isn't much left the Hive Mind could some how pull the armor back on to the hive mind, whether it be by means of veins from the hive mind acting as arms or simply infested enemies running around grabbing them and bringing them back. This could also allow for the warframes to get a chance at preventing the hive mind from re-armoring it's self by killing the infestsed.



Attacks: I was imagining the hive mind would be found in some falling apart facility. Due to it being one that is falling apart the Hive Mind could have one of it's veins attacked to the ceiling that it can contract causing debris that can call on the warframes. Another attack the hive mind would have is a release of infested enemies. The hive mind would open up a part of it's self to release some infested onto the battle field. This would be a time where the warframes could damage the hive mind or shoot weak spots in the hive mind that would cause some of the armor to fall off.


Enviroment Restriction: Would have to be in a big open area that would allow for its massive scale and matches the lore.


Reference images: What I have in mind for the hive mind is something similar to these if you combined them all then put grineer all over it.

Edited by Humunculi
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Name Suggestion: Rapscallion

Behavior: The Rapscallion likes to randomly appear around the map and charge at tenno players.

Attacks: Charging damage, claw attacks , when killed releases a toxic gas.

Environment/Restrictions: The Rapscallion is part of the infested, Indoors only.

Art/Picture of creature: http://content8.flixster.com/question/37/07/51/3707518_std.jpg

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Condemned / Degraded Wraith



Before falling to the infested, these mournful creatures were proud and honourable Red Veil resistance fighters. All we can tell from their current twisted form is that they seemed to use dual wraith melee weapons that appear to have fused with their arms, this may suggest that these honourable fighters were to proud to drop their weapons, not even in death. Our intel suggests that they have more intelligence than normal infested, as they appear to be able to block and dodge attacks and also use cover. Some Wraiths have also been encountered whos sheilds are still intact, and some are also still able to go invisible for breif periods of time. All Wraiths don't appear to have lost any mobility upon death.



Fast dual melee attacks, they tend to try attack from behind, can do leap spin and wall attacks, can also use finishers on any Tenno unlucky enough to be knocked down (if the finisher downs the Tenno after the game the lotus will say "Tenno there seems to be an anamoly in your blood, I should be able to synthesise an antidote but until then you may not be quite feeling yourself" This will require you to gather the necessary ingredients for the antidote-symptoms may include drain on energy/disorientation/drain on health/mobility loss and random knockdown chance)

When low on health may throw one (if not both) of its melee weapons towards both the Tenno and their sentinel (higher chance to aim for sentinel)


Environment restrictions

No climate restrictions, maybe limited to rescue and defense missions but also all derelict missions.


These creatures are a truly horrific sight to bear, but they also serve as a grim reminder that if we dont stop the infested soon not only will our allies be devoured, but also our brothers and sisters too.

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Name: Festering Homunculi



       Dual combination of infested version of enemy factions, Grineer and Corpus fusion of flesh. It acts more of a singular mind for other infested in earshot (tile), drawn from the Grineer leader side of the spectrum. Solemly seen, it splits itself from the infestion attached to environment. Slow moving, ~8 feet in height, 4 thin, deformed, segmented legs of nondescript/Corpus/Grineer origin. Torso consists of a large arm, melded and grabbing the leg section; able to twist and turn in all directions. Two faces appear to be melted together, half Grineer (eye glowing orange) half Corpus (eye glowing blue), fused mouth gaping, glowing green; faces split to reveal a third, functioning, mouth (like a venus fly trap). Respected faction masks, distorted, matching respected factions peeling away from faces by deformed arms and hands (two each side). You hear them before you see them, but they 'see' you. (alarm system? Lotus says "Beware tenno, infested have been alerted by a homunculi"?)



     Grineer side lets out a, garbled, blood curdling shriek drawing infested to target location. Leadership able to organize infested forces like never seen before, leaving them more inclined to circle from behind/flank targets before attacking. Also gives run speed buff (15% buff) to all infested light units to gather faster. Any Ancients hover around, protecting, Homunculi. Corpus side reveals large third mouth to fire an electrified projectile attack that sticks, stuns for 1/4 second, slows target by 10% (10s?) and making them incapable of using anything other then melee for 5 seconds(electrified goop attached to weapons, melts when duration is up). Nonleathal in nature. Slightly armoured and equipped with corpus shield. Large cooldown on vocal alert(30s and only uses if additional infested are in earshot) and uses projectile every 7 seconds very unlikely to choose same target twice. 15 second projectile cooldown on solo play. Fairly long range projectile and accurate.


