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Update 14 Bug/issue Megathread


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I'm stuck on the part of the prologue to find Mercury Nav Segment.  There are no waypoints for this.  Many veterans like myself made the Negator prior to the Components Hijack mission and that made the entire thing bug out on us.


Is there a fix to this in the near future?  I'd like very much not to wait till Wednesday for this.

Agreed, I don't want to wait too long.  I'm willing to wait until tomorrow for now,

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Why are these sectors bold? Do I have to do them alone? Please help me. I've done these too many times to count and they won't become unbold. 



missions will be "bold" all the time - the missions with " highlighted frame" are the nodes that are not finished and are accesible, the nods that are " in static" are not accessible.

as for me - i cant finish/end/open (whatever you call it) nodes that i have access to when I'm not a host

Edited by Cracken
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Every time I finish a mission I get the dialogue messages from the Lotus and Ordis that I have gotten the Kubrow egg AND that I have not gotten it that mission (in sequence, not at once).  Also, I've done about 20 missions for an egg and not gotten a drop, not sure if this is poor luck or a bug.

Ocationally missions start (i can hear my weapon/skill noises) but I'm still at the loading screen, I have to forcibly quit Warframe when this occurs.

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Mercury Nav Module quest not showing up on the map. Know it's been reported already, just figured I'd throw another in so it hopefully gets fixed, because I can't complete the quest now and I assume I can't unlock the remainder of my ship's systems either, so I'm stuck with an unfinished ship. I'd really like to do the pet quest, as well, and see the rest of the story for the region. Kinda sucks a bunch. Gonna go squat on a pineapple 'till this quest is fixed, which hopefully will happen soon - those things are prickly. 

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I have a single question, how could they release the update while one of the main features is kinda unplayable, which is Vor's prize and the prologue. I am aware that patch is a thing and they can't release perfect updates, but how did this get trough the filter? I'd rather have waited 1 more weeks and be able to play trough the prologue than getting fed up by being unable to progress.....

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When activating Mirage Hall of Mirrors i do 1000-10000 radiation damage no matter what weapon i use (even my lv 3 Amprex did over 1000 radiation damage)


this only happens in online matches when i do it solo there is no problem 


EDIT: i did have Silva & Aegis equipped witch do radiation damage



Edited by DeadTheKid
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The Vor's Prize questline has disappeared for me.


I am a veteran player who chose to play through the prologue, but I made the mistake of crafting the Ascaris Negator before I ran the mission to obtain the components.  Now, although there is a notification on the Nav panel to Raid the Corpus Supply Cache, no quest marker appears in the planetary map, and the Ascaris Negator sits crafted but unused in my inventory.  I have tried relogging and restarting the game, all to no avail.  Is there a work around for this, or do I need to wait for the next hotfix?

I know theez feelz meng.  Sucks.

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UI/Performance bug(?):

My performance seems to drop badly (although I haven't tried with the FPS counter on, so I don't know the exact numbers) when I access the arsenal. After the first time I used the new arsenal I had to turn down my graphics settings so that the game would still be playable while in the arsenal. I play on an HP Pavilion Dv-7 laptop with Intel integrated graphics.


Questing bug:

My friends say that the Kubrow quest is broken in that you cannot find any eggs in the mission on Earth. I haven't played the mission enough to be certain of this, but I've played 3-4 times and I haven't found any eggs.  

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I don't to complain about new updates as nothing ever works right the first, but I was in the Kubrow egg search mission on earth with three other players one of them found an egg and the others collected their eggs, when I went to collect one it was gone everyone else got an egg why not me?

Is this a glitch or what exactly?

Also I cant collect my Nekros Chassis from the foundry it just tells me an "unknown error occurred"

Edited by Cheshire31
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So we were running a survival mission on earth, got some decent stuff too: rare 5s, tranquil cleave (my first time dropping one) and nearly 15 minutes worth of gameplay. We almost ran out of life support and I activated a capsule that had just appeared right as it was at 1%, so now we had 31%. There were also no enemies to fight to drop personal life support packs anymore, at least, none spawning where we were on the back half of the map. Problem is, the timer stopped at 14:05 and when we realized the clock broke, we began heading to extraction, not everyone made it in time so the life support ran out and within 5 seconds of that we all got downed and received the mission failed notice and received nothing for the mission.


