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Regarding Complaints About Founder Packs, Cross-Platform And Account Migration. Read This!


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 Well what I read yesterday its in the testing phase and that the deal with Sony is already over. I mean there IS a thread from DE that states wat I said. it said that Sony gave the go ahead and that they are now testing the migration process. And that is one reason why its gonna be in Update 14.


And that was the latest one they have posted as of yesterday. UNLESS they posted something today about it you are wrong. but I cant say since idk if they posted smething today about it. So I amdit that I could be wrong. its just that the info ive found doesnt say what you say. 




It's in the final approval stages.  And is tested and working.  They've also said as much in recent live streams.

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wall of text


Have a nice day and great life.

Best Regards Zelfarion


ok, im a new player and i wanna buy for shure every quarter the new prime-pack, founders have all and dont need to pull that much money as a new one is open for ?


i readed this game has around 2 million gamers


i dont wanna start with maths about money at this point, LOL


i as a noob miss ALL THE PRIMES which are there and which i heared i cant get

this is - in marketing text spoken - useless and a joke


by the lots of players nobody cares about your wishes or mine as a noob which starts to find out whats the whole basement is of this game


i did and do well not reading too much philosophy about this game because it would start boring me in playing and buying


just my clear answer to threads like this ,-)


and yes, im adult and worked for years in the marketing-business and i really dont wanna get &!$$ed with "marketing-games" on a game which i really like


i wish deep that DE is thinking about this issue


even - thats what i guess - that DE has lots of customers/platinum-buyers and dont need a single individual


i would really enjoy to get the whole set of all warframes/things ever existed in a fair clear way :-)




ps: im really not on feeling special by owning a warframe or weapon which not everybody can get, things like that are plain stupid ... as for mentioning what i understand as "stupid" in the gaming industry

again, i dont need that strange thoughts and offers from developers/gaming industry when i spend my joy and free time by playing with pixels


thx for understanding and PLEASE get your things together, DE and players :-)))))))


PS1: i have right now a strange taste about this issue because of my research, i really LIKED the game ...

dont tell me that DE is a part of EA, i would run off immediately

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1) Well excuse me for not having English as my first language and dont know any other way to phrase what I mean than that. You dont have to be insulting because of it. Kind of takes your point away by ALOT. Oh and btw: i didnt say to rever and worship PC players now did I? I only stated the hard fact that without the PC players money the PS4 version wouldnt have been made.


2) Why should it stay on PC? so far NO ONE that has disagreed with me and said what you have said has given ANY reason at all OR any valid reason. So could you give the reason and a valid one at that please?

1.) I didn't know English wasn't your first language. Yours is very good. Your tone is what sounded arrogant to me.

2.) Because people are terrible and will grief anyone that uses Excal Prime. I've seen many threaten to do so and show open hostility towards PC players. I'm also pretty sure Sony and Microsoft have policies against this kind of stuff. Microsoft is infamous for thier parity clauses after all.

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Cleaning the thread...


Be smart and constructive. Focus upon solutions, rather than having the last word.

Keep it cool or the thread will descend to the abyss in a dive click.



This topic has been done to death. Please lock it like the other mods do. It doesn't need to remain open.

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Specfically in regards to account migration?  No, not really.


And what has this discussion, and every other discussion even remotely related to Founders stuff, turned into? That's right. Another Founders exclusivity discussion.


In regards to this issue, though. Any Founder migrating from PC to PS4 should keep their Founders items. They should not lose them. Why? Because they paid into the Founders program. It wasn't sold as a PC-exclusive. So there is no reason why it shouldn't transfer over. This argument is no different than the anti-Excalibur Prime rework argument; with that argument, opponents say that the frame shouldn't receive a rework "because everyone doesn't have the frame": The same argument has been said here. Current PS4 players don't have Excalibur Prime, so therefore PC players transferring over shouldn't have it. Transferring PC players shouldn't be limited just because PS4 players don't have Founders. They shouldn't lose their items just because certain people don't like that someone has something they don't have.

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And what has this discussion, and every other discussion even remotely related to Founders stuff, turned into? That's right. Another Founders exclusivity discussion.


