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Am I The Only One Around Here That Spams E For Almost Every Melee Weapon?


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Yes, the combos are a joke.


Being able to equip your melee weapon, channeling, and blocking are all great additions, but the meat of melee 2.0 is a step backwards, embarassingly enough.


About the only weapon stance that I use the combos on is the machete stance for w/e reason. The E,E,E (pause) E combo sends out a radial shockwave which is somewhat handy, and the weapon stance is slow enough that it's easy to pull off. The newly added machete combo is nifty and only requires that you hold block to do it, so it's easy to do w/o thinking too much because you can still just mash E to do it.

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I use combos situationally. For example, when using Burning Wasp I do the combo that does the large radial swipe in open areas and the lunging strike in hallways.

But there are few combos that I can pull off reliably. In Crossing Snakes, I always want to use the spin-slam but end up slashing upwards.

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Most combos just arent worth trying to pull off VS E spam


The only ones i like are that low tier whip stance that has wide AoE and noticeably higher dmg and tranquil cleaves stabbing thing because thats actually a noticeable damage dealer



You're not the only one. Which is why I sold Tranquil Cleave. Granted, my melee is rebound to Mouse1 when I have it out, not E :].

Problem with combos is that they lack purpose and are mainly cosmetic with a few exceptions.

We need combos that provide different benefits in SOME way. It's a difficult mechanic to develop, but I'm sure it can be done. For example, Tranquil Cleave did have a combo involving holding the block button and then mashing the attack key. This would cause your character to do a dash forward through enemies.

If they made that slash a bit longer, that would give reason to do more than just mash E, because it would be a good mob clearer. I know people might say "But that'd make Slash Dash useless!" to which I reply; not if Slash Dash is just inherently stronger. I dunno if that'd be the case, but yeah.

But yeah, we need more combos with purpose rather than just cosmetic value. Maybe some combos can do little damage but stun a mob, useful on beefier guys. Maybe more combos could cause the user to dash through enemies while others are better for just slashing away standing in a single spot.

Maybe doing a variety of combos rather than just mashing EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE would give you a boost of energy points or EXP, encouraging you to be stylish for a use rather than just for flashiness. Things of that nature.

Edited by Triburos
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The stance mods for me are only extra mods points, using E only in quick melee mode. I simply do not like how mobility and responsiveness is taken from the frame while the animation plays. My guns do more damage and are easier to respond to any threat. It also the reason why I only equip the Kestrel and Glaive, for utility and those WTF moments.

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Im having a real hard time to actually pull off the combos, i cant seem to hit the right frequency when i hit E.either im doing it too fast or too slow.

and the pause, how long is it? do you actually have to time the E button push, with the animations of the swings, or is that not nessassary??


So yeah,.. if i actually could get them to work, i might use them.. :)

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Same for me. I prefer shooting, so whenever I end up using melee in non-affinity situation it is usually when I run out of bullets in the magazine, and reloading will take too long and I don't want to reload again since there is like one enemy left in the vicinity. Though when I actually want to melee I will be using the spin attacks.

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I want DE read this topic. I want them to see that every 20th player say yes he _sometimes_ uses the combos.

I want them to see that all the melee 2.0 for the 99% majority does nothing.

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