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Thoughts On Releasing The Aklato Prime And Dual Skana Prime [Please Be Civil And Constructive]


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I don't see a fix listed, just another sad attempt at trying to desperately find any possible loophole. They were promised as exclusive. So far they are exactly that. There is no debate to spark, especially within the group that literally cannot do anything about it.


How about this for a fix: the founder's pack again becomes available for purchase for $500 after you hit mastery rank 30.

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Alright, let's see it this way. What if we get place in the Akimbo variants of the weapons and not the actual founders equipment, this includes a possibly new exclusive prime Warframe and other things like that, like what the actual op said. Oh, but wait, here's the kicker! Founders can't purchase these exclusive equipment, so basically be balancing out the Master Rank difference (I'm aware that this idea is probably one of the worst ones I proposed in my entire life, but it's still valid). 

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Alright, let's see it this way. What if we get place in the Akimbo variants of the weapons and not the actual founders equipment, this includes a possibly new exclusive prime Warframe and other things like that, like what the actual op said. Oh, but wait, here's the kicker! Founders can't purchase these exclusive equipment, so basically be balancing out the Master Rank difference (I'm aware that this idea is probably one of the worst ones I proposed in my entire life, but it's still valid). 

Yeah... As you're aware introducing exclusives like that doesn't really solve the problem. People are too focused on the MR 'difference'.

Edited by Naith
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Now to be completely controversial:

Founders items shouldn't have given mastery rank points in the first place. Just saying.

There isn't a need for a mastery rank above 15+ anyway. Who cares?



if you look in your challenges tab you will see that theres a whole lot more ranks to go, culminating in Grand Master (rank 30)


YOU may not see a need to raise your Mastery, but the rest of us do

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if you look in your challenges tab you will see that theres a whole lot more ranks to go, culminating in Grand Master (rank 30)


YOU may not see a need to raise your Mastery, but the rest of us do


Rank 16 doesn't unlock any weapons... Maybe in the future but not now. The fact there is a rank 16 now I'm saying is pointless. In the future maybe it will be but now. in the present it's not.

Edited by Sutherland
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Sure, nothing stopping DE from releasing Aklato Prime and Dual Skana Prime, if anyone wants those. That sounds like a good idea, actually.


But I don't really need Skana or Lato Prime. I wanted an Excalibur Prime.

Not because he's exclusive, not because I need mastery

but because I really like the prime theme, I collect prime frames, and I like the Excalibur frame itself.


I'm not saying they should release Excalibur Prime, I'm just sort of sad that they had to make prime items exclusive like that. I can farm up all of the other prime frames. I can farm up all of the prime weapons too if I'd like. But these three prime items are locked behind a promise. Why'd it have to be prime items?

I've suggested replacing the exclusives, but they can't really do that, on the offchance that even one founder would feel cheated.

I could've gotten them too, if I had the money for it back then.


But then again, I don't fancy the lato or the skana, and I have the proto-armor skin, so I suppose I can live with it.

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How do the founders lose when something like the dual skana and dual lato are released? Everyone gets more weapons, you should be happy because nothing of the founders is touched besides from varients of weapons which apparently none of you like. You still have all that exclusivity you can show people such as lato, skana, prime Excal and all the other exclusive goodies.


What I'm getting at here is that the only thing that appears to be hurt is your pride as apprantly you don't care for the "weak weapons" but still you won't let people have varients of them. You also get the varients which means you can look even better while you play with all your founders items.


This would quite a lot of people as this is a collector's game where just having a varient makes people happy. They still never use it arfter lvl 30 and a couple of forma, it's just another shiny collectable which will be used rarely.


You know, I've seen thread after thread about Excalibur Prime, but I don't recall seeing even *one* in recent memory for Lato or Skana Prime. Very few people care about these weapons, and I doubt Founders would care about dual versions being released. I think this idea is fine.


For those of you that have Skana Prime, my condolences about melee 2.0 stealing the unique charge animation from it. That was the one thing that made an otherwise lackluster weapon unique. Now it's just like all the the other longswords that there are way too many of.


EDIT: btw was it ever confirmed that Volt had Dual Skana Prime in the Alad V trailer? I know several people said that, but even trying to pause it, I could never make it out.

Yes he does at 1:21 we see the handle design of the skana prime except he has two, at 2:00 look at volt's waist between him and Rhino.

Edited by Postal_pat
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the logic in this thread, ''It sucks and i dont use it but you cant use it because i dont want you to have one''...wow ,


get off your pedestals you narcissists



Lets pretend that at the start of this game

there was 100 players, and 10% were founders....so 10 founders

over a year, 1000 new players join, but 200 leave because they cant get what they want (vs 10 founders who may or may not stop being loyal to the game after whats done is done)

the amount of profits lost for the sake of the tiny amount....when they can just refund and rerelease at the same price and not only  make more money,but keep a larger amount of there playerbase happy and supporting them , being more beneficial in almost every way..... unless your telling me that somehow, because you spent a large amount of money at a very very specified time that you are better than every other player that would spend a large amount of money at a different time? because they didnt know about it till recently? 


i have no idea how big the founder % base compared to the total population, and it be hard to prove WHY people left the game, but im pretty sure they would make significantly more money ,  and more player base happy, as opposed to just feeding there sheep....making 90% of the player base not even want to play the poster boy of the entire game


even just taking the mastery points away from exclusives, just that alone, would cut the negativity and constant threads by a large sum


basing it solely on how theres like..5-10 of these threads a day, all i see is it would be an improvement

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I still don't understand why this thread is still open. Founders isn't coming back. The items aren't coming back. Dual versions are basically the same as the single versions.