Environment restrictions:

     Only 'spawns' in heavily infested sections in tiles, can spawn from walls/ceiling (walk on ceiling?)


Rough sketch, not great at art. Had to take picture with camera of art book so it looks a little blurry in places.


Edited by OvAeons
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kinda wanted to make a homage to "Dark Sector"

so....heres my idea for infested enemies.Remember technocyte?Well we all know it's the main cause of infested but...

what if they got to actual tenno?.....

anyway heres my idea for one of the enemies that should be introduced:


Name Suggestion: Technocyte Frame


Behaviour: Basically kind of like stalker (but without the random spawn moment since this should be like a mid-high level uncommon enemy) wall-running across gaps, rolls for dodging and counters SOME melee attacks(maybe limit this since i also want this to be easy,not like stalker o.o).The Technocyte Frame should also use random warframe models and with the model, a certain aura.(like if it looks like frost: it can cast a snow-globe and even ice waves, or rhino types could use iron skin and rhino charge).


Attacks: As mentioned above, have it counter melee attacks, use auras depending on warframe type, but as for main attacks, either punches/kicks, an infested weapon like soliac or mire.Maybe a phage or synapse if hih level/heavy?


Environment restrictions: whatever stalker/harvester has i guess (but again,maybe limit it so it's atleast easier for new players)

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Name: death vapers




Behavior/details: Death vapers come and leave as it please, but it's cruel nature is not to be reckoned with. The rule is to beat him before he disappear. Unlike any other infested this infested maybe the closest to a tenno it can be. You may never knew what it will try to do but its main weapon are its claws (deals slash poison/viral damage) it maybe able to kill u in 1 stroke.Unlike other infested death vaper attack everything it see's, even it's own kind.




Attacks: (Duel sharp claws) main weapon,1st appearance comes in with a charge like rhino and Excalibur,it can use ash smock screen to disappear and appear again when it start attacking again.  it chase you down just like other infested but it walks on 2 leg and just about the size about loki and ash. There numbers are restricted because they are so like tenno but just like tennos they intends to work alone so you will incounter 1 after another instead of 10-30 rushing at you as it described it will be hard to kill will almost use up 1 well moded soma clip.





Enviroment: Mid/High level Dark Sectors, t3 survivals, high level invations.


    Note: (it look mostly like a tenno but have the characteristic of an infested Ancients without restraints to whom his enemies are) even if it don't come out now i hope in the near future this idea might come in handy for the DE's             

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Infested Tennos


Behavior: Stands idle until player approaches. Then attacks violently. Will charge like ancients.


Attacks: Can use basic secondary Lato and melee and Skana.


Environment: Infested areas.


I cant draw so I'll describe how it looks:

Excalibur model warframe with glowing moss-like substance covering most of the body leaving the other parts open.



Its basic but if some one wants they can add on an take the credit I did it for funezys and I was bored.

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NAME: infested A-ve

BEHAVIOR: when idle it flying around infested, and make bird voice, it will scream when it detect player, small infested

ATTACK: Sky diving from air and dealing damage and knock down player, Spitting toxin from the sky and dealing poison damage


PHOTO: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/29/Common_raven_by_David_Hofmann.jpg

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Name: Ancient Prime


Behaviour: The lower its health gets, the more aggressive it becomes towards players. At critical, it will be the equivalent of facing the Stalker and the G3 simultaneously!



- Physical attacks have high chance to inflict the Puncture and Slash effects (Damage-Reduction and Bleed, respectively)

- Pulse Quake (AoE-wide Ancient Disrupter effect)

- War Shout (combined effects of Warframe abilities "Roar" and "Warcry")

- Radial Blind (like Excalibur's, but has a frontal-cone range from its eyes)

- Miasma (from Saryn, used upon death)


Environment Restriction: Restricted to interior-based levels.


Art Reference: A mix of Infested Ancient and Primordius from World of Warcraft (image below)

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Name Suggestion: Tenno Infected

Behaviour:  The Tenno Infected move quickly and prefer to use verticality as their choice of movement than sticking to the ground. Often prioritising tenno over objectives and other enemy types, these fallen tenno turned infected long for the energy they once had.