In regards to this issue, though. Any Founder migrating from PC to PS4 should keep their Founders items. They should not lose them. Why? Because they paid into the Founders program. It wasn't sold as a PC-exclusive. So there is no reason why it shouldn't transfer over. This argument is no different than the anti-Excalibur Prime rework argument; with that argument, opponents say that the frame shouldn't receive a rework "because everyone doesn't have the frame": The same argument has been said here. Current PS4 players don't have Excalibur Prime, so therefore PC players transferring over shouldn't have it. Transferring PC players shouldn't be limited just because PS4 players don't have Founders. They shouldn't lose their items just because certain people don't like that someone has something they don't have.

No.  It's actually quite reasonable to expect that content that isn't available on the platform would remain off that platform.  DE isn't under any actual obligations to copy over that content.  Allowing players to copy (not transfer) their account to another service at no cost is already a major concession as it is.

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No.  It's actually quite reasonable to expect that content that isn't available on the platform would remain off that platform.  DE isn't under any actual obligations to copy over that content.  Allowing players to copy (not transfer) their account to another service is already a major concession as it is.


Hmm. Last time I checked, Founders was not released as a PC-exclusive. While they aren't under obligation to transfer it, they aren't restricted from transferring it over, nor do I see why it should be restricted.

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Hmm. Last time I checked, Founders was not released as a PC-exclusive. While they aren't under obligation to transfer it, they aren't restricted from transferring it over, nor do I see why it should be restricted.

Please.  Warframe on a Ps4 wasn't even a twinkle in the eye when the founder's program was released.  And not &!$$ing off the ps4 player base seems like a pretty good reason to me.  That kind of reason seems to work pretty well for founders when it suits them.

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Please.  Warframe on a Ps4 wasn't even a twinkle in the eye when the founder's program was released.  And not &!$$ing off the ps4 player base seems like a pretty good reason to me.


If they're &!$$ed off, it's because they can't get it. Should people be placated because of that? No. People can be &!$$ed for a number of reasons. That doesn't make it a legitimate reason to make a certain decision. Re-releasing Founders would be a way to not &!$$ off the anti-Founder PC player base. Does that mean DE should re-release Founders? No. Updating Excalibur Prime, alongside Frost Prime, to bring them up to the standard of the other Primes (all but those two have additional body attachments/parts) would &!$$ off the anti-Founder player base. Should DE just not update the frame? No.

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If they're &!$$ed off, it's because they can't get it. Should people be placated because of that? No. People can be &!$$ed for a number of reasons. That doesn't make it a legitimate reason to make a certain decision. Re-releasing Founders would be a way to not &!$$ off the anti-Founder PC player base. Does that mean DE should re-release Founders? No.

Then can we have dual skana prime and aklato prime?  Oh wait, that would &!$$ off founders?  Even though DE has no obligations towards them on those weapons? 



Hnnnggg the hypocrisy.

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Then can we have dual skana prime and aklato prime?


That's up to DE. But they've admitted that it's a sketchy loophole around the Founders exclusivity issue, and it's the topic of a now closed discussion.

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That's up to DE. But they've admitted that it's a sketchy loophole around the Founders exclusivity issue, and it's the topic of a now closed discussion.

Sketchy as in it would &!$$ off founders.  It's not alright to &!$$ them off.  It's perfectly fine to anger other, larger player demographics though, right?



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Sketchy as in it would &!$$ off founders.  It's not alright to &!$$ them off.  It's perfectly fine to anger other, larger player demographics though, right?




No, sketchy in that it's an unclear loophole around Founders exclusivity. Why? Because the weapons would look the same. But again, that discussion has been had.

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No, sketchy in that it's an unclear loophole around Founders exclusivity. Why? Because the weapons would look the same. But again, that discussion has been had.

And why would using that loophole be a problem?  Because it would anger founders.  Don't know why you're dancing around the issue, piles of founders said exactly that.


Again, the hypocrisy is delicious.


You can't kill one perfectly legitimate idea because it will anger some players and then not kill another idea that will anger even more players.

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And why would using that loophole be a problem?  Because it would anger founders.  Don't know why you're dancing around the issue, piles of founders said exactly that.


Again, the hypocrisy is delicious.


