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Helios/Scanner Issues


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it does the same with helios and my scanner. helios isnt a factor because the same thing happens when i have my carrier equipped and i am using the scanner, but helios does scan the floor and walls


will test out with carrier

Edited by blackflashcannon
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Helios scans plants on Earth, which would be nice except for the following problems:

* No bonus affinity or extract items are rewarded

* Helios will, if left to its own devices, continue scanning the same plant over and over again, consuming multiple codex scanner charges


It would be fine if Helios didn't automatically harvest materials for the player, but in that case he shouldn't be allowed to spend charges scanning plants that are already full in the codex. He's proven to be too irresponsible to do that.


Edit: Helios will stop scanning a plant if you scan it yourself.


Edit 2: If Helios encounters a plant NOT totally filled out in your Codex, he will scan it normally, awarding bonus affinity and the proper extract. It seems as if this bug is related to plants having all their scans.

Edited by MFDelta
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I've been on a scanning spree for days and I noticed a few glitches with Scanning & Helios Sentinel.



(1) Permanent Structure Bug:

Sometimes Helios likes to scan structures which in itself is a small bug, but when I was on Jupiter, Elara that bug lead to the whole screen bugging out permanently into that blue framework. It looked like this everywhere I moved, and it lasted until I exited the mission:



(2) Death/Revive Reset:

When I die and revive, I am able to scan "already" scanned mobs (i.e. mobs that I normally cannot scan anymore), as if the whole database is temporarily reset after death. This mean that Helios starts to scan everything and all the mobs which were already completed.



EDIT (24 May 2014):


I had the Structure Bug issue again in another Coprus map. This time I was switching to the scanner and did not actually scan anything!!




As to the Death/Revive Reset bug, I asked several people and they all confirmed it was happening to them as well. I also read other posts on the forum about it happening to others.

Edited by Hadronox
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I've been on a scanning spree for days and I noticed a few glitches with Scanning & Helios Sentinel.



(1) Permanent Structure Bug:

Sometimes Helios likes to scan structures which in itself is a small bug, but when I was on Jupiter, Elara that bug lead to the whole screen bugging out permanently into that blue framework. It looked like this everywhere I moved:



(2) Death/Revive Reset:

When I die and revive, I am able to scan "already" scanned mobs (i.e. mobs that I normally cannot scan anymore), as if the whole database is temporarily reset after death. This mean that Helios starts to scan everything and all the mobs which were already completed.


Issue a support ticket. 

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And I don't just mean after I revive mid-mission.

Right from the very start of the mission, he's scanning everything in sight--things I know for a fact he wasn't scanning twenty minutes ago.


This suggests that either Helios and/or the Codex are broken somehow.

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So I played today before the new patch with the SERRO and the new Syandana, Though I would use Helios see if he was fixed, and he was. Fantastic. Fast scan, and only scans targets that is not scanned. WONDERFUL!


Then the 13.4.0 comes out, aaaaaand once more, this sentinel is back to the start of being useless. Now, he scans everything, non discriminating and uses up all the codex scanners ONCE MORE. Just faster than when he was before good fix.


Can we please go back to the old codex thingy, where stuff that are done and fully scanned CANNOT be scanned again? Really helps me and Helios NOT using up codex scanners on normal soldiers when we ment to be scanning rare stuff.

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My Helios seems to scan EVERYTHING, even when Codex says they are fully maxed in scanning. In doing all this scanning it uses all my scans up and then has none for the things it should be scanning. Is there a way of stopping it doing this on my side or would it have to be a DE game fix?

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It seems that the player is able to scan things even if they completed the codex entry for the specific enemy. This seems to register with Helios, thus causing him to go mental.

Replying to my own post FTW.


Anyway, this seems to be a side-effect of the new addition of having enemies highlighted through the Codex Scanner. Also of note... enemies are not highlighted through the Codex Scanner, in direct relation with this bug that makes enemies able to be scanned, and thus registered as uncompleted in the Codex while in-mission.

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I also got a bug where if i manually equipped my scanner it would fail to switch back to the weapon properly. The display in the bottom left would display the weapon but no attack or aiming would take place on button presses, even quick melee via E key was broken.

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I also got a bug where if i manually equipped my scanner it would fail to switch back to the weapon properly. The display in the bottom left would display the weapon but no attack or aiming would take place on button presses, even quick melee via E key was broken.


I posted this to the bug section of the forums as well. If you zoom in with your scanner it disables your ability to aim or fire. You have to hit your Scanner again to be able to fire again, instead of F to switch weapons.

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Honestly it might have something to do with the possibility of overscanning an enemy to complete the codex (won't stop players from scanning more enemies than necessary to complete the codex entry mid-mission so the codex can read something like 24/20 scans more or less screwing with what is considered complete) or DE's planning a secondary function to scanned enemies idk.

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I think it stems from whatever change DE made to implement the green "fully scanned" glow.

I didn't see that glow when I tried to scan a wall of Chargers and Runners despite knowing I had more than enough scans of each.

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I've never seen the green "fully scanned" glow. In fact, when my helios was scanning things, they'd glow orange again. He'd go after containers and explosive barrels especially, and I'm up to almost 100/20. I stopped scanning those a LONG time ago, and every time i see him start a scan, i run around a corner as fast as possible.


I usually buy up to 500 scanners, and today I realized my helios has me down to 31. Between Grates, things that don't show up in the codex, and eximus, helios has eaten over 500 scans. I might have to bench him again until this can be reliably sorted.

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