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Looking On Other Websites I Found Alot Of Bad Opinions On Warframe


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As a new player - Tutorial on the foundry and research could be improved. As for people insulting others above, that isn't helpful, the situation is what it is.


The main gripe a lot of people have, myself included and why I don't play much, is the lack of teamwork in a coop game. It may well improve at later levels but there is little incentive not to simply blitz the level as quickly as possible solo, as soon as I realised I too was doing it I quit. Indeed on a few levels i'd log in and the game would nearly be finished by one player, with two other newbies left scratching there heads about what to do.


Compared to payday 2 for instance where if you don't stick together and help each other you're toast, warframe needs a lot of work in that department in the early levels.


I do have an old computer (old CPU not video card), and it runs the game fine, so for me at least that doesn't seem to be an issue, game seems well optimized.

I've always been about teamwork, in a world where solo play has been pushed to the front, and "stats" are king. BAH.. Every clan I've ever ran has had the focus of teamwork, if people don't get it, they can kick rocks. I like carrying people, and teaching them about the game.. Pretty sure I have more hours in game than anyone, and most of that time has been spent helping/teaching/carrying/fostering teamwork..


I wish more people were into working together.. The game is SO MUCH MORE FUN.


3074:45:35 w00t, and that's just since June.

Edited by Gurzil
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I've always been about teamwork, in a world where solo play has been pushed to the front, and "stats" are king. BAH.. Every clan I've ever ran has had the focus of teamwork, if people don't get it, they can kick rocks. I like carrying people, and teaching them about the game.. Pretty sure I have more hours in game than anyone, and most of that time has been spent helping/teaching/carrying/fostering teamwork..


I wish more people were into working together.. The game is SO MUCH MORE FUN.


3074:45:35 w00t, and that's just since June.

That is great to hear i'm going to give it another shot today. A big thing I didn't realise and didn't see explained anywhere is the revives costing :), this is a BIG thing that needs highlighting to new folk in the tutorial, apologies if it was, and I am sure will improve the game a lot at later levels when they run out of them.

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I disagree completely with the underlined bits. The early game shouldn't be easy, and they shouldn't get some magical infinite scaling gun either.


I'll take back what I said with the underlined bits; just ran a low level Mercury mission with an unmodded MK-1 Braton and Lato, they kill early Grineer pretty well. The thought probably got skewed along the line...


Though the thought stems from what I've experienced in Earth interception mission with newbies (the gametype definitely needs improvement) and Mercury survival, they either have no clue what to do, or that they're too underpowered to handle what the mission type throws at them. Probably since they lack the 'essential' mods for their weapons or instructions on what they're supposed to do.

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I'll take back what I said with the underlined bits; just ran a low level Mercury mission with an unmodded MK-1 Braton and Lato, they kill early Grineer pretty well. The thought probably got skewed along the line...


Though the thought stems from what I've experienced in Earth interception mission with newbies (the gametype definitely needs improvement) and Mercury survival, they either have no clue what to do, or that they're too underpowered to handle what the mission type throws at them. Probably since they lack the 'essential' mods for their weapons or instructions on what they're supposed to do.


Newbies don't have to play the interception mission to get through earth though. Mercury's survival shouldn't be too difficult and it should actually be their go-to farming grounds for serration.

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It's the easymode. Look at Battlefield games. Do they change much? No. So why do the players keep coming back to it? Because taking outposts and killing more than dying takes skill and that skill is rewarding. And it's addictive to have your skills rewarded.

This certainly holds true for lots of players. Like chess, there as desire to master it rather than just load it up in you spare time. That said, warframe is fun because of the easymode (for me). No other game this well made has any form of easymode, and if I want a challenge there are things to do for that (like chess or sewing........but seriously, *bleep* sewing, that *bleep* is hard). 

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The Mk-1's alright for Venus. The Lato? Ha.

Mods? I'm not too sure. I managed to get to pluto without serration nor hornet strike. It was difficult, but not impossible. 


The issue is really with the tutorial. I had no idea how the mod system worked, or that I could get any other weapon other than the Barton without paying. If not for the veteran players explaining stuff on the Region Chat I would have given up on Warframe after my first five hours.

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One thing to keep in mind is that almost every system in warframe is going to or has recently gotten redone. so if DE had a good tutorial they would have to spend time doing it and re doing and re doing everytime they change something like Melee 2.0 or Mods 2.0 or Damage 2.0

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I don't blame others for their negative opinions on Warframe (unless they're speaking nonsense just to bash the game or DE for one reason or another), because as an increasingly bitter vet, I can definitely sympathize.  The experience for newer players these days is rubbish and would turn me off too, were I a newbie.


Then there are those that realize that there is nothing beyond the grind, and that the grind itself will never get better no matter how many hours they play, so they get bored and quit.  Was slow for me, happens faster for some.  I think if they heard that DE, at one point during an older Devstream, said "We're working to lessen the grind," they would laugh their asses off.

