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Enemies Of The Tenno: Infested Submissions


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Name: Spreader



Spreader is a flying type of infested. Moves in groups, spreading toxin on enemies.

Thanks to its little size, Spreaders can move extremaly fast. This creatures always stays in groups, with an alfa that guides them

Alfa is bigger and slower than others but without alfa, Spreaders become confused and disorganised.



Long range: When they are far from enemys they spread toxin fluids which stays on the ground dealing overtime damage when on it.
Close combat: Alfa shoots toxic needles coming from its body when in the meantime the oher spreaders attacks an enemy with claws and teeths.

The only way to take them down are meele attacks.


Enviroment restrictions:

Big rooms where they can easly move around.

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(Don't know if this is allowed but I'm making one enemy but  it's actually two because it has a mutation function.)

Name Suggestions-

Elemental Runner and Mutated Runner



Elemental Runner-The Elemental Runner will be an enemy that will vomit which elemental type it is from its opened chest onto their target. This vomit will make all attacks in the time period of the effect to do that type of elemental damage to the target. This can affect friends and foes so in some ways this could be beneficial for both the Tenno and the Infested. If these creatures are shot in the head and their corpus helmet falls off they will rage into a mutated runner

Mutated Runner-The Mutated Runner will look like any other leaper or runner but be 2 times the size of a Tenno. Just like the leapers his most dominant hand will be his left and look as such as a charger’s hand in left for dead with one big muscular hand and a small hand. His chest will look similar to the Gears of War 3 Berserker and have similar functions and look similar as his chest will open only when he’s charging. The Mutated Runner will also have a function in which if he gets shot in the head at any point he’ll gain health, attack speed, and damage done by his attacks similar to the Goliath in borderlands 2.This enemy is only vulnerable by his chest when opened. When his chest is opened the player will be notified by which elemental damage is needed to attack him by a color of the elemental damage seen on his glowing chest similar to the Prosecutors.



Elemental Runner-

>Elemental Vomit- Vomits the current element the runner is onto its target making all incoming damage turn into that element

>Quick Swipe- Hits the target in close range

Mutated Runner-

>Ground Slam- Jumps into the air and throws his body with his fists in front of his face into the ground, throwing anyone in the radius to the ground dealing damage to them.

>Earthquake- If failed to hit his enemy with ground slam he'll stay on the ground smashing his feet and hands into the ground staggering or knocking down anyone within the radius of him.

>Fist Charge- Charges into his enemy potentially hitting his foes on his path and will continue to run until something stops him making him vulnerable to be hit when stopped.

>Head Charge- Charges into his enemy with his head(similar to fist charge)

>Curb Stamp- Closes his distance with his enemies and uses his foot to smash them.

>Sudden Death- Once on the verge of death he'll explode to pick off his remaining enemies.


Environment Restrictions-

Elemental Runner-none

Mutated Runner- needs to be in big open landscapes to work well with his attack sets


Optional Images-

Left for Dead Charger-http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110705012106/left4dead/images/thumb/e/e8/Charger.png/328px-Charger.png

Gears of War 3 Berserker-http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111031115103/gearsofwar/es/images/0/07/BerserkerLambent.png

Borderlands 2 Goliath- http://www.game-art-hq.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Goliath-Borderlands-2-Conce.jpg

Edited by Milkyway_Murder
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Name Suggestion: Infested Wasps


BehaviorMoves quickly without a target and flies close to anything that has a smooth surface, has a small hole in a wall/tree to fly into to rest but otherwise flies actively close to it. If one is attacked, all the Infested Wasps within a room radius helps retaliate.


Attacks: This unit has 3 methods of attacking; Swarm, Inject, and Stinger

Swarm - If there is 5+ Infested Wasps near each other when attacking, they attack as a group together by circling the target and stinging them repeatedly in fast speed.

Inject - If there is 1-4 Infested Wasps remaining, they inject a poison into their target for a short period that directly affects the health, afterwards, the Infested Wasp that uses it slowly loses health until death.

Stinger - The basic attack for a Infested Wasps that has them fly up to their target and poke them (not injecting poison) with their stinger.


Environment Restriction: They do best in Jungle related (any kind of forest) environments where they can make their nest in a easy to get into surface. 

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Name Suggestion: Amoeba


Behaviour:  The Amoeba is an Infested 'heavy' unit that initially starts as a massive, slow moving blob that attempts to engulf Tenno. It melds into Infested terrain items and is difficult to spot at a distance, so simultaneously operates as an enemy mob, and as a environmental trap.


