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Yeah this is a hate post but for good reason. Lately DE has been nerfing the best abiltys of warframes and if it continues this game is going to be a sad shaddow of what it used to be. If anyone cares that has some power in the "bowles" of Digital Extremes, stop makeing the game "harder" by nerfing the fun parts of the game, insted create new content that would challenge people with what they have spent alot of there time (and/or REAL CASH) setting there warframes up to do and enjoy.




Im going to use my Nekros on this post when it dies.

My Profile Icon was Nova :P

Edited by Armed_Monkey
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DE is good.


DE wants to listen to their community and improve Warframe based on the majority's opinions.


Now, that Majority is tricked into looking like one, because all we see are nerf threads on this forum. Reason why there's more nerf threads than happy threads? Because people don't get vocal when they're content.


More people are content than they are unhappy. And because of the unhappy people making such an impact on the forum DE can't do much other than take it into consideration, because the forum is one of the only ways to speak to the community.


This whole situation makes THEM look like the jackhats, while on the bigger picture it's part of the community itself.


If you want to complain to someone about nerfs, it's the players.

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Next to nerf will be CC powers for all frames.


To put it bluntly, there were no other major CC power nerfs after Chaos and Bastille.

It is high time to nerf those, so with our CC powers being much weaker, then we can move on to AI 2.0 so enemies can punish us heavily even at lower difficulties.

Edited by fatpig84
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It's for the better.

Trinity was a one trick pony before the rebalancing. Stug + Link + blessing = clear room.

Now, more builds are opening up for her. I am working on a melee centric build with Life Strike and Energy Vampire with maxed power strength (maximize the energy that you get out of Energy Vampire so you can channel indefinitely).

And I know of at least 2 other builds already proposed by players in the forums - short blessing duration build and quick thinking + self hurt build.

Trinity has one ability slightly toned down (blessings) but another ability greatly buffed (Energy Vampire).

Without these balance changes, she will still be a one trick pony.

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Agree with OP. Game is being blowed up from the inside as we speak. Before those nerfs, the desert was only on Phobos (few players there), now the desert is extending to Jupiter as well. No players in survival, defense and dark sectors on Jupiter, an area where some weeks ago a lot of noobs and pugs were coming and going. Now they are leaving. Saddest part is in Ceres, a nice tileset, with challenging content, and which became even better after the extension, but no players around, its me and my specter most of the time. 

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Tell me, how exactly do you "challenge" players who can spend 24/7 completely invincible?
Tell me, how exactly do you "challenge" players when none of the mobs live long enough to even blink at the players?

Here is what I dont get with all of the anti-nerf whiners:
How is it a "challenge" to spend 2 hours completely invincible and shooting yourself in the foot with a rocket and killing everything?
You guys bring up that you *need* those invincibility powers to see the challenging content.  But how the eff is it challenging?
Your arguments against nerfing dont really make sense.

Further, pumping out "harder" and more number inflated content does nothing except force people to use the OP weapons/frames to even see it.
It makes every other choice of gear useless and pointless to even have in the game.
But let me guess, your going to bring up the "But they can buff all of that to the same level!"
And that is just a very round about, difficult, and long road that ultimately just nerfs the currently OP stuff in the end.

How does it nerf the op gear?

Lets take an example:
Say a game has a bunch of weapons who deal mostly 10 dps.
Enemies have mostly around 100 health.
A gun comes out that suddenly deals 50 dps.
Everyone uses the gun and things are too easy.

There are two ways to fix this:

1) Carefully buff everything else up to around 50 damage but maintaining relative power levels, and then buff enemy health to match.
What happens here is everyone sees their gear is buffed (yay!) and at first the people using the 50dps weapon dont see a change.
Then they bring up the enemy health/armor/whatever.  The people using the old gear are now back pretty much to square one, while the people using the 50dps weapons are now killing things just as slowly (essentially a nerf).
The only difference from how it was initially is that the numbers are arbitrarily larger.

2) Nerf the 50 dps weapon down to the level of the other guns
What happens is no one else sees a change, and the people using the OP gear complain because now they are killing things slower.

