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Please Debuff Vor


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Vor is the only real challenge that has been added to the game thusfar. Complaints about his difficulty should be expected.

However at no point should they be taken into consideration, he is meant to be hard, and if you can't beat him then you are not ready for T4, simple as that.

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Lol, git gud or git out nub.


On a more serious note, Vor is not that hard to beat in a party. Like all the others have already said, he is very easy to defeat if you know how to approach him.


One viable tactic that has been discussed many times is using Nyx and spamming Mind Control so that he can`t attack you and using Chaos to keep the other mobs CC`d. As for his massive shields, I do believe that Viral damage completely bypasses  them and eats away directly at his HP bar. Hell, you don`t even need a tanky frame to defeat Tier 4 Void Vor (Hey that rhymed :3 )


Anyway, I believe that OP was just confused about the mechanics of the boss battle and was looking for advice. Regarding what OP said about the nerfs - If anything, I believe that Vor should be buffed at least when you Solo. This would encourage cooperative behaviour among players, because last time I checked, this was a co-op game.

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Which is also played on console.


Of which a lot of people play solo.


If you don't have two versions, one for solo and one for group they it is either too easy for group or solo's skip the entire T4 experience, possibly leading to them moving on to other games.


I really hate when people dig out the "It's co-op" argument instead of having real input.

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I welcome a challenge, please don't nerf Vor. If you find him difficult or want an uninterrupted run, it'll be better to just play T3, get a better team, or gear up your weapons.

In my opinion, T4 needs to do much more to differentiate itself from the rest of the towers. Vor is a step in the right direction.

More challenge and rewards please DE.

Edited by s3raphim99
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Question (and this may have been answered earlier, I can't remember): What is the point of Vor and the T4 missions?  Are they intended to be played with non-forma gear or are they intended only to be played by 1 year + vets with maxed rare / Nightmare / Corrupted mods?


This is not sarcasm nor some kind of attempt to argue.  I really would like to know the intent of both the T4 level and Vor's presence within it.

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I see that the OP is upset, and saying hands-down that the challenge is too great or too easy is a bit simple.


I do, however, find one flaw in the OP argument (sorry dude).  He states that he and 4 friends killed Vor in 5 minutes.  Yes, they had to use a revive.  But.. 5 minutes and he's dead.  Even if luck played a part (doesn't it always, good or ill?), Vor was beaten.


My toughts on the topic (not really a concern, as I'm not planning on doing T4 anytime soon) are a matter of balance between Solo and Group play.  Again, I beat the dead horse and say that Solo Mode and Group Mode should have different mechanics for enemy population.  Hitting a lone tenno with the same zerg swarm (if you hadn't guessed by now, I *really* hate the Zerg Swarm mechanic) as a group of 4 seems over the top to me.


Some poeple like it, I suppose.  More power to them.

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 My soma can only take half its shield before he teleports, if its that hard, how long will it take to beat him!?


A Blind Rage + Shield Polarise Mag will fix that for you.  Take away all his shields and restore all the teams shields in one go!

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I ended up soloing vor on my nova today, and I didn't even have any shield or health mods. It's not hard if you know how to approach it lol

Err how you approach it?

encountered it 2 times.

the first is just spray and hope to damage him. which gives 0 damage... and died from some weird AOE damage which does 500+ dmg. even when inside frost' Snowglobe. No visual effect, nothing at all.

My 2nd time is with CC rhino. we raped him easily.  But see no weird AOE which hit for 500+

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Vor is doing EXACTLY what hes supposed to be doing... killing anyone who enters the void. The rest of the Corrupted should be on the same level.


The Void is not meant for easy mode farm. Trespass at your own peril

So the common mobs in the Void should be capable of one-shotting any tenno they encounter?

What's the point of having something where you can get hit by shield-bypassing-500 damage lazers from a Grenier lancer?


This, to me, does not sound fun.  It more sounds masochistic and frustrating.


Oh well.  To each their own I guess.

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Err how you approach it?

encountered it 2 times.

the first is just spray and hope to damage him. which gives 0 damage... and died from some weird AOE damage which does 500+ dmg. even when inside frost' Snowglobe. No visual effect, nothing at all.

My 2nd time is with CC rhino. we raped him easily.  But see no weird AOE which hit for 500+


I just kept strafing and shooting him in the stomach, oddly enough though I got completely obliterated by him this morning lol

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Dude, Vor is a fairly challenging boss to beat...but my 3 man Clan team took him down without any loss of life....(except for an accident with an angstrum)  I took Rhino Prime, friend took Valkr, and another took Rhino Prime.  I had a level 25 Paris Prime, with a potato...I think one person had a Boltor Prime....it was just a boss though, dude.  It was a really good fight, in my opinion, but then again we defeated him about 3 minutes before the new vor update, I have yet to encounter him since.  (been busy with other stuff)


Get geared up, don't whine about difficult S#&$.  If you can't handle it, then you can't handle it, noob.  Then go get better stuff and don't whine to the rest of us because you can't understand that difficult missions require good weapons, and an adequate skill level.

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I find him pleasantly challenging. He isn't a cakewalk, but then he isn't too tough either if you are skillful and play your cards carefully. And as for him appearing frequently in missions, it's a good step by DE to help people get the cicero mods, and adds an extra element of challenge.


Besides, as people before me said, T4 is for the experienced, a place to use maxed out gear and still find it tough, If you don't meet its skill and gear requirement, you ARE supposed to find it tough.

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As many other people stated here, T4 is "suposed" to represent a challenge, what else could be so rewarding that to get a prime part after trying to survive hordes of enemies AND a super powerfull boss? Before that all you needed was a Nekros and a Rhino to grind for prime parts, no skills needed.


Edited by osheroth
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