Attacks: It will slowly advance on Tenno, or simply be bumbled into, after which it will engulf the errant Tenno, preventing movement, or any attacks other than melee. If it suffers enough damage, it will divide into two smaller blobs, which will latch onto weapons and legs separately, again, only melee can remove them. Upon further divisions they simply latch on and leech health until meleed off once again, after which they are finally dead.


At range, it will lob tiny pieces of itself that act much like the attacks of a leech osprey, except directly draining health. To compensate for it bypassing shields, the attacks it launches move rather slow and are easy to dodge if one is paying attention. They can again, be removed via melee.


Environment restrictions:  It can only appear in stages with significant Infested doodads and environmental alterations so that it may blend in and better act as a trap. As it is rather slow moving, it would not be suitable for defense missions.

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Name Suggestion: Lurker.




Fast, slim infested. Two phases ennemy. When he is far from a target, he will be pratically hidden in the floor.

If he is invulnerable when hidden/moving close, it's all good but a very high damage mitigation will do the trick.


When close to the intended target, he will rise from the ground and take a different shape to strike.  




Your choice. I was thinking about small damage directly to the health OR normal damage but high chance to inflige a slash process OR normal damage but Energy reduction (About 15 per hit, maybe).


Environment restrictions:  Can use the walls to pass over a gap or climb but can't jump at all.


(Optional) Art or Reference Images:


For me, you already have a strong base for the lurker, the small "spores" on the ground of the infested tilesets.





Please note I can't draw anything good.

Also, english is not my first language.

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Name Suggestion: Ancient Annihilator


Behaviour: A colossal enemy, roughly one and a half to two times the size of a regular Infested ancient, the Ancient Annihilator has survived the assimilation of Orokin technology that usually lays waste to lesser Infested; most notably the volatile Death Orb traps. Its body has become highly volatile as a result, and parts of its anatomy have been all but replaced by pure energy, rendering it more resistant to physical damage types, but extremely vulnerable to heat, electricity, and radiation. It moves slowly due to its size, but possesses quick and powerful melee attacks as well as a shield that reduces damage from ranged attacks.


Attacks: -Incapable of running like other ancients, at long range the Ancient Annihilator will instead guard itself from frontal attacks by raising an assimilated Orokin shield plate while slowly making its way to its target.


-At mid range, it can attack with its energy-charged tendril arm, much like a regular Infested ancient, which randomly inflicts either heat, electricity, or radiation status.


-It can also produce a large shockwave, similar to a Shockwave Moa, by charging briefly and then slamming the ground; the shockwave inflicts damage and knockdown on anyone hit and, upon reaching its full range, returns back to the Ancient Annihilator, inflicting damage again and pulling targets closer.


-Finally, due to its highly unstable nature, Ancient Annihilators will explode shortly after death, dealing damage and inflicting radiation status to anyone caught in the blast.


Environment restrictions:  Ancient Annihilators are found primarily in Orokin derelicts, but are occasionally sighted in dark sectors as well.

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Name Suggestion: Reaver


Behaviour: This infested monstrosity hides on the walls and cealings in groups of three to five, waiting to take flight and hunt tasty tenno brains like a bat out of hell. (Given enough space it is a very capable flyer)


Attacks: While airborn this enemy will shoot boney spines (like a low speed boltor) from the infested remains of an unknown weapon, but if given the chance to get close it will go straight for Its preys head/neck with a deadly poisonous bite.


Environment restrictions: While in smaller rooms and corridors it cannot take flight and must rely on wall crawling, it also hates being on the floor due to fear of being trampled by ancients.


Optional Art:



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Name Suggestion: Pathogenic Horror


Behaviour: this four-arm monster dont have eyes, and have a big mouth full of razors in place of teeth. He can kill the players in stealth mode, jumping from the shadows, where he stays hidden. The player killed in this way should use a revive. His presence can be identified by a red bubbling liquid in the floor and walls near his hidding location. He cant be located by radar mods, but a consumable can be deployed tracing his exact location showing where he is. 


Attacks: he have a shotgun attached to his right low arm (shooting blasts which do viral damage), and a pistol attached to his left low arm (shooting darts which do corrosive damage). These weapons should be really mixed in his skin, and they can have the current designs of the Phage (without its six arms) and the Tysis. Its other two arms (right high and left high arms) have big claws (Wolverine size) for melee attack, doing slash and poison damage. The middle of his torax have a deep vertical cut showing his entrails. He have the size of an ancient, and moves fast. 


