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De's (Small) Step Toward Pw-Like Business Strategy


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Clarification, I meant not cool not due to the color but due to dying a dogs hair to paint it over... not cool.


In any case, the why is it different than helios, because it's a living creature *wink* we believe it should have a different way of interacting, we don't ask you to oil your helios every time it dies, but your Kubrow does need some love and care.


I do agree that the variety of colors is low, as the "white -> brown -> white exemplified, but color ranges are beyond my authority sadly. But maybe the voice of the masses can convince a certain someone about wilder kubrow colors.



But it's a gambling based real world money sink.

Those types of microtransactions are basically the bane of all FTP games. If you have even the SLIGHTEST bit of RESPECT for your players/ consumers YOU DON'T DO THEM.


Even if it's just 0.66 snt you're still going to have to throw money at the problem and it's basically just playing slots you either get 3 fruits or you get a mish mash of things you didn't want.


At least let people customize their Kubrows on the genetic stage for plat, credits or some fetch quest loopedy loop so they can skip looking for that one guy whose Kubrow just happened to be born with a heart shaped birthmark and has a distinct lack of hue and if they want to THEN change their Kubrow THEN they gotta find the guy with the look they want to change into.


Any and all gambling based microtransactions seem more like a giant middle finger to the consumer.

Edited by Ziegrif
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I would like to end this with the request of Digital Extremes removing the randomness out of the Kubrow appearance change feature. If this feature is kept in the game, the possibility of more like it increases. I do not want this game to become an almost unplayable game filled with random rewards from platinum purchases.




Edit: also note that this is purely cosmetic and like all cool cosmetic options is Plat purchase only. it doesnt effect your game, etc etc.


my work here is done.

peace out :P

Edited by Miracl3
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Edit: also note that this is purely cosmetic and like all cool cosmetic options is Plat purchase only. it doesnt effect your game, etc etc.


my work here is done.

peace out :P


Let me spell it out, nice and simple wording:

This is not about the cosmetics, this is about taking a stand to prevent more detrimental ideas such as this from happening again. We are being forced to either lie down and take what we have, or gamble real money in order to have a chance at getting something that might be worth it, but will most likely be the same thing. How is gambling real money ever okay?

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Edit: also note that this is purely cosmetic and like all cool cosmetic options is Plat purchase only. it doesnt effect your game, etc etc.


my work here is done.

peace out :P

This isn't a plat purchase. It's plat gambling for a cosmetic. I for one actually care how my stuff in Warframe looks (which is why I've spent a decent bit of plat to get it to how I want.) I don't mind spending plat on cosmetics, but I want transparency on what I'm purchasing, especially because once you've clicked that button about seven times, that is 5 USD. (and the kubrow can just go back and forth between two colors/patterns, which is infuriating)

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Edit: also note that this is purely cosmetic and like all cool cosmetic options is Plat purchase only. it doesnt effect your game, etc.

I fail to see how this is a counter to his argument, yes it's plat purchase only, precisely why people are (rightfully) complaining, we pay for things to look how we want them to, not to get a chance of that happening.

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Platinum, and Random. 

These two words do not go well together

The only thing I can think of when I see this small yet noticeable feature in the game is Perfect World, a company that loves to make things like this saturate their games



I agree.  This is exactly PW's modus operandi:  charging you cash-currency to pull the lever on a slot machine over and over and over with a tiny chance of getting the thing you actually want.


Fur patterns and color choices should be cash-currency unlocks just like how everything else in the game up to this point has worked.  I am disappointed in you, DE.

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DE said that if you wanted a specific color you could trade someone the genetic template.

I see no reason why they couldn't just sell the specific color templates in the market.

Or we could just use our colour pallets

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DE said that if you wanted a specific color you could trade someone the genetic template.

I see no reason why they couldn't just sell the specific color templates in the market.



Also keep in mind that in order to use an imprint you have to start the hatching process all over again. That's more grinding, another two days of waiting if you don't rush, and another day and a half to two days of it maturing. Just let us buy new coats for our current Kubrow.