Personally I'm a bit pissed not because of the mods/resources that were lost, but because the RNG for when a life support capsule drops feels so broken. Even when we have a full party that could easily last 30 minutes to an hour, we are either forced to leave early because the Lotus is stingy with the LS, or risk mission failure when the game bugs  out when LS runs out.


I know DE is working on so much right now, but I feel like the amount of content brought in with U14 might have been a bit too ambitious and using smaller, more containable content would have been a wiser course of action. Gamers may be impatient, but developers need to be patient and discerning when it comes to releasing new content, because between this issue with the survival mission and the ridiculous RNG on the Kubrow eggs(spent nearly 4 hours non-stop grinding for it and found nothing, spent 10 plat cuz I was tired of wasting my time), I find it hard to enjoy playing this game at this moment.


Once again, thank you DE for trying to make this game the perfect game, I appreciate all you have done so far and look forward to seeing what could literally be, the perfect game.

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It would appear as though my clan's trading post is inaccessible due to it being halfway through the floor. animation is retained. relogging did not fix the issue.

screenshots can be viewed here: http://i.imgur.com/TFWZiF2.jpg 


I also can not do today's "gift from the lotus" alert due to Howl of the Kubrow and the alert both being on E Prime. i can only do Howl at the moment (unluckily,i also haven't been able to remove the quest due to not finding an egg after ~5 runs).

Edited by king224
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Okay so i finished the collect resource mission and removed the clamp Vor poped on me at the start then im told its only part removed i have to find a way to rid myself of it further, so I'm left with no option but to find the mercury nav and there is no mission marker so i assumed kill Vor... this didn't work and I'm now stuck with the mission to finish but no way of knowing where it is or what i should do.


As a result i figured the mission to be bugged so opted to Kill the jackal to activate the kubrow quest, Upon killing the Jackal and installing the incubator part to the ship the Lotus as well as the ship's Avalon tell me i already have an egg.. which i don't.


I do however have the mission marker for it so run the mission i do...


This resulted in no egg drop in 10 mission attempts not sure if the drop rate is meant to be as it is if so i shall farm some more.


The Vor quest is defiantly bugged out on me though, i shall submit a Ticket if needed.


Kudos to DE for all the hard work getting U14 to us all, there were bound to be a few hiccups so patience is a virtue an the path to greater knowledge 

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(kurbow issues) I have been hunting kurbow for four hours (no joke) finding 8-12 dens per run and even scanning them before and after destroying them with no luck on finding a single egg. Although I want to help the make money, when a game's features are only availble through payment players begin to stop and search for somthing else, thus if there (in this case) a understandable way to get the reward more players will stay. On the other hand, after talking to people for 20 min (after not feeling like running a mission anymore)  most had given up farming and paid plaitnuim, some found theirs on the 3rd-12th try, and four individuals got theirs on the first try. the rest are still farming. thanks for fixing those issues from yesterday (or the day before)

and i cant wait for more.


PS: the nikana's charge attack no longer produces the trail effect. Also some weapons produce a white line instead of the color its set to and rarely the set color is noticed but dominated by the other color.


Might just be you, I've gotten three eggs to drop today, and its been less than an hour of E Prime

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Browsin the menus of the new UI, specially the character information menu such as leaderboards and others like navigation gets you stuck as in, the mouse won't work and esc won't work so you can't click anything or go back you're stuck in a screen and can't do anything at all, you need to reset the game at that point


I just had it happening while trying to change my avatar icon



2nd edit, it happened again, I changed profile icon and I got stuck in the profile panel being unable to do anything or exit out of it

Edited by Domaik
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HATE the new solar system layout.


-I want my old GUI back.


I don't like running around a ship and going in and out of menus to go from mods to foundry to loadout, i don't like the new solar system interface, since it won't let me drag from system to system while viewing the individual levels like i could before. This is like 99% of my discontent with the update.

I also can no longer tell the order in which I am supposed to do the missions OR which missions I need to do to unlock the other missions!

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