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Derelict Creature Shadow Easter Egg (Revealed!)


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I want to where you're playing in a group, that after you see the shadow you hear roars during the mission and later on you get blocked off by everyone and you're HUD starts to scramble and the room darkens. You can only go straight and you start to hear something running towards you. At this point your teammates will receive a message(just like when you go down) that says "[insert Player Name] has disappeared". You can either keep running towards the end of the hallway or get caught by the monster and have a cut scene show your frame being dragged deeper into the darkness( and end up immobilized like with the G3). If you get a out of the hallway, you'll end up falling in the waterfall type thing and as you look behind you, the hallway caves in and you can hear the monster roaring and attempting to break out. 


Creepy Pasta 

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I want to where you're playing in a group, that after you see the shadow you hear roars during the mission and later on you get blocked off by everyone and you're HUD starts to scramble and the room darkens. You can only go straight and you start to hear something running towards you. At this point your teammates will receive a message(just like when you go down) that says "[insert Player Name] has disappeared". You can either keep running towards the end of the hallway or get caught by the monster and have a cut scene show your frame being dragged deeper into the darkness( and end up immobilized like with the G3). If you get a out of the hallway, you'll end up falling in the waterfall type thing and as you look behind you, the hallway caves in and you can hear the monster roaring and attempting to break out. 


You know... 6:31 AM Germany..

I was like "Ah, check out the forums a bit, maybe they fixed the prologue Bug so I can continue and unlock my Fluffy Furry Companion"..

And now I am like "Ah pfff.. who needs sleep anyway..."

And I want to put it straight!

I only looked under my bed twice.

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It ALMOST looks like a Wyrm Prime that was affected by the Technocyte virus (or Wyrm Prime was based on it). Either way, I'm going to NOPE out now. 3Spooky5Me


Infested Wyrm Prime that's been mutated to giant proportions and lurks in Derelict waters? Goodbye everyone.

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It's a "Weeping Angel" look it up ;_;


You mean this?




You know.. Guys... I just recovered from not sleeping the whole freaking night thanks to paranoid thoughts of this thing really existing.. somewhere.. out there.. in the depths of space..

I don't even know WHY I came back here to check on this thread.

And now this. Great. 

If I die because of lack of sleep. I blame it on this forum.

Oh btw...


god damn it I can never visit a church again in my life....

Edited by NickelDare
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You know.. Guys... I just recovered from not sleeping the whole freaking night thanks to paranoid thoughts of this thing really existing.. somewhere.. out there.. in the depths of space..

I don't even know WHY I came back here to check on this thread.

And now this. Great. 

If I die because of lack of sleep. I blame it on this forum.

Oh btw...


god damn it I can never visit a church again in my life....




Just do what I do and smash every statue you see with a mace.  Sure it won't kill them because the weeping angels are too strong to be killed with a mace.  But when you smash up the normal statues you will have peace of mind that they were just normal statues, and if you come across a statue that you CAN'T smash up no matter how many times you hit it, then you know to GTFO.


The only downside is that many people and organizations frown on smashing their statues so you should sneak out and do it at night.

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