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Players Who Should Get Kicked From A Game.

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I don't know if there's a lot of this happening on PC but I've been seeing it a lot on PS4. Every few missions I see a player that sits back and hides on a mission while the other players in the lobby do all the work, so when the mission ends they get the rewards and credit for beating the level.

It's pathetic that someone actually does that. There should be something in game that monitors players for activity and if they are not contributing to the mission or not even moving for 1 minute then they should be kicked from the lobby automatically.

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 The problem with hunting down and punishing poor teammates is that 99% of all the countermeasures DE could add to the game to fight it are either prone to abuse OR easy for the poor sport to get around.


 Easiest two examples? Adding a Votekick and the AFK Kick Timer.


 Adding votekick will enable players to abuse the feature to push out anyone they don't like. The truth about ALL features that put 'justice' in the hands of the players is that players aren't all that likely to turn out to act very 'just' or even sportsmanlike.


 And the Kick Timer is an effective countermeasure on paper, but the truth is that it is incredibly easy to bypass with a script or even just giving your controls a nudge once in a while.



 There is no good way to handle the issue. For every method DE could fight it, there is some method for lazy or unsportsmanlike players to ignore it. The reason is simple - there really is a type of player who cares more about getting the most impact for the least effort from their grinding then they care about actually playing the game. 

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If you're the host: disable your internet connection for a few seconds to force them to get disconnected, and then just reconnect it when after they leave.


 Don't encourage abuse to fight abuse. It wont stop AFKers from being lazy. All it does is lead to two guys in a lobby acting like a total D-bag.

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There is a reputation system in the works for the game, eventually it may help with this some whenever it gets released(Soon™). As for the here and now though, your best bet is to go for private, clan, or recruiting channel matches that you can be sure that all 4 players are going to participate in.

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It's a side effect of intensive farming.


Players will join a team for an Invasion, because they want the reward. However, they don't want to play the exact same mission 5 times in a row to get it. So they go afk and let the team carry them.


It annoys the bejesus out of me, but tbh, is the player the problem, or is having to play the exact same mission 5 times in a row?


An Invasion should evolve, from mission 1 to mission 5, the missions should play significantly differently, to represent an ongoing campaign.

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 Don't encourage abuse to fight abuse. It wont stop AFKers from being lazy. All it does is lead to two guys in a lobby acting like a total D-bag.

I can't change the way some people think, and neither do you or DE.

I'm not found of the vote-kick system myself, but until a proper method of dealing with such players in implemented (if ever), this is how I "fix" it.

I don't see how it makes me a #$&(%. They just get thrown into their own lobby and continue the game by their own. Plus, it allows new players to join their lobby. If I'm playing with friends then I notify them in PM before I do such a thing, and they always support me for doing so. When the afker leaves I just invite them back to the game.

My ignore list is already filled with AFKers, I just wonder when they'll implement a simple system that won't allow them to join my games.

Edited by DMan128
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 The problem with hunting down and punishing poor teammates is that 99% of all the countermeasures DE could add to the game to fight it are either prone to abuse OR easy for the poor sport to get around.


 Easiest two examples? Adding a Votekick and the AFK Kick Timer.


 Adding votekick will enable players to abuse the feature to push out anyone they don't like. The truth about ALL features that put 'justice' in the hands of the players is that players aren't all that likely to turn out to act very 'just' or even sportsmanlike.


 And the Kick Timer is an effective countermeasure on paper, but the truth is that it is incredibly easy to bypass with a script or even just giving your controls a nudge once in a while.



 There is no good way to handle the issue. For every method DE could fight it, there is some method for lazy or unsportsmanlike players to ignore it. The reason is simple - there really is a type of player who cares more about getting the most impact for the least effort from their grinding then they care about actually playing the game. 



Another possibility: After X Minutes the doors to the first 2 rooms will close and it will be filled with some kind of gas. Everyone who is then still inside that room will get instantly killed with no chance of rewivel and also will get absolutly no mission completed rewards and also the mission will count as a fail. This will affect the AFking Players as they never really leave the spawn are.