Once discovered he will attack, using his Phage-like shotgun at the same time with the Tysis-like pistol, shooting blasts at near players and darts at far players. When the player is close enough, he uses his claws. He can release a black gas which do radiation damage in an area around him, through his entrails in the torax, and he can also do a stomp in the ground like Rhino do, using his feet. These last two (black gas and stomp) are powers which uses energy. He roars while fighting, and is very strong.


Environment restrictions: any infested ship with level 30+ enemies. He's not a boss, and two or more can appear at the same mission. 

Edited by Wolfstorm18
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Name Suggestion:






Flying infested viper-like enemies, they look like a viper with a pair of wings on the top side of the body. Bottom side is twisted to the front and has a venomous sting. They fly in a flappy way and have the ability to dash forward.




1)- Dashes forward knocking down any creature that it hits, including allies.

2)- Spits a venomous cloud of toxin that intoxicates its enemies.

3)- Strikes with its butt-sting to stun ( slow down ) its enemy for 3 seconds while dealing damage to him.

4)- When low on health, Vorpa dashes quickly to the enemy if it got a chance, and grabs his head then it blows itself dealing damage to the enemy.


Environmental Restrictions:


As long as there is space to fly, they appear.


Art or Reference images:


Not at the moment, might add something if i can manage to create a similar artwork.


EDIT: Thanks Gysahl :3


I don't know what i did but it's kinda represents the idea, it has to look way creepier and edgy than this.



Edited by -CM-Hunter
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Sapper/Volatile Sapper



A flying infested unit that lazily flaps it's way around the field occasionally landing to rest it's frail mutated wings.



Upon detecting an enemy unit the Sapper will dive towards the unit and if it makes contact successfully it will 'latch' on to the unit and slow it down dramatically as well as draining its shields and health while being able to be removed by repeated rolls. Volatile variants will detonate itself after slowing the unit.


Environment restrictions:

Located in the air around groups of infested as well as resting on the ground near them.

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Name Suggestion: Bulwark


Behaviour: Bulwarks appear to be a slightly larger Charger until engaged in combat, which causes them to explosively mutate into hulking masses of bone and technocyte. They are able to deflect bullet weapons with the bone plates on their arms whilst blocking similarly to Tenno using melee to block, but cannot deflect explosives and their block can be broken by channelled attacks or sustained fire. Turns slowly and takes full damage from behind at all times. Bulwarks appear with groups of lighter infested and act as a defensive structure or siege weapon for their weaker brethren whilst impeding Tenno with their abnormal size and resilience.


Attacks: Bulwarks are able to actively block damage from the front, deflecting bullets but not explosives. They passively deflect bullets fired at their sides whilst their arm shields are not raised to block. Despite their lack of mobility, Bulwarks can perform a charging attack which deals high Impact damage to and drags along anything caught in their path, in a similar manner to Hydroid’s Tidal Surge. Slamming their shields into the ground generates a shockwave which can easily knock down and deal minor impact damage to nearby enemies, even those behind them. Finally, Bulwarks possess a deafening Hivecall which acts as an alarm for Infested, drawing swarms of lesser Infested to its location in an attempt to overrun the intruding Tenno.


Environment restrictions: Wide-open spaces only. Never in Derelicts. 50% taller than and twice as wide as Infested Ancients. Doesn’t fit through doorways.


(No reference pictures, sorry)

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Rot Flies are bile filed insects that periodically spawn from statically positioned nests. They seek out enemies and will explode upon reaching them, leaving all their bile behind in a pool that slows down the enemy allowing the rest of the horde to close in for the kill.


The Rot flies make a buzzing sound while flying that can be heard by anyone nearby alerting the Tenno to it's presence.


The nest act as semi-hidden spawners, which while the Tenno is in its general area will spawn Rot Flies to force the Tenno to have to seek them out and destroy the nests. The nests would be put in to offer some support that player's have to seek and actively hunt down, something the Infested lack(They all run towards the Tenno), while still maintaining an all melee faction.





1)The Nests periodically spawns Rot Flies which move at the slightly faster speed than the mine osprey would as it is laying mines(so pretty slow), Flies also would have a similar heath amount as mine ospreys.


The Rot fly will on death or upon reaching a Tenno explode, leaving behind a pool of bile on the ground for 5 seconds. The pool doesn't damage the Tenno but greatly slows down their movement and attack speed while they stand on the pool and for a short duration after leaving. The reason they don't need to do damage is because the Infested already do a lot of damage the Rot Flies just allow them to hit the Tenno.