No they arent. Dual versions are seperate weapons. They share a similar name but they are still different and are not founders weapons. Just because you do not share the same idea or agree with the OP does not mean a thread should be closed. Heck even if a DE said this thread could exist that means they may consider it as something that may happen. (and judging that mods have not closed it yet closed other threads that mentioned exclusive stuff means that this thread is actually acceptable)

Edited by dragonkingdx
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Wow, they reopened a topic, that's deep.

 Won't make a difference though.  DE didn't really think it through when they decided to go the route of putting in on Consoles etc anyway, only to cancel out the goods so soon to the PS4 release months ago.

 Frankly anything they said, should of automatically became void once it came out on consoles, as now your dealing with a whole new Audience, and Community of players, Corporation, etc, and I don't really care for the copy & paste lines people post about " NO, DE said, Founder, Exclusive, blah, blah, blah, blah, and I'm I'm not really interested in how a person was or was not there from the beginning etc.

 I use to beta test lots of games, even founded a few, got access to some goodies, and maybe years later they might release it to others.  Was my pride so big that I got mad, nope, as far as I was concerned, I paved the way for a game and newer players, and my money paid for the things people have now, and I was glad they got to enjoy it as much as I did, back when I was granted early access to such things, then I moved on.


  Frankly some people are so tensed up about digital items, and things that will have no impact on their real lives, and its sad really.  Its even more sad when people threaten to take a company to Court etc, like really!?  Go out, and get a life, its a game, and games are meant to be enjoyed.

 I don't even care about rules, contracts etc.  It basically just comes down to the two basic things "How much money you spent, and Greed"


  The person who woke up one day, and thought of exclusives ought to be beat....


  Oh yeah, and if anyone argues their not greedy, look at the billions of post from them that state they'll take this, and that, or would want this, if it was re-released, thank you.


  I know not all of them are rude, but some on here are pretty nasty over things.  I pray the PC to PS4 Migration never happens!!

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hey guys, make it a lil bit nicer, I don't want yet another one of my threads locked in one day, keep it polite, no insults, even if its not meant in a harmful way. 


also, these still are not your founder weapons, these are different, better, and still not bound by an agreement. it is still a loop hole, remember that in your posts, I think I've said that three times and its been ignored.

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the logic in this thread, ''It sucks and i dont use it but you cant use it because i dont want you to have one''...wow ,


get off your pedestals you narcissists



Lets pretend that at the start of this game

there was 100 players, and 10% were founders....so 10 founders

over a year, 1000 new players join, but 200 leave because they cant get what they want (vs 10 founders who may or may not stop being loyal to the game after whats done is done)

the amount of profits lost for the sake of the tiny amount....when they can just refund and rerelease at the same price and not only  make more money,but keep a larger amount of there playerbase happy and supporting them , being more beneficial in almost every way..... unless your telling me that somehow, because you spent a large amount of money at a very very specified time that you are better than every other player that would spend a large amount of money at a different time? because they didnt know about it till recently? 


i have no idea how big the founder % base compared to the total population, and it be hard to prove WHY people left the game, but im pretty sure they would make significantly more money ,  and more player base happy, as opposed to just feeding there sheep....making 90% of the player base not even want to play the poster boy of the entire game


even just taking the mastery points away from exclusives, just that alone, would cut the negativity and constant threads by a large sum


basing it solely on how theres like..5-10 of these threads a day, all i see is it would be an improvement

Wow, they reopened a topic, that's deep.

 Won't make a difference though.  DE didn't really think it through when they decided to go the route of putting in on Consoles etc anyway, only to cancel out the goods so soon to the PS4 release months ago.

 Frankly anything they said, should of automatically became void once it came out on consoles, as now your dealing with a whole new Audience, and Community of players, Corporation, etc, and I don't really care for the copy & paste lines people post about " NO, DE said, Founder, Exclusive, blah, blah, blah, blah, and I'm I'm not really interested in how a person was or was not there from the beginning etc.

 I use to beta test lots of games, even founded a few, got access to some goodies, and maybe years later they might release it to others.  Was my pride so big that I got mad, nope, as far as I was concerned, I paved the way for a game and newer players, and my money paid for the things people have now, and I was glad they got to enjoy it as much as I did, back when I was granted early access to such things, then I moved on.


  Frankly some people are so tensed up about digital items, and things that will have no impact on their real lives, and its sad really.  Its even more sad when people threaten to take a company to Court etc, like really!?  Go out, and get a life, its a game, and games are meant to be enjoyed.

 I don't even care about rules, contracts etc.  It basically just comes down to the two basic things "How much money you spent, and Greed"


  The person who woke up one day, and thought of exclusives ought to be beat....


  Oh yeah, and if anyone argues their not greedy, look at the billions of post from them that state they'll take this, and that, or would want this, if it was re-released, thank you.


  I know not all of them are rude, but some on here are pretty nasty over things.  I pray the PC to PS4 Migration never happens!!

Wow, agree completely with all you guys said. AMEN and I salute you! O.O

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While it is indeed a loophole, I personally and vehemently disagree with this idea.  Here's the simple deal of things from my take here and why this suggestion fixes quite literally nothing of the "problem".


Generally speaking, the people who desire the founder's exclusive items, can be lumped into the following categories;

Those who simply desire "completion in their codex" - a subsection being Mastery junkies.

People who are, to put it politely, green with envy.

People who think nothing should be exclusive ever for any reason.


Next to none of the people whom truly desire the exclusives will be appeased by this solution in any way whatsoever in my opinion.  Thusly the suggestion in and of itself solely serves to add a pair of what will effectively be "mastery fodder" junk items who's stats are behind the times.

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