This I must agree with. The new player experience is most definitely atrocious, and while that is a huge problem I have with the game, the biggest problem I have is this:


"I think if they heard that DE, at one point during an older Devstream, said "We're working to lessen the grind," they would laugh their asses off."


And you are exactly right. Whenever I hear them say "We're working to lessen the grind," I genuinely do start laughing out of complete disbelief that they will actually hold their word on it. And as you said prior to that, about players getting bored and quitting, I've done that for the very reason listed in your comment. 


With how much of a grindfest this, sorry to say, "game" is, paired with the fact that the Devs have lately been saying one thing and doing the complete opposite, I just can not take this beta seriously (and I've been in many betas, which should say something about how I view this one), nor can I honestly recommend it to people that ask me about it.


When I first started playing, I could usually honestly tell someone "this game isn't so bad, you should give it a shot some time" but now as I've gotten more bitter about the game's development and cynical towards development choices at DE, all I really can honestly say about it is "unless you like grindfests, find something else to play."


Edited to remove illegible highlighted text.

Edited by BizarreFetalChimpanzee
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The Mk-1's alright for Venus. The Lato? Ha.

Mods? I'm not too sure. I managed to get to pluto without serration nor hornet strike. It was difficult, but not impossible. 


The issue is really with the tutorial. I had no idea how the mod system worked, or that I could get any other weapon other than the Barton without paying. If not for the veteran players explaining stuff on the Region Chat I would have given up on Warframe after my first five hours.


Why would you still be using the Mk-1 on venus? All the info you are going to need can be acquired in-game without having to resort to region chat. All it takes is a little curiosity and simple reasoning skills. The problem is that most 'gamers' nowadays no longer have the attention span nor the drive necessary to figure out how to play a game by themselves. They expect everything to be handed to them. The game is no littered with tutorials and hidden information. Warframe's new player experience doesn't need more tutorials. What it needs is a complete revamp to the way it is carried out at the beginning. Give new players something more engaging. I'd even go so far as to say that the first mission or two should be scripted.


Oh, and the tutorial needs to give new players the option to play through one or two missions with their chosen frame before asking them one last time if they'd like to make a change (fallout style). Maybe even continue to offer this restart until they've completed two missions and confirmed that that is the frame they want to continue with. That would eliminate the issue where players pick a frame only to find out it isn't what they wanted/expected.

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The "New Player Experience" is completely terrible in warframe TBH. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of players drop because of it. Little direction, no coherence, little context, and you WILL be under powered for a long time if not using trusty MK-1 for the entire duration. It's not a very delightful experience to some. As someone who's done pretty much everything in game I hope DE shifts focus to new players ASAP or we'll be seeing less and less players as Old players lose interest and new players aren't finding interest either.

they did update the tutorial a lot. They even put in a tutorial on how to wall run as well that was WAAAAY BETTER than the awful tutorial in Tron: Evolution where you attempt to wall run, fall and forced to REWATCH THE CUTSCENE AGAIN!!! That you couldn't skip... Which is a huge help. I mean it shows a hologram tenno wall running, and when you fail the first time she tells you in a different way how to wall run, but still telling you how to do it. In which you will succeed no problem unless your still struggling with a concept that is simple versus the painful concept in Tron: Evolution, or even more painful than the undoable Parkour of Brink... Which I have never been able to pull off... EVER.


The current tutorial is a huge improvement versus what they released the first time as a beginning for the game. Much more helpful I say.

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Why would you still be using the Mk-1 on venus? All the info you are going to need can be acquired in-game without having to resort to region chat. All it takes is a little curiosity and simple reasoning skills. The problem is that most 'gamers' nowadays no longer have the attention span nor the drive necessary to figure out how to play a game by themselves. They expect everything to be handed to them. The game is no littered with tutorials and hidden information. Warframe's new player experience doesn't need more tutorials. What it needs is a complete revamp to the way it is carried out at the beginning. Give new players something more engaging. I'd even go so far as to say that the first mission or two should be scripted.


Oh, and the tutorial needs to give new players the option to play through one or two missions with their chosen frame before asking them one last time if they'd like to make a change (fallout style). Maybe even continue to offer this restart until they've completed two missions and confirmed that that is the frame they want to continue with. That would eliminate the issue where players pick a frame only to find out it isn't what they wanted/expected.

I don't know? I just play through Mercury nomally, playing each node at least once, and moved on to Venus?  None of my starter equipment is maxed out yet, so I don't see the reason to replace them? Sure I wasn't exploring every nook and cranny, this isn't deus ex I'm playing, but I did shoot and kill everything that came at me. And my issue is not with the Mk-1, it's the Lato. You can land headshots and still only kill one mob with a single clip.It's a seriously underpowered gun to the point of almost being useless.


