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Next Three Primes


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I think the PS4 folks should get an Excalibur Prime substitute, like a Vandal, Wraith, or Infested Excalibur.



But more seriously, Oberon is freakin' ugly and his blueprint components drop all over the place on every Eximus, so I think an Oberon Prime would be good.


Ash is also pretty ugly, but I imagine the Edo armor does a lot to hide it.


So Ash Prime and Oberon Prime.

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If DE continues the trend and Primes the first group, all we have left is Ash, Trinity, and Volt. Now, Volt is way over due as he was one of the first few that we could choose from and was later replaced by Loki. I believe the order will be Volt, Ash, then Trinity. However, if they go boy, girl, boy. It has to be Volt, Trinity, then Ash. If we think further on this, the people may want to see a fan favorite first and we get Ash, Trinity, then Volt. We still have one last thing to consider, Trinity still has not received her immortal skin, so this may be a good time to offer them up as a package, this and the dangly bits still needed for her outfit. They will give us a package of her skin, new bits, and Prime. Leading to Trinity, Volt, then Ash. Or Trinity, Ash, then Volt.


So, what do you think the order will be and more importantly, why?


They confirmed a long time ago in a stream that they go gender order.


It's been so far Excal, Frost, Mag, Ember, Rhino, Loki.


Figure the genders out yourself.

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They confirmed a long time ago in a stream that they go gender order.


It's been so far Excal, Frost, Mag, Ember, Rhino, Loki.


Figure the genders out yourself.

If this is the case they will have to break out of the original 9 to make this happen, because all that is left for female primes of the 9 is trinity, so this then makes them go outside and probably grab the next which would be Nyx. So, it will be Trinity/Nyx then Volt/Ash in which ever order. I was hoping we would see all 9 first before going further, but hey this just gets us closer to Nekros Prime. One prime at a time.


If they wanted me to empty my wallet, they could do a surprise Prime pack and drop all four on us and skip a few entries of regular Frames. Tie in the four surprise Primes with the release of the proxy wars... just dreaming out loud, sorry.

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I think the PS4 folks should get an Excalibur Prime substitute, like a Vandal, Wraith, or Infested Excalibur.



But more seriously, Oberon is freakin' ugly and his blueprint components drop all over the place on every Eximus, so I think an Oberon Prime would be good.


Ash is also pretty ugly, but I imagine the Edo armor does a lot to hide it.


So Ash Prime and Oberon Prime.


How about an Excalibur Renown? >:p

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Saryn would be a better idea how many Saryn players you see daily? Not to many same with loki on Ps4 some people use him but i see ash more now loki prime is here and if you didn't like the normal loki loki prime is here a not so used warframe will get more love now because It's prime. I think the warframes that don't get used a lot should be prime before the most used warframes nyx banshee people use them all the time so why not make them wait?



tbh, it was a while ago since ive saw a banshee, they are quite of a rare seeing these days

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Well the Primes I will like to see now is in my list below


1. Valkyr


2. Nova


3. Oberon


4. Sayrn (Maybe)



Now the only reason why I picked Sayrn is due to I dislike the way she looks alot and unless DE make her as pretty as Loki then meh.


But the Primes I do not want to see unless they look very good is,Ash Nekros Hydroid even tho that Nekros is one of my best warframes, him coating in gold plating and such won't really fit his role, Nekros is a dark and shadow warframe not needing to be bright and sparkly.

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Totally off the top of my head guesses:

- Nyx

- Trinity

- Volt

- Ash

- Banshee

- Saryn

- Vauban


Personally, I want my Vauban Prime yesterday, but I feel the community desire would be for Volt and Ash first.

You got the same list I'm thinking of, but we will have to see.

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Excalibur Primed

Ember Primed

Frost Primed

Loki Primed

Mag Primed

Rhino Primed


Potential Primes:

Ash - more likely will be Primed

Banshee (Released in U7)
Nyx (Released in U6)

Saryn (Released in U7)

Trinity - more likely will be Primed

Vauban (Released in U7)

Volt - more likely will be Primed









- i'd call them Frames MK-II w/o Primed variants

Edited by Spectre-Agent
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Excalibur Primed

Ember Primed

Frost Primed

Loki Primed

Mag Primed

Rhino Primed


Potential Primes:

Ash - more likely will be Primed

Banshee (Released in U7)

Nyx (Released in U6)

Saryn (Released in U7)

Trinity - more likely will be Primed

Vauban (Released in U7)

Volt - more likely will be Primed









- i'd call them Frames MK-II w/o Primed variants


Yeah, probably will be Trinity (black Prime), Nyx (white Prime), Ash (black Prime), Volt (white Prime). I hope Ash Prime's design matches the design of the Fang Prime. That'd seem to be a fitting weapon for an Ash Prime.

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