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If You Could Use Only One Warframe To Clear The System... What Would It Be?


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Frost (Globe. 'nuff said),

Loki (Invis for solo, Decoy/Disarm for squad/defense),

Nova (M Prime ALL THE THINGS! (please pardon the horrible hack-jobbiness. Been wanting to do a proper one for a while, but no time/tools atm.) (Also, is there a way to capture that without the UI?)

Also, Wormhole and AM Drop are nice),

Nyx (Chaos. Also Absorb),

Rhino (Probably the best all-round toolset on a single frame),

Saryn (Molt, Miasma),

Valkyr (Paralysis/ Warcry+Hysteria),

Volt (Electric Shield. 'nuff said; though Speed is great),

Zephyr (if only I understood how Turbulence works... Also, Tail wind :3 ).


Pick one.

So let me get this straight you're just going to name them all.... pick one. otherwise uour "answer" doesnt answer anything...

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So let me get this straight you're just going to name them all.... pick one. otherwise uour "answer" doesnt answer anything...

I did not name all the frames.

Having said that.... Well, yes.


Which single frame I'd pick depends on what the goal is.

I'd pick a different frame if I'm just trying to blaze through 100% clear ASAP; whether I'm doing that solo, with pubs, or with people I know.

I'd pick a different frame if I'm just playing for kicks, and the clearing is incidental.

I'd pick a different frame if I were trying to meet a challenge (e.g. melee only).




So I listed all of the frames I'd conceivably choose (e.g. I wouldn't take Ember or Vauban for a full map clear), and why I'd choose each one. (Not at any great length, admittedly, but that post was quite long enough as-is.)


Then OP can make his(?) own choice, on a better basis than my just saying 'Frame X' with no elaboration.

Edited by Chroia
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I did not name all the frames.

Having said that.... Well, yes.


Which single frame I'd pick depends on what the goal is.

I'd pick a different frame if I'm just trying to blaze through 100% clear ASAP; whether I'm doing that solo, with pubs, or with people I know.

I'd pick a different frame if I'm just playing for kicks, and the clearing is incidental.

I'd pick a different frame if I were trying to meet a challenge (e.g. melee only).




So I listed all of the frames I'd conceivably choose (e.g. I wouldn't take Ember or Vauban for a full map clear), and why I'd choose each one. (Not at any great length, admittedly, but that post was quite long enough as-is.)


Then OP can make his(?) own choice, on a better basis than my just saying 'Frame X' with no elaboration.

thats the point of the question though... if you could only choose one, which would it be. obviously it gunna be a tough choice, duh. but if I asked you to choose your single fav food and I would give you 100$ you wouldnt have a problem would ya...

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Again, depends what the reason for the choice is.

But with no other criteria? Rhino, modded for Stomp, Range and duration. Because it's the least demanding (due to Iron Skin) (Which is not always a good thing) and the all-around usefulness of his abilities.


And no, I wouldn't be able to give you a single answer.

I'm torn between pizza, grilled chicken and cream pasta. and ice cream. and hamburgers. and stir fry. etc.

But while I wouldn't eat them, I wouldn't say no to the 100$. :P


/hijack. Sorry OP.

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Well, since Rhino is all I've been using since Close Beta and it's also the frame that I used to clear everything.

My choice would be Rhino The King, The True Emperor, The Ruler of the Warframe Universe.



All the other frames were merely mastery food.

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