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The Frame That You Use All Its Skills


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The only frame imo so far that has four powers to equip at one time 






also.. vauban doesnt need bastille its outclassed in every way by vortex. ive had this debate about many times and the only thing bastille has on vortex is cost which really doesnt matter imo on a proper vauban.   anyhow.... yah. 

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I've to go with various others... No frame has 4 skills worth equipping. The most are fine with 2 abillities equipped. Some have 3... but that's up to debate for me and most of the time I switch layouts to maximize 2 of the 3 viable.


But I never forma'd any abilitiy slot... In the hopes that DE might change some of the unreliable/not fitting or duplicate skills... or that the upcoming shared abilitiies will play a major part.

Edited by MeduSalem
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Valkyr is the only frame I use all four abilities on when I run missions with her.

Ripline for style and getting around

Paralysis and Warcry for diving into groups of enemies

and Hysteria when I want to change combat style or heal up.


All the other frames I tend to focus on a couple core abilties.

Edited by Ryjeon
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Wouldnt it be nice if frames would get like 6 or 8 abilities, so u can actualy choose from them? Oberon or Trinity going full healing or more damaging, Mag that goes more team-style (shield restore, maybe energy restore etc), so you get more choices if you would like to? Would be a nightmare to balance them.. but still :)

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Ash for sure.

Shurikrn helps take things down that ib can't get myself. Im looking at you swarm of Orokin Drones.

Smokescreen helps me get about with ease.

Teleport is nice for me to be selective and pick off certain enemies.

Blade Storm is my favorite, zoom around stabbing stuff.

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Banshee. All of her skills never stop scaling.


I like to keep all 4 abilities equipped on a lot of frames, but I recognize they are very often not all useful. Shiruken on Ash is for example just for style and for when I don't feel like aiming some flying S#&$ instead of effectiveness. On other hand, Banshee has cc on everything but Sonar... and Sonar is always handy.

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Because he's the only frame that's so terrible that I haven't forma'd off one of his skill slots in favor of a more useful polarity.  Everything else at least has the potential to be useful.

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