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 Adding votekick will enable players to abuse the feature to push out anyone they don't like. The truth about ALL features that put 'justice' in the hands of the players is that players aren't all that likely to turn out to act very 'just' or even sportsmanlike.

but then, what is the lesser of two evils?


having players AFK'ing queued up for matches, or squads being able to remove a problem player?


we've all seen votekicking get abused - but to be honest, since Warframes' netcode isn't abysmal (anymore), and people can actually play the game, i feel like few people will be abusing the system. 


and at the very least, votekicking could require all other players in a match to agree.



My ignore list is already filled with AFKers, I just wonder when they'll implement a simple system that won't allow them to join my games.

this too! why isn't this a thing yet. 

Edited by taiiat
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I can't change the way some people think, and neither do you or DE.

I'm not found of the vote-kick system myself, but until a proper method of dealing with such players in implemented (if ever), this is how I "fix" it.

I don't see how it makes me a #$&(%. They just get thrown into their own lobby and continue the game by their own. Plus, it allows new players to join their lobby. If I'm playing with friends then I notify them in PM before I do such a thing, and they always support me for doing so.

My ignore list is already filled with AFKers, I just wonder when they'll implement a simple system that won't allow them to join my games.

I'm not gonna judge you too harshly for looking after yourself, but I don't see how the host nuking his connection to try to troll an AFKer or Leecher could be seen as something other then extreme. Especially if you've got a full squad. That is two people caught up as collateral. It's harsh.

Another possibility: After X Minutes the doors to the first 2 rooms will close and it will be filled with some kind of gas. Everyone who is then still inside that room will get instantly killed with no chance of rewivel and also will get absolutly no mission completed rewards and also the mission will count as a fail. This will affect the AFking Players as they never really leave the spawn are.

All this would do is have the AFK guy leave the first however many rooms before going AFK. Incredibly simple to avoid.

but then, what is the lesser of two evils?

having players AFK'ing queued up for matches, or squads being able to remove a problem player?

we've all seen votekicking get abused - but to be honest, since Warframes' netcode isn't abysmal (anymore), and people can actually play the game, i feel like few people will be abusing the system.

and at the very least, votekicking could require all other players in a match to agree.

You shouldn't think of it that way. It isn't okay to slip into the idea of "My extreme methods are justified because what I'm doing doesn't seem as ignorant as what the guy I'm trying to troll is doing."

Any situation where one players attempt to 'get back' at some random AFK or Leeching jerkoff throws the other 2 squadmates under the bus is really pushing it.

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This might not work, but i can imagine a scanner that would check whether a person hasnt moved within a certain amount of tileset rooms, and whether or not they are in vicinity of exp range or objective, so someone that sits in the spawn room cant just switch around a room every 3 minutes. the farther away from exp/objectives the farther the player needs to move to guarantee they dont get kicked

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Whenever I start a mission I move into the next room and wait for everyone to join me. If someone is AFK I would drop (or if it's survival/defense I would start it and then drop) but I've yet to have anyone do that. Guess I've been lucky so far.

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 The problem with hunting down and punishing poor teammates is that 99% of all the countermeasures DE could add to the game to fight it are either prone to abuse OR easy for the poor sport to get around.


 Easiest two examples? Adding a Votekick and the AFK Kick Timer.


 Adding votekick will enable players to abuse the feature to push out anyone they don't like. The truth about ALL features that put 'justice' in the hands of the players is that players aren't all that likely to turn out to act very 'just' or even sportsmanlike.


 And the Kick Timer is an effective countermeasure on paper, but the truth is that it is incredibly easy to bypass with a script or even just giving your controls a nudge once in a while.



 There is no good way to handle the issue. For every method DE could fight it, there is some method for lazy or unsportsmanlike players to ignore it. The reason is simple - there really is a type of player who cares more about getting the most impact for the least effort from their grinding then they care about actually playing the game. 

