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The Role Of Women In Corpus Society


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The Corpus have no females, at one point all the male corpus replaced them with robots that run on money.

ehm... I'll count this as Axlotl tanks theory.

point to "drifting ships"! wait, there is one more "like" to  "Axlotl tanks" post, so:


equilibrium - 17 
drifting ships - 11
subfaction - 2
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but adapted for female physiology, not point out it.


I'd argue that corpus crew-suits are bulky and padded enough that with the helmet on, you couldn't even tell the gender of the wearer beyond some small difference in size.


Edit: I don't much like the whole notion that corpus are insanely sexist who view women as products because that makes them even more evil in an over the top way. I'd prefer if they were egalitarian in how they treat everyone like crap, because that, I feel, plays more to their profit motives. They don't care about what gender you are, they care about how fat your bank account is.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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why not?

and what theory is more likeble for you?

Do you even know what an Axotl tank is?


My own theory is that Corpus Women are also Corpus Crewmen, Corpus Prodmen, Technicians, pilots, warehouse workers, researchers, etc. etc.


Why don't we know which gender is which? Because in all honesty, when you're in MurderDeathMachineMode the mission, you don't care about the wo/man under the helmet, that poor Corpus grunt is dead.

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Do you even know what an Axotl tank is?


My own theory is that Corpus Women are also Corpus Crewmen, Corpus Prodmen, Technicians, pilots, warehouse workers, researchers, etc. etc.


Why don't we know which gender is which? Because in all honesty, when you're in MurderDeathMachineMode the mission, you don't care about the wo/man under the helmet, that poor Corpus grunt is dead.

They look like men to me.

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Do you even know what an Axotl tank is?


My own theory is that Corpus Women are also Corpus Crewmen, Corpus Prodmen, Technicians, pilots, warehouse workers, researchers, etc. etc.


Why don't we know which gender is which? Because in all honesty, when you're in MurderDeathMachineMode the mission, you don't care about the wo/man under the helmet, that poor Corpus grunt is dead.

yes, I've reade the dune. and as you can see nearly half of this thread thinks what this is legitable theory. ok I've got it - you just too emotional for this theory :)


so your point goes to equilibrium, how trivial :D


equilibrium - 19 
drifting ships - 12
subfaction - 2
Edited by emaralez87
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Why not it is simple, Woman do the higher level jobs within the society which are safer. There is many in-vitro births given the likely hood and majority of the features chosen are intelligence due to how their current military structure which should reflect their entire social structure in a way. Similar to how in wars we tend to dominate with intelligence and we put alot of emphasis on it today. Given how woman are empowered, i would say only the lowest social standings in the corpus groups are in the military. Thus no females are doing bad, it would thus be a utopia for women to be in corpus faction because they all have reasonable to good standings. There would also be male standings similarly but some of them would be those engineers and robots replace most of the work.

Doesn't mean every woman is in good standing, it's statistically closer to zero for ALL the women to be out of the dregs of society unless something was keeping them out of the militaristic military tier, like say a ban on women on corpus ships, or a hugely matriarchal society. I mean, back then, some freed blacks owned other blacks before the civil war. They were a minority, but they certainly exist. See what I am saying? The main reason we never saw women is because of a decision on DE's part.

Edited by PeripheralVisionary
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I have another theory. Normal women are such a rarity in the game that they are captured by both factions, and that is why you have female hostages in Rescue missions.

do you mean this? :


so your point goes to drifting ships:
equilibrium - 20 
drifting ships - 14
subfaction - 3


I think this fem hostages are just Red Vail like rebellions or awoken tenno without warframes (just IMO)

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Oh yes!  More things to kill, and they will be wearing spacesuit bikinis while trying to hurt me with laser whips.  Just another way of exercising my male dominance and superiority over the female species. muahhhhahahahahaha!


Just joking.


But seriously, I often wondered why we don't see corpus females trying to kill us or something.

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That's easy, it's because of......gimme a second......wait...I need more time....

Why does Earth need Life support?!

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu-I got it! Its because of Space-Logic.

Nothing beats good old Space-Logic. Yep. Nothing at all.


1. pollution

2. over population

3. destruction of the ozone

4. itself

all of these a stand alone reason why earth would need some sort of life support

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oh, this thread gained 10 followers! I'll celebrate this by clarification how I count the points.


- point goes to equilibrium if women are part of corpus society. and this doesn't really metter do they work at ships and outposts or no. and if they don't work here this doesn't really metter why - 'cause they don't have to or 'cause they don't want to.


- point goes to drifting ships if this is kinda axlotl tank idea, sexbot joke or woman-as-merchandise idea


- point goes to subfaction if women are not part of corpus society. but they may, i.e., merchandise axolotl tanks. or, eg., they may be like Adepta Sororitas.

Edited by emaralez87
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Well, studies show that killing women is more traumatizing to soldiers than killing men. Men are perfectly acceptable targets to butcher into pieces with our dual ichors.

hm... but we shoot to such female enemies as scorpions and heavy gunners.


there may be another reason - grineer are clones and they may gain ovicels from young women and then they (women) may die on battlefield, in contra this means what corpus faction still uses good old coitus method (or invitro fertilisation + surrogate mother) for reproduction. or axlotl tanks >:D 

Edited by emaralez87
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hm... but we shoot to such female enemies as scorpions and heavy gunners.


there may be another reason - grineer are clones and their may gain ovicels from young women and then they (women) may die on battlefield, in contra this means what corpus faction steel uses good old coitus method (or invitro fertilisation + surrogate mother) for reproduction. or axlotl tanks >:D 

I just think that the Grineer ran out of cloning templates at one time and used female templates as a substitute, but it turned out to be just as good as male templates. So, the Grineer now use both male and female templates. 

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