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Sooo...i Hate To Be That Guy, But....(Mutalist Ospreys Feedback)


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those new infested ospreys are rediculously OP.

dont get me wrong I LOVE the idea behind them and theyre totally fine in the event, but as soon as you try something like sechura on pluto they deal whopping 400 true poision damage!

thats more damage, than most frames have as health!

and even worse they have a rather large healthpool for what they are (love that), not only are they incredebly fast (love that even more), not only do they transport weaker units into the battlefield (HNGGGG I LOVE THAT), NO, they deal insane amounts of damage(ruins the whole thing for me Q__Q) and as soon as 1 squishy teammate is down and others try to help him, while 3-4 of these commonly spawning enemies are still arround it pretty much means one of two things
1. the downed player is dead
2. the entire team goes down as long as you dont play rhino.


....so am I the only one? or should I just get used to the new difficulty level?
I mean my god I love a good challenge, but these things are just a little too unfair for me :I

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TLDR: this is something that should stay in the game. it makes you actually pay attention to the surroundings, and keeps people from blindly rushing in.


in other news, RUSH HARDER. if you arent playing a stationary objective mission type.

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Learning to avoid damage is the only real skill based activity in this game, and for the most part our weapons deal massive DPS anyway. 


Hard enemies are meant to be hard. However, they fly slow and make pretty easy targets, so I honestly don't see the problem.

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Hey ! They only took Notionphil's suggestions (before ignoring them and doing something as stupid as this) to make the game more fun !


It's DE's way of making healing consumables a fun and interesting part of gameplay again, while adding more of that RNG element that players are known to adore !

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Hey ! They only took Notionphil's suggestions (before ignoring them and doing something as stupid as this) to make the game more fun !


It's DE's way of making healing consumables a fun and interesting part of gameplay again, while adding more of that RNG element that players are known to adore !


My sarcasm sensor just broke

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Hey ! They only took Notionphil's suggestions (before ignoring them and doing something as stupid as this) to make the game more fun !


It's DE's way of making healing consumables a fun and interesting part of gameplay again, while adding more of that RNG element that players are known to adore !

I thought dumb, heavily scripted enemies was exactly was Notionphil was talking about


The Osprey adds actual difficulty. Avoid the clouds, dodge the charge and shoot it. If one enemy that actually adds a minute level of difficulty to the easiest faction in the game is too much for you, I honestly don't know what to tell you.

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I thought dumb, heavily scripted enemies was exactly was Notionphil was talking about


The Osprey adds actual difficulty. Avoid the clouds, dodge the charge and shoot it. If one enemy that actually adds a minute level of difficulty to the easiest faction in the game is too much for you, I honestly don't know what to tell you.

Being ambushed and met with instant death is not difficulty. One thing I noticed while doing the breeding grounds event is that they often got stuck or else were actively waiting behind doors. Open the door, gas cloud, if you're not Rhino you're dead.


Their oxium osprey-esque dash attack can wipe entire teams. This makes them more lethal than most bosses, and yet they're a fairly common enemy; where there is one there are usually several.


Again, unless you're Rhino, as if he needed any help with self-advertisement. I'd be fine with the ospreys staying as they are if Rhino didn't get off scot-free. I'd be fine with Rhino staying as he is (kind of) if these weren't a death knell for every other frame.

Edited by Seele
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Being ambushed and met with instant death is not difficulty. One thing I noticed while doing the breeding grounds event is that they often got stuck or else were actively waiting behind doors. Open the door, gas cloud, if you're not Rhino you're dead.


Their oxium osprey-esque dash attack can wipe entire teams. This makes them more lethal than most bosses, and yet they're a fairly common enemy; where there is one there are usually several.


Again, unless you're Rhino, as if he needed any help with self-advertisement. I'd be fine with the ospreys staying as they are if Rhino didn't get off scot-free. I'd be fine with Rhino staying as he is (kind of) if these weren't a death knell for every other frame.


I'm inclined to say you're heavily exaggerating, either that or nobody in your party realizes you can prevent that damage with mods or by simply not walking directly into it.


How much do they scale with stench points? I'm only up to about 200-300 but have yet to have one take my hydroid below half health. If you're running the event until the enemies one shot you and beyond, I'd say it was working as intended.

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I'm inclined to say you're heavily exaggerating, either that or nobody in your party realizes you can prevent that damage with mods or by simply not walking directly into it.


How much do they scale with stench points? I'm only up to about 200-300 but have yet to have one take my hydroid below half health. If you're running the event until the enemies one shot you and beyond, I'd say it was working as intended.

No mod can prevent damage except for warframe abilities.


Within the event they aren't too bad, even after enough runs to get Prova Vandal they weren't always an instant kill. A nuisance still, yes, and a priority target in all situations, but they seemed to be working as a reasonable person would intend. But I implore you, try running Sechura now and tell me how fair an enemy these things are.

Edited by Seele
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No mod can prevent damage except for warframe abilities.


Within the event they aren't too bad, even after enough runs to get Prova Vandal they weren't always an instant kill. A nuisance still, yes, and a priority target in all situations, but they seemed to be working as a reasonable person would intend. But I implore you, try running Sechura now and tell me how fair an enemy these things are.

Ah, so you are actually oblivious to armor and resistance mods.