Because I think that if you've got weapons that look just like another weapon, that they're the same weapon, whether that comes in a single or double variant. But it doesn't matter. DE said that exclusivity doesn't apply to variants, so it's fair game, regardless of what I or you or any other Founder thinks. So yes, you can have an aklato prime and dual skanas prime, IF DE decides to make them. And any Founder angry about that would just have to be angry. But again, it's up to DE, and if DE decides not to do so, then anyone asking for these items will also just have to be angry.

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Because I think that if you've got weapons that look just like another weapon, that they're the same weapon, whether that comes in a single or double variant. But it doesn't matter. DE said that exclusivity doesn't apply to variants, so it's fair game, regardless of what I or you or any other Founder thinks. So yes, you can have an aklato prime and dual skanas prime, IF DE decides to make them. And any Founder angry about that would just have to be angry. But again, it's up to DE, and if DE decides not to do so, then anyone asking for these items will also just have to be angry.

The only reason DE won't decide to do is it is because it would anger founders.  They'll have the same consideration to make with migrating founder's exclusives to ps4, only in that case they'll have to decide if they want to &!$$ off millions of players as opposed to a tiny portion of the PC player base. 


Expecting them to do that is expecting them to create a double standard.

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The only reason DE won't decide to do is it is because it would anger founders.  They'll have the same consideration to make with migrating founder's exclusives to ps4, only in that case they'll have to decide if they want to &!$$ off millions of players as opposed to a tiny portion of the PC player base. 


Expecting them to do that is expecting them to create a double standard.


Have they said that this is the only reason they won't decide to do this? Have you ever seen them make indication that they would do this, or do you just assume that they'll do whatever you ask simply because you ask it?


It's like you think that DE will automatically cater to you if you scream loud enough and often enough. Have you ever thought that maybe they don't want to come out with these weapons because they want to produce some more new, unique items?

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Have they said that this is the only reason they won't decide to do this? Have you ever seen them make indication that they would do this, or do you just assume that they'll do whatever you ask simply because you ask it?


It's like you think that DE will automatically cater to you if you scream loud enough and often enough.

I haven't made any demands.  You're the one who is defending a potential double standard in DE's treatment of different player populations.

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I haven't made any demands.  You're the one who is defending a potential double standard in DE's treatment of different player populations.


Um, no, I'm not. You're saying that they should release dual versions of Founders items, and they should not put Founders stuff on PS4, because to not do this would make non-Founders angry. I'm saying that 1) DE doesn't have anything that necessitates them releasing these dual variants, whether Founders would be angry about the move or not (in other words, their being angry is not what's keeping DE from releasing these items. There's no indication that DE ever planned on releasing these); 2) I don't see why items that weren't sold as platform-exclusive items should be kept from being transferred to another platform; I'd understand if Founders was sold as a PC-exclusive, but it wasn't.


It's not about treating different player populations differently. I just don't think that DE just has to do what you want just because there's nothing that legally keeps them from doing so. And I don't see why Founders stuff shouldn't be transferrable since it was never sold as a PC exclusive. It has nothing to do with people being angry. Their anger (Founder or PS4 in this content) shouldn't dictate DE's decisions. Both what DE is legally-bound to do and not do, and what DE wants to do, should dictate what DE does.

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You make the claim that the founders funded the development of the game. How many founders packs were sold of any size? Any ideas. Just curious.





The fact is that you guys who complain would most likely not have the game today if we PC players didnt "buy" Founder Packs and bought a S#&$load of platinum this like 1 year we played before you got it for PS4. I mean we Founders practically paid YOUR version of the game. And you want to strip us of the small trivial skin and emblems we got from that? I mean its not like we got something thats BETTER than what you can get. I have Excalibur Prime from the Founder Pack. I have the emblems etc etc. The Lato Prime was worthless. Excalibur Prime is just a re-skinned Excalibur that has differrent starting polarity slots.


Thats pretty much what we got for buying you, YOUR version of Warframe. I mean we PC players PAID to get Warframe to where it is today along with people who only bought platinum. I mean the PC players have given you the game as well. Keep that in mind. And just to finish this one: Founder Packs are NOT there to make you donate towards future development. Or well sort of. That is the result it gives. But the Founder Packs are there in the beginning when the company doesnt have much money to spend on the game to let players help spending money on the game to let the devs make the game better for us players. It doesnt matter if the game is in beta or not. the purpose of a Founders Campaign or a Kickstarter Campaign is to get the game rolling. To get it working and draw in people to help the devs be able to make the game.