And no, I am not expecting everything to be handed to me on a silver platter. I'm just saying that there isn't a clue telling me that the mod system even exist, and it should be in the tutorials somehow. The first tutorial mission involves the basics of any shooting game that we know of, and the next time Lotus sends a message is to give us some credits and tell us to check out the market. No mention of the mod system at all.

I didn't explore the menus as much as I should, I'll admit. With the interface littered with ways to spend plat the "Upgrade" button beside our weapons seems just a little too suspicious to click on.

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Agreed with most about how bad the new player experience is. My friend recently started playing Warframe and he said the starter gears are boring and leveling takes so long. Which is true. I think that the new player gear should all be automatically installed with potatoes so that they're more enjoyable to play with.

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Agreed with most about how bad the new player experience is. My friend recently started playing Warframe and he said the starter gears are boring and leveling takes so long. Which is true. I think that the new player gear should all be automatically installed with potatoes so that they're more enjoyable to play with.


In one of the devstreams, they were talking about changing the tutorial levels and changing stuff up for new players but never went into detail about it.

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Sure there is a tutorial. But I don't think most of the newbies struggle with the basic controls. It's more about

game mechanics. Many other games display some sort of tips on the loading screens. I'd like to see that in

Warframe too. Really, there's nothing more annyoing than a mastery rank 14 player who doesn't know that

there is a maximum range for gaining affinity. And I see lots of them. That's just...oO


I also would like to see better ability mod-card descriptions, and basic explanations about mod/mechanic

related mathematics. "My Vitality mod is bugged, it says 440%..." No dude...

Warframe players have to rely to much on the Wiki or other sources for wide parts of the game. DE should

really adress this issues. That would also be beneficial for the whole beta- developer/consumer process.

I don't have to make endless threads on the forums with speculations and observations about this and that

if there is a source that tells me how things should be. Sometimes (especially on the bug section of the forum)

I have the impression that at least half of the communication here is about DE's intentions. People are just confused.

If DE tells me how it has to behave, what it should do -  I can tell them if its working or not.


That apply not only to the game, you just can't explain everything in detail inside the game. But DE doesn't

even explain that on the forums, or any official post/patch notes. Which is a bad thing, especially at the beta

stage of the game.

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Agreed with most about how bad the new player experience is. My friend recently started playing Warframe and he said the starter gears are boring and leveling takes so long. Which is true. I think that the new player gear should all be automatically installed with potatoes so that they're more enjoyable to play with.

Potatos without mods are pretty much useless though...

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Potatos without mods are pretty much useless though...

Mods will drop eventually. I helped my friend through the levels and he's gotten the necesary mods soon enough. But with little mod space there isn't much you can do with the mods. If the starter gear were potatoed that would at least make it easier. I see no reason why the starter gear should suck.

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It's the easymode. Look at Battlefield games. Do they change much? No. So why do the players keep coming back to it? Because taking outposts and killing more than dying takes skill and that skill is rewarding. And it's addictive to have your skills rewarded.

It's a mass pvp game, while warframe is coop pve game.

Also Warframe lacks customization battlefield has.

But you can't compare 2, those are different.

To put simple warframe lacks exiting content and customisation.

Also battlefield has more depth into player character - it reacts to surroundings while warframes do not.

No I don't want pvp in warframe, at least until DE learn how to balance PVP without breaking PVE.

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It's a mass pvp game, while warframe is coop pve game.

Also Warframe lacks customization battlefield has.

But you can't compare 2, those are different.

To put simple warframe lacks exiting content and customisation.

Also battlefield has more depth into player character - it reacts to surroundings while warframes do not.

No I don't want pvp in warframe, at least until DE learn how to balance PVP without breaking PVE.

weee I feel like I am about to drop a riot bomb... But here we go...


The game is beta, and almost everything is a placeholder. They are still adding new things, and they have never stated they are finished. They will get better, and that's the best part of the game. Sure they aren't customizable, or exciting like... wait your comparing battlefield!? That is the most boring series of games period holy cow man!(except the 2142 battlefield game with giant mecha which apparently people are calling a terrible game when it was superior to the entire series, and they will never return to that style when its obviously superior) Why couldn't you compare Warframe to Skyrim? (Don't compare to elder scroll's Online Warframe is already better than that) Could at least aim high with the comparison rather that the bottom of the bucket... you might as well have compared Warframe to Call of duty. Come on man aim high, aim high!

Edited by Arlayn
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The problem with warframe right now is new players have no idea what to do when they started and soon lost interest into this game.

Also, being way too grindy in the early game will dis motivate new players to continue. You basically need to farm for all the mandatory mods ad a new warframe just to progress into the new phrase. Although things will become easier after it, but I believe we already loss a bunch of players before it.  

A better achievement system with rewards and daily mission can solve this problem.

For example daily mission that provide fusion cores, resources and credit. maybe even starting mission that give damage mod to new players.

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