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Excal Prime.


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Hey dude. How ya doing? Good I hope? Sorry about all the hate you're getting thus far.


But question: You're the first prime, right? Yes. You are the first prime, yes. You are prime number uno. Wait...you're prime number one.


The number one isn't considered prime in the mathmatics world! That would mean that BY TECHNICALITY, you aren't a prime at all! That would explain everything! That must mean there is no Excalibur prime at all and that you're actually just a fancy looking frame with powers that are identical to Excalibur! THis would mean taht the whiners have nothing to stand on as you aren't technically a prime!


Boom. Mind blown.



Edited by -Vash-
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they should have another event where we can obtain stuff like excal prime, primed chamber or whatever crap DE stopped releasing


Exclusive = Exclusive = Not coming back, EVER.

Ok maybe Primed Chamber BUT NOT EXCAL PRIME.

Edited by Stefanovich
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they should have another event where we can obtain stuff like excal prime, primed chamber or whatever crap DE stopped releasing

I belive this is the correct answer:




I hope you liked the attention everyone is giving you now.

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Does that mean that...


He isn't Excal Prime?


He is just a Excal Prime Cosplayer?!



they should have another event where we can obtain stuff like excal prime, primed chamber or whatever crap DE stopped releasing

y u gotta ruin joke thred laik dis.

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I'm honestly not bummed about not having excal prime. I want it, yes. But I get why I can't have it. 


That being said. I would really like to see an "Excalibur Elite". basically it's a prime, but not by name and gold trim. 


And DON'T come talking about the proto skin. It's a cash-grab fan service. 

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I'm honestly not bummed about not having excal prime. I want it, yes. But I get why I can't have it.


yeah, i'm with this guy. excal prime is exclusive, but so are the misa and noru syandanas. the forums just seem to be full of flak these days. I dont see why everyone feels like they are entitled to the founders gear. being late to the gravy boat doesnt really matter. it doesnt increase the fun of the game in anyway. and B,G,& C'ing only decrease the enjoyment felt. so the excal prime problem really is just a mental one. we should all go read the star bellied sneetchs 


Edited by VioDuskar
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