On death this explosion will happen immediately, but when they reach a Tenno they will do a short wind up animation before exploding.


The Nests will not have to be within line of sight of an Tenno to start spawning flies but just in a general area. The Rot Flies leave behind a little trail of goo while moving allowing the player's to follow it back to where the nest is located.




2)On death the nest will also explode as the flies do.



Environment Restrictions: 


Nests would be put into side rooms or places not on the main player path.




The flies will look kind of like the bloat fly from fallout just with a puss filed stomach almost as it were pregnant but its delivering pussy goo and not a baby


Edited by Pendantic
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Name Suggestion: Lamprey


Behavior: A squishy but agile leech-like creature that spawns in swarms.  Slithers along the ground, avoiding combat unless a vulnerable target is nearby.  If a target is detected, nearby Lampreys will attempt to swarm it en masse until one successfully reanimates it (if an NPC) or dominates it (if a player).  If players do not take care to kill Lampreys or render corpses unusable, the Infested horde can quickly become overwhelming as their bodies simply rise again when killed.


Attacks: Lampreys can burrow into corpses or near-death non-mechanical NPCs, reviving them with full health.  Revived Infested remain the same enemy type, while non-Infested NPCs/corpses are transformed into a Charger(Grineer) or Runner/Leaper(Corpus).


Lampreys will latch onto unshielded Tenno and continuously drain life and energy until shaken off by rolling or shot off by teammates.  Life and energy drained by this attack increases the Lamprey's maximum health and gives it a shield.  If this attack kills the Tenno or a Lamprey latches onto a downed Tenno, they are turned into a Dominated Tenno enemy which fights using weapons but no abilities, and the player cannot Revive until the Dominated Tenno is killed.  (Though Tenno are immune to the Technocyte, the virus has evolved to be capable of exerting some influence over a weakened Tenno.)


Optional: Revived enemies can have extra modifiers if revived by a rare Lamprey subtype:

-Cancerous: 5x health, 0.5x speed

-Volatile: 0.75x health, attacks gain Fire element, explode on death

-Venomous: 0.5x attack, Toxin aura, attacks gain Gas element

-Berserk: 0.5x health, 2x speed, attacks cause guaranteed Bleed proc

-Mutated: health regenerates, attacks gain Radiation and Blast element


Environment restrictions: Spawn at a high rate in the upcoming Infested tileset, spawn less frequently and only alongside Ancients elsewhere.


Art or Reference Images:

Lamprey Concept Art:


Lamprey Body Details: (ignore this if it would go over word limit)


Edited by Zadier
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Name Suggestion: Ravager



Lone and massive infested that attacks furiously any enemy in its sight. When charging, Ravager will knock down anything in its path (other infested, enviroment...) When you hear distant howl, you know you got Ravager incoming.



Ram: Ravager charges you with its huge tusks (instant knockdown and bleeding if hit)

Slash: Using its claw-like tusks, Ravager tries to slice you in pieces

Stomp: Ravager rises to its hindlegs, gathering energy for its stomp (similar to shockwave moa´s)


Environment restrictions:  

Cant spawn in small areas

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Creature:  Bunraku


Behavior:  The Bunraku is a creature that infects the targets nervous systems by attaching themselves to the skin.  Once attached, the infected target loses their ability to control their actions, targeting whatever is closest.  It has been found that Tenno infected by the Bunraku lose access to their suits technical abilities, but are still able to be quite deadly with melee and projectile weapons.  Bunraku must be terminated once they have become attached to a victim. 


Attacks:  The Bunraku attacks are passive in nature, meant to get closer to its target.  It possesses and adaptive camouflage that and render it nearly invisible for short durations.  It also is capable of tremendous short bursts of running speed.  However, its camouflage is unable to adapt during these sprints, making it visible.    It’s only attack is infecting nervous systems, as described in the behavior section.


Environment Restrictions:  Bunraku are rarely seen in well-lit areas.


I think the Camel-Cricket is a perfect example of what this thing could look like:



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Name: Sapper

Behaviour: Fast-moving and skittish around loud noises (perhaps silencer mods could make them less erratic around gunfire), sappers approach aggressively—as quickly as an Ancient at full running speed—and attempt to latch onto Tenno by lashing out with an unusually long barbed tongue. Rolling will remove them like Seeker Latchers and Leech Osprey drones, but they take no damage from being shaken off and will try to escape quickly and loop around for another assault.