Attacks: These attacks are similar to a tenno wielding daggers, however in the place of steel they use their own mutated body to strike.  If they manage to land a combo on a tenno they will absorb some of their energy. 

They commonly jump at their target, proving a challenge to tenno who commonly stay at high ground to avoid the ground bound infested types.  

Environment restrictions:  Enclosed areas with limited versatility restrict both attack opportunities and movement due to  crowds of enemies and obstacles. 


​Character Art (Dark Sector Nemesis as reference) 




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Name Suggestion: Rend Bat

Behaviour: Lacking eyesight, the Rend Bat can often be found stationary clinging to walls and ceilings.

Attacks: Once alerted to the presence of enemies, the Rend Bat takes flight and sends forth high pitched sound waves which can disorient its prey. This also helps the Rend Bat to locate its prey before flying straight at them, using its razor-like wings to cut. Though not a threat in small numbers, a large group of Rend Bats can quickly incapacitate the most hearty Tenno

Environmental Restrictions: None

Art or Reference Images:

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Name Suggestion: Ancient Bruja


Behaviour: This enemy codenamed ‘Witch/Bruja’ , extreme colorful.


Ability: She Bring dead Chargers to alive ,smoke to hide other enemy .


Why? : I love killing infested , mods loots, ability spam, pure enjoyment.


Attack:Bite you and confuse you W S A D ---> S W D A.


Environment restrictions: Level 20 or above


Optional Art:DisrupterAncientDE_zpscdb47a99.png

Edited by c00ki3s
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Name Suggestion: Infested Shredder


Behaviour:  An infested light unit with the size of a charger that was a Grineer elite lancer now is a mass of flesh that fused with its old equipment and has taken the form of a scorpion. The said "scorpion" have arms that are like the twin gremlins and its tail is a cleaver used by the Grineer. It can climb on walls but not on the ceiling. When it receives Impact or Explosive damage on the walls, it falls.


Attacks: It can shoot nails like the gremlins that do Puncture and Slash damage from its arms and when the enemies come near to it, the Shredder cleaves its tail to dispel its foes, which can cause Poison damage.  It attacks from mid to short range because of the travel time of its nails.


Environment restrictions:  The Shredder apears on maps like the Grineer Galleon, the Corpus Ship and the Orokin Derelict. 

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Name Suggestion: Marabunta Legion

Behaviour:  A group enemies that moves as a swarm pouring out of corridors, and attacks in a group. The enemy is about the size of Large Roaches, moves in the hundreds if not thousands and can crawl on walls, ceilings, and floors everywhere in order to reach your location, and even go as far as leaping across locations. Instead of health dropping when attacked their numbers drop, and can be seen as you shoot them. Instead of outright dying off they break off, and hide. Only to reappear again later on in another swarm. They move at an incredible speed, almost like an ocean filling a room, and multiple groups can converge on Tenno coming together to make larger Swarms. Occasionally swarming in out of no where on unsuspecting Grineer, and Corpus. Considered absolutely dreadful by all who come across them as they swarm like African Army Ants, and rip their prey apart adding to the swarm. Truly a fierce force to reckon with when they have their appetite glued to you.

Attacks: Their attacks vary depending on location. They mainly run towards their prey in a violent charge leaping, and crawling on them to bite away at shields, health, armor, and even energy. Only to be removed by swinging melee weapons around, or having an ally shoot you(ideal to shoot others covered in them with a ignis, or Embolist). If for example your on the asteroid they could come pouring in out of a vent on top of you to attack you from, that you normally would bust into to wall climb up into, and could be heavily infested in the ventilation systems just about anywhere even the Corpus Ship. If your on earth they could come pouring out from wreckage, water sources, or just randomly out of the woods, and even falling in a waterfall off trees above to sneak attack, and devour their prey.(Meaning places like dead ends they could just come leaping out from all corners when you look for treasure.) They could even come popping out of a locker attacking you immedtily when you open them like a trap. Just completely swarming you violently, and attacking rapidly making treasure hunting with infested an absolute JOY (Sarcasm intended).

Environment restrictions:  None

Reference Images: fourmi-legionnaire-d-12.jpg Not a picture of how they look exactly. Just a good example of how they would look when they swarm their prey...


marabunta-hormiga-guerrera.jpg This is an example of them moving together in a swarm.

Edited by Arlayn
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