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How Bad Were Things Back Then?


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The seekers, not seers, had the nervos.
And it was taken away because it was completely unbalanced, unfun, and a single seeker could trap the entire team leading them to be forced to stand there and just wait around for death with absolutely nothing they could do.
And that was besides the times when it could attach to the bottom of your foot or in some other area that your team-mates literally could not shoot it, meaning that you were just left there until an enemy spawned and killed you.

So no, the nervos were not taken out because the game is become more like dynasty warriors.
They were taken out because they were broken and did nothing to increase team play like the original intention was.

And I, and most other people as well, am glad they were removed.
Whats fun about an enemy that could lock you down permanently?  Meaning that you're essentially forced AFK until a team-mate either destroyed it (Which didn't happen often) or you were finally killed by enemies.
Which if it was an exterminate means you were just a forced AFK for the rest of the mission.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Man, my beginnings are now about a year ago. When i started out the new mod system was allready in place but a lot of other things were still simple.


Lets see what i can recall.


1. Tutorial at the start being just you in a featureless training room shooting Grinner.


2. There were only the Corpus Ship, The Corpus Outpost and the Grineer Asteroid outpost as maps. Seeing Grineer on Corpus Ships always gives me a bit of nostalgia.


3. When you arrived to a mission there were two cutscenes. First a Liset flying towards the location. Then the actual drop into the mission.


4. Grineer spoke english. Female Grineer were extremely hard to understand because of their screeching voices. The line "He's over there." the males constantly shouted was actualy from the 2005 trailer for Dark Sector.


5. The basic Grineer melee unit had a buzzsaw as melee weapon rather than a plasma butcher knife. I still really miss those guys.


6. Corpus had no heavy units. Only Crewmen, Prodmen, Snipers, Moas and Shockwave Moas. The Fusion Moa event started shortly after i launched, but i missed it mostly, because i couldn't reach the system it took place on yet. I think i destroyed a total of 2 Fusion Moas by the time it was over.


7. Infested had only 3 models. The infested Corpus which doubled as Ancients, the infested Corpus which lacked their lower body and the infested Grineer. Actualy safe for the Ancients, that's still pretty much the amount of different infested units we have today. Step it up DE!


8. Infested had their own system. Jupiter and Eris.


9. There were Raid missions in which you only had to reach an important object and steal it before leaving the level. They were later removed with a flimsy excuse. They were still present when the Orokin Towers were introduced.


10. I remember how everyone was waiting for the Orokin Towers to be introduced. Oh and the uproar was nasty when it turned out you could only reach them with keys which you needed to buy with plat (or farm on defence missions).


11. Enemies could drop ANY mod, regardless of their type. Defence missions were mainly used to farm mods. Especialy Xini was popular because of being an Infested defence mission with the same layout each time, so lots of killed enemies in a relatively controllable space.


12. You could buy a lot more weapons with Credits.


13. Auras were special cards you could activate for each mission.


14. The Hek was the most popular shotgun.


15. Enemies had insane armor scaling. So weapons with "serrated blade" damage which ignored armor were the most popular. It was one reason to pick Boltoro and Bolto over weapons with hitscan.


16. The Twin Vipers were considered OP back then and famous for requiring a lot of resources and credits to craft.


17. Many enemies carried place holder weapons. The Grineer Troopers used Strun shotguns. Shield Lancers used the Sicarus (which is why they still fire their Vipers with 3 round bursts). This also led to funny arguments about how the Sicarus and Strun are Grineer weapons.


18. I remember the introduction of the Dojos. Also how some quickly found glitches which showed tiles labeled "Don't Use Me I'm From Biohsock 2".


19. Captain Vor was a red Flame Lance. Sargas Ruk was a Heavy Grineer that could cast Bullet attractor on some unlucky player. Hek was a Heavy Grineer who's shield was recharging so fast you would not be able to kill him with your standard weapon unless you had high class mods in them. Hyenas was just a single smaller Jackal.


20. Europa had no boss and it was promised when it gets introduced that you could Banshee from it. Then they introduced the oversized Osprey and made it drop Nova parts instead. You could get Volt from J-3 Golem at Jupiter, they promised to replace it with a proper new design. Then the design was 5 times enlarged in size, hidden in the Orokin Derelict, renamed J-2000 Golem before being renamed Lephantis. Eventualy J-3 Golem was removed completly (though they recently hinted he comes back). Still it was quite a sucker punch they pulled on us.


21. Banshee was rewarded randomly for certain missions. Getting her was a pain in the rectum. Worst, you could get her chassis at Mercury, constantly teasing you with the prospect of building her.


23. Saryn was the Queen of AOE thanks to her Miasma wiping everything around her out. This ended with Nova and later damage 2.0.


24. Rhino had two seperated stomps. One that sends enemies flying for some time and one that damaged them. His Iron Skin also was duration based and made him immune against everything. These two later got merged into his Ultimate and Roar was introduced.


25. Iron Skin was originaly nerfed to only give 85% damage reduction and removed all immunity against effects and knockback, making it next to worthless for many. They later made it a second invisible health bar which also protects you against effects and knockback, leading to it's current version.