Attacks: Upon latching to a target (for a negligible bit of Puncture damage as their teeth sink in), they scramble the Tenno's HUD while slowing them and quickly draining their stamina (impairing melee and rapid movement alike). The HUD scramble lasts for a few seconds even after a sapper has been removed.

Environment restrictions:  None, as they should serve as a support unit for most other Infested.

Art/Reference Images: Their mouths should resemble those of lampreys:



They could perhaps resemble mynocks (of Star Wars fame) without the wings, though I would prefer to see the art team work their magic to make novel Infested creatures that have perhaps even incorporated Leech Osprey components into their anatomy. :>

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Name Suggestion: Infested Punish-er (Subject to change)


Behavior: The Infested Punish-er is a supportive type for the Infested Faction. They will stay near any ancient following through the map(See environment restrictions). They fly near the ancient on their wings. They are relatively small, but any Tenno with a good eye can spot it. However, it is still a very hard target to aim at with rifles or snipers because it flies.  They remain neutral while their ancient partner is unattacked, even if the ancient is attacking. If the ancient infested it is with is attacked by a player, it will turn hostile. If it is attacked and isn't killed with the first attack it will attack. Due to its constant minuscule health amount of 50 points it will often be killed in the first attack. 


Attacks: The Infested Punish-er is limited to one attack due to its supportive role (see behavior). If provoked into hostility mode by a player or any other hostile object, It will fling its stinger into the attacker. This attack will result in the immediate death of the Infested Punish-er. In turn the attacker will be completely stunned for 5 seconds ( add one additional second for every 10 levels after level 10). The attacker will also receive damage points equal to five times its current health. While stunned the attacker cannot attack or move at all. This along with the infested ancient make a deadly duo.


Environmental Restrictions: The Infested Punish-er is always flying around an ancient and cannot spawn without one, but can follow it anywhere.

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Name Suggestion: Colossal


Behaviour:  Charges like Ancients, maybe a bit slower, and attempts to grab nearby Infested allies to throw them at the player. Allows lesser Infested to close the distance faster, and reach the players in places they couldn't before (maybe). Will also prioritize player constructions/summons over the players themselves, such as spectres, mind control targets, snow globes, etc. Can climb like an Olympian, and can also bust through destructible fans and the like. Its walk should destroy storage containers as he passes by.


Attacks: A heavy overhanded hit that does massive damage, but is very slow; the intention is not to attack or hit the player, but to destroy their less evasive summons and constructions. Has a faster slap to bat away players, but it should only stagger, and not do much damage. Maybe it'll combo the heavy hit after the slap. Maybe even an aoe knockdown attack, like a player's jump attack, but in a very limited radius barely more than directly adjacent to itself, just in case faster players are running circles around it and it gets annoyed.

Environment restrictions:  Higher level missions, maybe 20+; otherwise, none.


(Optional) Art or Reference Images:

Concept taken from an old game. It was called something like Shady Zone, or Unlit Area. The game reminded me a lot of the Dark Sectors in Warframe.

Edited by DiscoJesus
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Name Suggestion: Infested Juggernaut


Behaviour:  The massive, lumbering form of the juggernaut moves with unstoppable momentum, not fazed by gunfire or obstacles. When it spots its prey, it will try to maintain distance to use its artillery-like attacks, resorting to using its huge arms only when pressed up close. Although big and hulking, the juggernaut is in fact highly intelligent, using timed attacks and maintaining distance to support the rest of the horde. Although it is tough, it is incredibly cumbersome, and is vulnerable to fire in the open part of its back.


This means that maneuverable Tenno have a much better chance of doing damage to the creature from above or behind. Careful maneuvering is needed, as the Juggernaut will protect itself from the front and sides with its physical strength when pushed. The creature itself is coated in hardened plates – an effect of the technocyte virus on its hide, making it practically impervious to all but the most accurate attacks from range.


There is a hint of malice in the Juggernauts movements that is not present in other infested, maybe due to the bulk of assimilated material needed to generate such a creature.


Attacks: The Juggernaut has two primary attacks;


Venom Bombardment – By hunkering down, the Juggernaut opens the huge maw on its back and vomits out a biological explosive which sails through the air towards the target. Upon reaching a close distance, the organism explodes, raining down acidic fluid like an airburst strike. This effect is similar to Hydroid's Tempest Barrage, so staying in the area of effect can be deadly, requiring the targets to move.


