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Update 14 Hype Megathread... U14 Has Been Released!


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I wonder if U14 will be out today


I wouldn't wonder if U14 won't be next week as well...


When Sheldon talked about some aspects of the things he wants to do with our excess prime parts in last Dev-stream he said something like "I'll cover the topic more maybe in the Devstream after U14 is out" which sounded like he doesn't even know when that will be, like maybe some weeks ahead, otherwise he would have probably said "next devstream" because if U14 hits next week the next devstream would be after U14.


I may read too much into it, but it sounded like U14 won't be out before the next Dev Stream which is eventually next week's Friday, making it possible that U14 may be at least 2 weeks away.

Edited by MeduSalem
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I wouldn't wonder if U14 won't be next week as well...


When Sheldon talked about some aspects of the things he wants to do with our excess prime parts in last Dev-stream he said something like "I'll cover the topic more maybe in the Devstream after U14 is out" which sounded like he doesn't even know when that will be, like maybe some weeks ahead, otherwise he would have probably said "next devstream" because if U14 hits next week the next devstream would be after U14.


I may read too much into it, but it sounded like U14 won't be out before the next Dev Stream which is eventually next week's Friday, making it possible that U14 may be at least 2 weeks away.



yes you did read too much into it

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Tommorow, they will wait for the Infested event to end, then guess what, Infested return to Eris! They wouldn't give us an easter egg like the new frame on the fire mods if this wasn't the case.


P.S.: This was the same thing they did with Hydroid, a day late, so fingers crossed!

Edited by Sedant
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Tommorow, they will wait for the Infested event to end, then guess what, Infested return to Eris! They wouldn't give us an easter egg like the new frame on the fire mods if this wasn't the case.

P.S.: This was the same thing they did with Hydroid, a day late, so fingers crossed!

I think this whole Infested Event will take a twist somehow... because somehow Eris has to become all over Infested once again. So Alad will probably unleash some more havoc which we can't counter. Either that or the Infestation will miraculously pop up once again the same way it vanished back last year. If so I would hate it. Hate it the same way they made the Infested go in the first place. Because of left out lore possibilities.

Alad V: "Tenno... Tenno... did you really think I was as dumb as Vay Hek? You've only been attacking the proto-hives!"

But I'm still skeptical though, because if U14 comes next week with the Infested tileset then it won't have the new hive mission type from the beginning, I guess. Either that or Infested tileset and/or U14 are further away than we think.

Edited by MeduSalem
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Love Valkyr and her new shiny moves but she still has problems with flying enemies and crawlers (their hitbox is so low hitting them with Hysteria is a hit and miss) A couple changes to Rip Line would help her alot. Aoe that pulls mobs to her would be a start, basically Mags pull but with limited targets and range. It would help her get those pesky flying stinkers in her melee range.

Edited by Vurtney
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.....You do know they had stated that U14 wasn't this week in the last livestream right? Also OP you're spreading a bit of misinformation they said the 'new' frame would not be ready for U14 nor would the new cosmetic helmets...hell they've not even picked a design for them all they have so far is concepts of a few of them. Thing's  I know that are to be in U14 the players ships, start of a quest system, doggies, a few new mods and stances and Valkyr animations. The only thing you did get right was the new weapon this week and thats was a big "IF" Geoff got it's animations done in time (though they diid look pretty finalized in the livestream).

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