Well, currently We have nothing. which is bad.

the Votekick is the only viable solution out of those 2, regardless of its issues.


Other than that would the Host settings, Give us the option to HOST, a direct control of who, what and where, kicking and other utilitys. (and no, not the votekick) since every other Lobbybased multiplayer game Has that, it is amazing that game as popular as this is STILL missing the very basic functions. (atleast basic to this day and age.)

Edited by Mabswer
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Other than that would the Host settings, Give us the option to HOST, a direct control of who, what and where, kicking and other utilitys. (and no, not the votekick) since every other Lobbybased multiplayer game Has that, it is amazing that game as popular as this is STILL missing the very basic functions. (atleast basic to this day and age.)

Have you ever played payday 2?

Being kicked for no reason when you're at the exit doesn't feel that good, isn't it?

As stated many times: any sort of a kick mechanic can be easily abused.

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Have you ever played payday 2?

Being kicked for no reason when you're at the exit doesn't feel that good, isn't it?

As stated many times: any sort of a kick mechanic can be easily abused.

Well, have you ever joined a game with 3/4 players Afking.. cause i have, Many times.

Well tough luck, but it's infinitely better than having ANY controll.. At all!!! 


and anyway personaly, i Would rather host, than join to randoms. 



and besides, there is one way to gate it down to minimum, give the kicking function to only part of the player base, say founders. (this way we would actually have something concrete of being an "founder") that would Clear the situation almost 80% since not many founders play this game anymore (boredom, life, Rage quit because of DEV's)  

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Well, have you ever joined a game with 3/4 players Afking.. cause i have, Many times.

Well tough luck, but it's infinitely better than having ANY controll.. At all!!! 


and anyway personaly, i Would rather host, than join to randoms. 



and besides, there is one way to gate it down to minimum, give the kicking function to only part of the player base, say founders. (this way we would actually have something concrete of being an "founder") that would Clear the situation almost 80% since not many founders play this game anymore (boredom, life, Rage quit because of DEV's)

sry what? it shouldnt be like that founders shouldnt have such a huge influence on the game,and besides that not all founders are nice, even founders can abuse such a function also it would be another exclusive only to founders thing which i dont think should be implemented.

Edited by TheFirstRonin
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 The problem with hunting down and punishing poor teammates is that 99% of all the countermeasures DE could add to the game to fight it are either prone to abuse OR easy for the poor sport to get around.


 Easiest two examples? Adding a Votekick and the AFK Kick Timer.


 Adding votekick will enable players to abuse the feature to push out anyone they don't like. The truth about ALL features that put 'justice' in the hands of the players is that players aren't all that likely to turn out to act very 'just' or even sportsmanlike.


 And the Kick Timer is an effective countermeasure on paper, but the truth is that it is incredibly easy to bypass with a script or even just giving your controls a nudge once in a while.



 There is no good way to handle the issue. For every method DE could fight it, there is some method for lazy or unsportsmanlike players to ignore it. The reason is simple - there really is a type of player who cares more about getting the most impact for the least effort from their grinding then they care about actually playing the game. 

AFK Timer is not viable solution alone. DE track a lot of stuff, they could add a movement tracker which would surveile your move pattern. A short press on a button now and then? -> Kick. Running in circles for X amount of time? -> Kick. Staying more than X seconds in spawn area? -> Kick.



Also, they simply should add filters for hosts. For example, me as host, I would filter everyone below MR 10 out and everyone with bad reputation (reputation system is incoming, you all know it)

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I keep hearing how this community is pretty okay.


Then I read things about AFKers, rushers, newb bashing, over valuing of MR and host set MR restrictions...


There's a reason I play solo 98% of the time.  Sounds more like a chore to play co-op.


I like the idea about blacklisting though.  Enough hosts blacklist a specific player, that player won't be joining very many games.  AFKers will probably instantly make it to said blacklist.

Edited by Littleman88
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