Slam – By rearing up on its hind legs, the Juggernaut comes down with its arms, slamming into the ground and knocking targets around it to the floor. It then follows up with various, heavy strikes from its limbs to take down aggressors or back away to start using Venom Bombardment again.


As a reactive attack, the Juggernaut will start venting poison (like an Embolist cloud) from its mouth when it gets down to 50% health. Although short ranged, it can cripple and even kill if the attacker does not back away quickly.


Environment Restrictions:  The Juggernaut is huge. Tight spaces are a no-no.


Art or Reference Images:




More Images to come!

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Name Suggestion: Koleksi

Behaviour: A disgusting collection of stray infested growth that is infested by the hive-mind. Goes after players only as soon as they spawn, and when touching one, slows them down immensely and slowly leeches their energy and ammo. Cannot be killed by a standard bullet/arrow weapon as it absorbs them. They start decaying after spawn unless they touch a target and are killed by dodging. Laser weapons and abilities can harm them. 

Attacks: They have no attacks and are slow movers. Stumbling upon one while rushing is potentially deadly. The only thing they will do is to go for a player or enemy faction.

Environmental Restrictions: Cannot jump or go over obstacles and gaps.

Art/Reference Images: A mix of http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m562jglRhw1rvefyco1_1280.png and the rampant infested growth found around infested tilesets

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Name: Lurker



Behaviour: These humanoid infested units are masters of ambush, awaiting prey from around the corner. They possess a natural ability to blend into their surroundings, though a cautious and aware Tenno could still point them out. When they have found a proper target, they will let out a deep, almost inaudible groan. When the target comes into range, they break from hiding and madly attack their target, screaming as they do. They are then quick and unforgiving, a stark contrast from their patient waiting. Their claws allow them to cling to walls and ceilings, and they use their accute sense of smell to help hunt (so Loki isn't gonna hide).



Attacks: The Lurker will initially try to grab at their prey after they have sprung from hiding, biting at the targets neck. A Tenno could still dislodge from their grip. If they are thrown off their prey, they resort to their claws for fast melee strikes and corrosive spit to subdue long range targets.



Environment restrictions: Their deteriorated eyes can’t handle bright light, so they reside in darker rooms.


Art: Head only



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Infested Ravager



This enemy is a terrifying presence against any opponent it faces. It can walk on the legs of the original host but the arms were severely mutated that it grew large and sharp bone talons and uses them to cut up opponents. When neutral, it will shamble around and emit a guttural sound. However once it spots a hostile, it will scream a blood-curling animalistic cry and charge from cover to cover at fast speeds to get close to the target. Once it gets close to the target or there is no cover left between it and the target, it will dash the rest of way and attempt to get a bleeding damage effect on the target. If the target is inflicted with the bleeding status effect, then it will go into blood rage at the smell of blood and attack with fatal sweeping slashes.



It will first dash for the target and skewer them with their talons then slash outward after skewering and possibly creating a bleeding effect on the target. After the initial attack, it will slash continuously at the target in long sweeping attacks, however if the target is bleeding from the bleeding status effect, it will enter a blood rage which increases its attack rate and damage to it's slashing attacks.

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Name: Moth. Behavior: The moth is created by the corpus ospreys and the contact with the technocyte virus. It has a tendency to go with the group's of other infested due to it's corpus programming still lingering, but sees regular corpus as a hostile. Less agile than regular ospreys, unless if near death, it'll then move quicker. It'll usually be flying, but will sometimes stay near walls, unless infested are nearby, or if provoked.They

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Name suggestion: Infested Tagger (please make it something different.)

Behaviour: points out and prioritises targets in the map, moves at a moderate speed and has low health, whilst boasting increased pre-alerted sight range and a slightly larger than normal field of view before being alerted. It is not a common spawn, but is more common before the infested know about the tenno's presence. It will prioritize attacking tenno who are low on health, low on energy, or already down. This unit will act as a form of coordinator and pointerdog.

Attack: a dart that does minimal damage (i'd say 0 so that the tenno does not know they were tagged). Before being seen by other infested, the dart will alert all infested on the map of the tenno's presence and increases the spawnrate higher than the normal infested spawnrate. If the infested already know about the tenno's presence the dart will increase infested spawnrate, and it will make the infested prioritize that single squadmember, causing all infested to attack them first. If the tenno is down, all infested will begin to wall themselves around and guard the tenno, making sure their team mates don't save them.

Enviromental restrictions: Spawns more often when the infested are not alerted. Can spawn at any tileset.

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