The armor mod is called Steel Fiber, at max rank it increases your frames base armor by 110%. The formula for the damage mitigation multiplier 1 / (1 + (Armor / 300)). Frames like Valkyr, Frost, Rhino, and Saryn all benefit heavily from this mod because they're base armor is higher than most frames. Many frames have a base of 65 armor, which will still benefit from this mod but not as much; They would still see an increase in damage mitigation from 17.8% to 31.3% which is still pretty substantial.


However, there are a few frames with much lower armor values that would get very low benefit from Steel Fiber, so against elemental damage their best bet would be a resistance mod. The resistance mod for Toxin damage is called Anti-Toxin, at max rank it prevents 40% of incoming toxin damage and it doesn't scale off of any base stats, so it is effective on all frames.

Edited by RancidTurnip1603
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Ah, so you are actually oblivious to armor and resistance mods.


The armor mod is called Steel Fiber, at max rank it increases your frames base armor by 110%. The formula for the damage mitigation multiplier 1 / (1 + (Armor / 300)). Frames like Valkyr, Frost, Rhino, and Saryn all benefit heavily from this mod because they're base armor is higher than most frames. Many frames have a base of 65 armor, which will still benefit from this mod but not as much; They would still see an increase in damage mitigation from 17.8% to 31.3% which is still pretty substantial.


However, there are a few frames with much lower armor values that would get very low benefit from Steel Fiber, so against elemental damage their best bet would be a resistance mod. The resistance mod for Toxin damage is called Anti-Toxin, at max rank it prevents 40% of incoming toxin damage and it doesn't scale off of any base stats, so it is effective on all frames.

Reducing damage is not preventing it.


Resistance and armor mods are both inferior to health and shield mods which are also hard to choose on frames which rely heavily on their powers, given the limited amount of mod space. I acknowledge that you can mod your Vauban to resist toxic damage to his highest ability but it still pales in comparison to Rhino without any special concessions made to a single enemy within a single faction.

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Reducing damage is not preventing it.

Resistance and armor mods are both inferior to health and shield mods which are also hard to choose on frames which rely heavily on their powers, given the limited amount of mod space. I acknowledge that you can mod your Vauban to resist toxic damage to his highest ability but it still pales in comparison to Rhino without any special concessions made to a single enemy within a single faction.

People just need to plan accordingly rather than the old anything works way. It is how it should have been and how it used to be. This game had very little risk once some things were removed awhile back. This enemy brings risk back into the picture rather than having a nyx just afk absorb at the pod or a Vauban vortex or Bastille poop everywhere people actually have to be careful now. Edited by Zaresin
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so much elitism in this thread, so those newbie tenno can just eat dirt then? 




Insta-gib is not a fun/ enjoyable experience, instead of significant dot that would result casualty, it should be moderate dot that can be prolonged by staying in the toxin cloud.

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Infested defense on dark sectors is a place for us to grind exp. As you all know grinding is tedious work, repetitive and boring as hell. Now those places are our niche place to grind where we can even bring a rank 0 frame to rank it as painlessly and comfortably as possible, even solo. Now it's just plain hard. Don't get me wrong, I love challenges, but I will do T4 for that.

Plz DE reconsider infested osprey not to spawn in dark sector defense. Wouldn't want some grindtastic aspect of the game to be a pain in the arse while doing it.

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Reducing damage is not preventing it.


Resistance and armor mods are both inferior to health and shield mods which are also hard to choose on frames which rely heavily on their powers, given the limited amount of mod space. I acknowledge that you can mod your Vauban to resist toxic damage to his highest ability but it still pales in comparison to Rhino without any special concessions made to a single enemy within a single faction.


In that case, warframe abilities don't prevent damage either, Rhinos Ironskin and Frosts snowglobe just add another layer or health, trinity only reduces damage, Zephyr redirects the damage, and Valkyr only delays the damage unless she kills the enemies that damaged her first, or maybe you're just arguing semantics.


Believe it or not, if your ability lasts 5 seconds shorter, it's not the end of the world. Freeing up two modslots so you can actually survive is surprisingly not that hard. Armor and resistance is in most cases inferior to health, but you're also capable of running both and having the mods complement eachother.


I just ran Sechura to wave ten on hydroid, despite jumping into clouds just to see how much damage it dealt, and mostly meleeing for those 10 waves, I didn't drop below half health once. I had Rejuvenation, steel fiber, anti toxin, and vitality equipped, still had all four abilites with fleeting expertise, rank 6 narrowminded, and a rage that I probably could have swapped out for something else because I honestly didn't need it.


In fact the only person downed that entire time was a low level loki prime with low level weapons that did 3% of the damage that game. He was obviously expecting us to carry him and we did easily.


The damage was more than I was expecting, but it's actually at a good place for what's supposed to be the hardest defense mission on the solar map. Most damage was easily prevented with a few mods that only slightly detract from my abilities, and by not standing in the clouds like an idiot.

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They added an un-melee-able enemy to the least aggravating faction to go up against in sword alone mode. I do not like that.


They are also way too common, and annoying to kill. They seem to share the same hitbox with the normal Ospreys, which is only like half the size of the actual model. Hits to the wings or the claw/mouth/grabber on the bottom do not deal any damage.


If they were more like the Oxiumn Ospreys and floated closer to the ground within melee range, along with having a better hitbox, then I would not mind them nearly as much. And maybe change their damage from toxin to corrosive or viral, so that it no longer ignores shields.

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