26. Toxic ancients left behind toxic clouds upon death which poisends players enough to kill anyone with health under 400. This often led to making paths impassable for players since they had to wait for the cloud to die down.


27. Ancient Disruptors could zap all your shield and energy in one strike. Always.


28. When they were introduced Scorpion harpoons were hitscan. They would always hit you, even behind walls. DE apperently saw nothing wrong it with judging by their jokes in the livestreams during that time.


29. Forma was not yet introduced when i joined. It was a big thing when it first showed up.


I think there are more, but those are the points i can think of right away. Yep a lot changed in this game over the year.

Edited by Othergrunty
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I started playing in the U8 and it wans't bad, it was a lot of fun actually.


I mean really, the game itself was much more rusty than now, there was no fancy stuff like damage 2.0 or melee 2.0 and somehow it was just incredibly fun. Red Flameblade Vor, Despair being the second best weapon in terms of DPS, old raid mission type...


Newer players may look at this and think "that's crap" but those were good old times.


I don't understand how back then game was "worse" than now, but also seemed more fun.

Maybe I just got bored after 250 hours, but little things like Combat Formation Bravo were adding a lot to the game.

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He was the true bullet sponge back then for me, until I met Kril... 

Kel is evil not Kril... Jackal was a bullet sponge when you first started, but get some alittle bit better gear and jackal dropped.





the glowing lights on your warframe was so friggin epic... DE BRING THAT BACK IN THE FORM OF FORMA ADDONS!!!

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Yep I started back then when we had a tree...

But when in lawds name was ember a dude?! O_o

going to be honest I wasn't around during the period of the Man Ember, but it along with this sword over here ----------------------------------------->


Or so I heard was removed/changed in the game. I still can't believe I missed a sword. I heard about the ember thing around the time I joined(Feb,2013) Someone mentioned something about an update that changed Ember into a woman. I heard about the sword sometime around when Vauban came out.


So supposedly before update... 4? 6? something waaaaaay back there was some strange things in the game that got taken out.

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I started two weeks after open beta. It was a lot more simpler back then. The game has grown a lot. I would not even call them the same game. The current would be a successor for what it was back then. I will not proceed further because I am late to the party. Everything that has changed is probable already said.

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going to be honest I wasn't around during the period of the Man Ember, but it along with this sword over here ----------------------------------------->

Or so I heard was removed/changed in the game. I still can't believe I missed a sword. I heard about the ember thing around the time I joined(Feb,2013) Someone mentioned something about an update that changed Ember into a woman. I heard about the sword sometime around when Vauban came out.

So supposedly before update... 4? 6? something waaaaaay back there was some strange things in the game that got taken out.

When I registered roughly more than a year ago and played for only 9 hours and then paused for like a year because warframe as we know was P2W as hell

I still remember a WEIRD warframe in the market iz was like a cyborg rough looking nekros/rhino mix

As I said it was weird and it was removed from the market probably after 2 hours

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Shall we also recall how crap the Dera and Ignis were back then as well? Dera with its pitiful 8 damage, and slow speed, and Ignis with its single target, short range, attack? O and pink fire! And when Roller were terrifying, today there kinda pitiful. 

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Back when Strun Wraith had 15% crit (I believe?) and in less than 2 hours it was nerfed.  That was the FASTEST NERF I have EVER seen in a game....all of this was before dmg 2.0.......it literally shot 100% yellow numbers

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Armor ignore or armor piercing....


If you didn't have either in your weapons.... you'd be useless at end game....


... and back then, Acrid was the best! It was the top DPS weapon. I am not even sure if the Boltor Prime of this age can compete with it.

Edited by rangeless
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Back when Strun Wraith had 15% crit (I believe?) and in less than 2 hours it was nerfed.  That was the FASTEST NERF I have EVER seen in a game....all of this was before dmg 2.0.......it literally shot 100% yellow numbers

I believe it was 50

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I saw a video on that too... A guy had to click on over 400 fusion cores to rank his Serration to max. A little glad to be late I guess xD

I had to do this for serration, hornet strike, and redirection, it took a loooong time was boring and sucked. I'm so much happier with the new system.

Edited by NevanChambers
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When I registered roughly more than a year ago and played for only 9 hours and then paused for like a year because warframe as we know was P2W as hell

I still remember a WEIRD warframe in the market iz was like a cyborg rough looking nekros/rhino mix

As I said it was weird and it was removed from the market probably after 2 hours

the strange warframe may have been it. I heard it just looked like a manlier version of Ember with more muscle on it. Would be cool if they brought it back again as its own Warframe.

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I got much more responses to my thread then expected and learned ALOT... Loki's hilarious run speed, over powered guns, Grineer human voices?! I looked at the video of Warframe Gameplay in HD... Man it looked just as I stated in my last post on this thread (the game seemed very stale). Even our Lotus sounded friendly back then. I couldn't believe some people when they said that the Hek was an overpowered gun cause to me it feels like a tickle gun really.


Thanks a lot guys.


There was at least one thing that seemed to have never changed... One thing that's so iconic to the game. When a tenno leaves a mission he/she steps up onto the ship, latches his right then left arms on to prods (it even sounded the same as it does today), and rests his head back as the ship slowly unlatches from the wall and flies away.


P.S. - Zip lining sounded funny back then xD

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