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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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On the login screen, there is no exit button. I must use alt+F4 to exit the game...


In earlier versions of the game, playing solo mission I could at any time to stop the game by pressing the Esc key. Why now the game does not pause?? I need that.

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me and some friends who also play warframe keep getting thrown back to the login screen, sometimes in the middle of missions. No idea why, my internet speed and everything is normal.


most of the time it won't even let me log in. the game will take a minute or two checking my login details, and then it will say I entered them wrong, when I KNOW I didn't. so far I've managed to log in once, and after I completed the prologue I was booted back to the login screen, where it once again failed my credentials.




AAAAAAAAlso, I don't have a closing button on the login screen. Where did that go...?

Edited by waffle_nom
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This has probably been mentioned in on of the other 50+ pages of replies, but just for good measure, I'll post 'em.


Maybe not a bug per se, but I still think it deserves mentioning

Right click action placed to the left, and left click action placed to the right. Seems counter intuitive.



I don't know what this thing is, but appearently it does something...

Also, the text box seems to be clipping through it.


It is to the right of the star-chart-console, and was like that when I was trying to figure out where to stick the comms-segment. It turned out the comms console was bugged, and I had to re-log.


Empty arsenal squares will highlight, and not lose the color change when mouse moves to a different square.

Notice how only the 4 bottom left squares are brighter than the remaining empty ones.



I think this one might be mentioned in the "known bugs" list, but here it is just in case



Lens flare in Esc-menu, the top line of glowing light seems to be in front of the the warframe helmet, but the color is applied to the back of the helmet.



Before you insert the comms segment, this happens if you try to access navigation through the Esc-menu

It is there for a second or two, and then it goes back to normal


*NOTE - This was when my comms console was buggy, and wouldn't let me play with it.


Behold the glory of my e-mail adress!

Also, how do I exit the game?

So far I've been using the Windows Task Manager, but that can't be the intended way...



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Ok, so after updating, I had several login errors despite entering the correct info (on a side note, I miss the exit button on the login screen), after that about three failed attempts at the prologue (it would play the intro cut scene about 15 seconds before logging me out and kicking me to the login screen) it started to work.


When I finally got the cut scene to work, I managed to play the beginning prologue escape mission. That went fine (no errors or glitches that I could find) until I completed it, upon which, I was transported to my new ship, but I was back in my Rhino Prime (what I had equipped before the update dropped) instead of the frame I had chosen for the prologue. I don't know if that was intended or not.


The problem I am running into now is whenever I try to explore my ship, or move towards anything, the game again logs me out and kicks me to the login screen, and I have to do the initial escape mission and cut scenes all over again.

Edited by CaptKeltcher
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to all the people who cant log in: that's not a bug, but rather the warframe servers are having issues due to all the people trying to log in all at once, and possibly being worsened by network problems at DE.


on another note, i've done the foundry quest 4 or 5 times now, and each time i install the foundry thing, and then darvo talks about ordis' insulting message and says he's marked navigation coordinates for a place to get resources, but then when i go to navigation all i can do is the foundry quest again. it's rather frustrating.

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Nerds will rage. I agree with you. It isnt like they are just going to ignore everyone. Its probably a mad house at DE right now

-Getting kicked from mission then login info check bug still present and persistent


But I'm gonna get off for now and come back after work like I always do, and it'll be different like it always is, that's why I always come back to Warframe

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End Mission Report/Summary - Middle Mouse Button Scrolling is not available after 2 missions (not sure if there's a problem here, just wanted to make sure you guys looked into it)


Arsenal - Equipping Warframes and Weapons requires more than 2 clicks to actually work


Market - After buying a certain item, the confirmation didn't show up 'till i got to the Foundry

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After completing Vor's Prize tutorial, nothing in player ship is accessible.


After opening the esc menu and selecting navigation, camera is locked facing the main cockpit of the ship. Warframe can still move around and go out of camera, but I can't see where he's going. At the navigation computer, there is a large black rectangle with a white x on it. I walked up, mashed x, nothing happened.