You are a founder because you helped fund the game so it could be made. Not that you pay somewhere down the line some money to keep it alive. Hence why its callee being a Founder. I mean "Founder" means: "One that founds or establishes" which is what we did when we paid in the beginning. Which ISNT what PS4 user would do. Since we have paid for you to even have Warframe. we most likely paid for the first 5 patche of the PS4 version as well. So dont go and lash out on Founders because you missed it. Its not the founders or DE's fault that you didnt know. its no ones fault really. I mean you didnt know. that sux for you. I feel for you guys as well. But dont try to punish the founders that paid for YOUR game because YOU didnt know the game existed until after the Founder packs were taken down.



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Um, no, I'm not. You're saying that they should release dual versions of Founders items, and they should not put Founders stuff on PS4, because to not do this would make non-Founders angry. I'm saying that 1) DE doesn't have anything that necessitates them releasing these dual variants, whether Founders would be angry about the move or not (in other words, their being angry is not what's keeping DE from releasing these items. There's no indication that DE ever planned on releasing these); 2) I don't see why items that weren't sold as platform-exclusive items should be kept from being transferred to another platform; I'd understand if Founders was sold as a PC-exclusive, but it wasn't.


It's not about treating different player populations differently. I just don't think that DE just has to do what you want just because there's nothing that legally keeps them from doing so. And I don't see why Founders stuff shouldn't be transferrable since it was never sold as a PC exclusive. It has nothing to do with people being angry. Their anger (Founder or PS4 in this content) shouldn't dictate DE's decisions. Both what DE is legally-bound to do and not do, and what DE wants to do, should dictate what DE does.

No, I'm saying that you can't decide to not do one thing simply because it will anger a player population and then decide to do something that will anger even more players.


And please don't pretend that it's anything other than founder's reactions that are really holding them back on the dual variants, that's incredibly naive.  They already have all the assets and animations necessary for their creation.  Compared to other weapons it would require next to no work to create.  Combined with obvious and rather wide spread interest in their release, the number of reasons why they haven't been released can be narrowed down quite easily.


It's entirely about how players will react.  They're under no legal obligations to act or not act on either of the examples we're discussing.  The majority of the decision making process comes down to how the players will react.


You're trying to tip toe around the double standard but you keep getting it on your shoes every time.  Whether you like it or not, the implication that releasing dual variants is a dirty no good loophole is the same as saying that their release will anger founders. 


Their anger (Founder or PS4 in this content) shouldn't dictate DE's decisions. Both what DE is legally-bound to do and not do, and what DE wants to do, should dictate what DE does.

You're repeating the same arguments that you disagreed with in the dual variant threads because they happen to suit your needs this time around.

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I've given you my reasons. You're choosing to ignore them to try to further your own argument. I clearly stated that I think that the visuals of a weapon make it essentially the same weapon whether in single or dual form, and that my personal opinion is that DE should treat them as such. But I also said that exclusivity doesn't apply to any dual variant, because that's what [DE]Drew said, because I'M the one who asked the question and got that answer. You're making S#&$ up to support your argument. Again, that discussion was had and is not the topic of this thread.


And again, DE isn't going to do something just because you and other want it done. Many want First Person in this game. It still hasn't happened. Many want Founders stuff re-released. It still hasn't happened. Stop assuming that because something's easy to do, that DE will just do it. And we don't even know if DE will or won't release dual variants because they haven't said whether they're going to do it or not. So stop with your crap about them not releasing it because they don't want to anger Founders. Just because these items haven't released yet doesn't mean that DE has decided not to. And if they never do, that's DE's prerogative. Just like if they choose to not let Founders stuff be transferred. It's their choice. I've given you my OPINIONS on the matter. In no way do I believe that DE is bound by my opinions, and neither should you act like DE should automatically be bound by yours just because there's nothing that prevents them from doing so.


Oh, and the point about DE deciding based on what they're legally bound to do or not to do, and what they want, isn't saying that they are legally bound to not release a dual variant. It's that while they are legally able to release these, they should only do so if they want to. But you probably already knew that.

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