Pretty much they arrive at the exact same end point, one just takes longer, is harder, and ultimately a waste of time and resources.  The other is faster, and stops numbers from being arbitrarily inflated.
Afterall, whats the difference between hitting enemies with 10dps for 10 seconds to kill them, compared to hitting enemies with 50dps for 10 seconds to kill them?

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I will have to try playing Nova tonight, but from what I saw with her with a pub I was playing with, I like the nice looking effect of Priming now and the fact that it doesn't last as long will help defense out a bit, and will end up with me using the ability more since it isn't an instant win button anymore.


Everyone is saying Nova is nerfed, other say it is balancing, and other saying it is making Nova's powers more in line with other frames.


I think the only way to get this is to simply change how things are worked on in the future.


When a frame i released, a page is created for that frame, describing what each of the powers are, each power/unique traits having a status indicator.  When first released, everything is set to monitored.  Then every two weeks or so, updates are posted saying the status on what the ability is.  For example


Frame X

Ability 1:  Monitoring

Ability 2: Is being underused, Monitoring

Ability 3: Working as intended

Ability 4: There are ways of modding the frame for this ability to have a use something other than intended.  Will be changed eventually.


There, done.  If something like this is always out there for people to see, people can't complain about the changes because they are always being changed and monitored.  Even if something was "Finalized", the state could be changed with an update or new ability added to everything.  Then change the status to some things to monitor and then change as needed.


And I don't think any ability is ever completely safe from tinkering.  When you have a game where they can completely change the systems using the the game, not just once but twice now (mods instead of  an upgrade tree, Melee 2.0), things will always be in flux in one way or another.

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Tell me, how exactly do you "challenge" players who can spend 24/7 completely invincible?

Tell me, how exactly do you "challenge" players when none of the mobs live long enough to even blink at the players?

Make the stalker attack you at later parts of survival, not just once but over and over. You do know he removes active warframe abiltys :)

Try a T3S 60 mins +....

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I think you're only complaining because your precious little nova got nerfed, Hard. Im made happy by these changes, and im glad they finally did them.


btw, your spelling is aweful.

Abuse, I like it :P




Oh and by the way I said nothing about any particular frame even though i will need to RE-FORMA my nova a few times for the change.

Edited by Armed_Monkey
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I have done multiple T3S at 60+ minutes without a trinity or nova.
It just gets boring to do that because of the bullet sponge enemies.

And DE has even stated that their intended goal for balancing was 35-55 minutes in T3S.
So if you go beyond that: good for you.  But they aren't going to try to balance around it.
And why should they?
What's the point of trying to balance around endless content?
Because then I could argue a gun that deals 10 million damage per shot and is fully automatic would eventually be balanced if you went long enough in endless modes.

And I'm glad you don't do game design.
Because the stalker isn't a challenge, he is poorly designed gear check at best.
You either kill him in 1 second or he 1 shots you.
No real challenge there, so try again.

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And sensible game design wins out in the end. Nova and Trinity were really trivializing high-end content.



1. If you need invincibility to survive that long, it's a sign that you shouldn't really be there.

2. 60+ minutes into T3 survival isn't the bloody endgame, stop acting like it is, and stop using it as an excuse to keep OP stuff in the game.

3. Cry some moar

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For me, the change of nova was good but not at all. Some parts still need fix such a strange color energy of this ulti (have gold color in fact show strange blue color) and speed of expanding is little to slow.


Maybe another way: project is nice but effects are poor.

Edited by SmokuPL
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I have done multiple T3S at 60+ minutes without a trinity or nova.

It just gets boring to do that because of the bullet sponge enemies.

And DE has even stated that their intended goal for balancing was 35-55 minutes in T3S.

So if you go beyond that: good for you.  But they aren't going to try to balance around it.

And why should they?

What's the point of trying to balance around endless content?

Because then I could argue a gun that deals 10 million damage per shot and is fully automatic would eventually be balanced if you went long enough in endless modes.

And I'm glad you don't do game design.

Because the stalker isn't a challenge, he is poorly designed gear check at best.

You either kill him in 1 second or he 1 shots you.

No real challenge there, so try again.


And to think I would put content worthy of being payed for here... for free!
It was an example... 
Balancing to 35-55 would be nice but not without destroying alot of what we enjoy today for tomorrows Warframe gamer.
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