Tried to relog, no success.


Check your info.

 This is exactly what I have mentioned in a previous post as well. Just has better detail.

Edited by FREQ1989
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Bugs that i have encountered.

1. while a player in my squad hacks a console, my warframe stop moving, and does that typing animation.
2. you can't run in the ship, but you can "slide" .. hold shift, and press CTRL you will "moonwalk slide" as i called it.
3. when a mission is launched, it goes dark to fade to the loading screen, then comes back to the mission selection screen and then fades to the "loading mission" screen.
4. your warframe blocks the mods when you try to "upgrade" your weapons or warframe
5. when you scroll all the way down, in your mods, the last row is cut in half, making it difficult to show what is there.
6. when you check your mods, only the middle row is higlighted, which makes it very difficult to stop cards that you are familiar with, this is especially true if you are a visual type person, like me.

ill add to the list if i see more.

Edited by RenegadeQc
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I'm sure everyone doing the prologue has encountered the bugs where you cannot proceed without logging out and logging back in.

Major issue:

I can't see anything on the login screen to exit the game. This is a major concern when users are constantly getting logged out and are not able to log back in in order to exit the game.

Minor issue:

On the mission success screen, you cannot scroll up or down on the extended areas using the mouse wheel.

Hope U14 is stabilized soon. It is definitely interesting. I appreciate the work DE has done for all these months.

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For those complaining its buggy, they released it as is or people would have had heart attacks and nervous breakdowns :). It needed more time, lots of time, now WE ARE THE TESTERS. Test it, report bugs and let them iron them out while you continue rubbing your kubrows ears as they wag their stubbs.


As for LOGIN FAILS, DE servers are taking a hit cause of the massive update downloads, think of it as a mini-DDoS. Let the downloads simmer down and things will slowly resume.



1. I think the map needs to be intuitive, let me know what am looking at (planet names) without having to mouse over. If you are a newbe and looking for a random node name well.... In a nutshell, seriously consider rethinking the map/navigation.

2. The public mode for sessions need an exit button, otherwise the only way out is alt-F4 or task manager force close, if you dont get a match.

3. I think that even if I opted on NON-prologue entry, a "small" button should still exist on login if I ever want it.

4. Quest items update without having to relog.

Edited by Ilryth
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Have you noticed the sudden sign out yet if so GET IT SORTED OUT!!!!


also the 2nd mission (if the prologue begining counts) is impossible the parts doesn't want to insert. 

(it knows the hell the game will give it:))

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So, update from a while ago (I'll just pretend people pay attention to me)


2) Another rather frustrating thing (though I'll try again and see what happens in a bit):

My girlfriend and I started playing through the new quests (like, we started the first quest after the tutorial mission and got interrupted, so we didn't even finish it). So, right near the start, Vor pops up all holographic and shiznizz, right? Except he doesn't. Not for my girlfriend anyway. 

I got quest text, she didn't. I was host and party leader, so I'm guessing that had something to do with it.

Surely parties are meant to do quests together at the same time... right?


2.2) Edit: Confirmed, at least for the two of us. When doing the Restore Comms mission, my girlfriend doesn't get any quest speech from Lotus or Vor when in party hosted by me. She does when she plays solo though, so it's about the party, not the account. 

Unknown if the same would happen if she hosted (she cannot invite me, I can only invite her... damn same network weirdness).


MORE importantly: Unknown whether completing mission would affect her quest or not. Requires either time for her to wake up from her nap, or somebody to test (I refuse to really go on without her). Anybody willing and able to do so would be appreciated, I do feel party questing is quite important if you have a quest system (albeit a new one) 


So, when we complete the mission together, it completes the quest for her (without any quest dialogue) and when you get back into ship it goes ahead and is all "New quest mothaclucka!"... Perhaps not quite like that. But definitely a problem.

Long story short: Quests happen together, but the client that's not host, they happen silently.... (me no likey)

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