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While I understand what DE_Pablo is saying, I'll have to agree with OP. Make the random colors a credit option maybe, but plat is plat! Definitely looks like PWE now has their greedy milk fingers in here.





On a side note, we really should be able to pre-determine our Kubrow's fur pattern and colors...we do grow it in a genetic lab/foundry after all.

Edited by xxx7
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I haven't played U14 yet (cannot since I'm on vacation), but honestly: You can change Nekro's colour to pink. Does that fit a Necromancer? No. Do I like pink as a colour? No.

But the fact is, if someone wants to do that, I have to DEAL WITH IT.

And even if DE doesn't want pink Kubrows, it does not justify Plat-payed-RNG. To me, Platinum is the shortcut from RNG. Not the requirement to even roll the dice (unless you want to scrap Kubrows and get new ones).


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Clarification, I meant not cool not due to the color but due to dying a dogs hair to paint it over... not cool.


In any case, the why is it different than helios, because it's a living creature *wink* we believe it should have a different way of interacting, we don't ask you to oil your helios every time it dies, but your Kubrow does need some love and care.


I do agree that the variety of colors is low, as the "white -> brown -> white exemplified, but color ranges are beyond my authority sadly. But maybe the voice of the masses can convince a certain someone about wilder kubrow colors.


And lastly this is my cog Otto.



I will use the logic i've seen so far...
If we tenno, saved the earth dome in cicero crisis, we earn the right to kill Kubrow families to Get an Egg, make the Kubrow orphan, and go back to kill more Kubrows to get the Mods.
So, using this logic, Painting them with some Automotive/robotic/oiled paint, should be no problem.
 DE, you are always contradicting yourselves.
C'mon, in the future there is no way to paint our puppy without harm them???
Platinum and Random shouldn't be in the same phrase.
Remove this option and make entirely random color from birth, or raise this price a bit and make them fully customizable.
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Yeah, they do, so if you could stop, that'd be great.



Yeah, troll threads suck. Good thing this isn't one.

The premise is that DE is making options in the game comprable to the heinous PW. This is false. Ths is fear mongering on a Fox-News level (it's an american media propoganda/misinformation machine). We have had mod packs and key packs for sale since U7. Guess what? They cost plat and the rewards are RANDOM. The game has had that mechanic forever. PW was put in the title to draw attention. To troll. The comparison is misplaced and unfounded. I won't spend any more time here cuz it's a hassle to typeon my vita and this thread already has too much attention. Good day.

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Yup, you're the mature one here, calling people "kiddos?" Check. Telling them then to "grow up?" Check. I some how doubt that you're the adult here.


And this part here:

"its a f2p game where the devsl istens ot the community"

Is very important, tell me, what do you think we are currently doing in this thread? We are telling the devs what we do not like and asking them to change it so that we may more readily throw money in their faces.

i know btw i prob said it wrong i nthat sentence (english isnt my best language) but i was referring to the OMFG 10 PLATS WTF DE and rage here i was refering to them :p

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Platinum and Random shouldn't be in the same phrase.

Remove this option and make entirely random color from birth, or raise this price a bit and make them fully customizable.



 *cough* Mod Packs *cough*

 *cough* Key Packs  *cough*


Gosh, if only the community had come down ultra hard on DE back then instead of just letting them slide....

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Pablo, Kubrows are living creatures just like frames (or frames are robot?) and we can still color it as we pleased. Doesn't matter if colors are ''strange''.


Another huge thing with trading Imprints.

I need to trust the other guy who is giving me the Imprint. He can lie to me and I wont know it. We trade and I got tricked.

This will happen soon.

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i know btw i prob said it wrong i nthat sentence (english isnt my best language) but i was referring to the OMFG 10 PLATS WTF DE and rage here i was refering to them :p


We're not upset that we have to pay platinum. It's that we have to pay to get a chance, to fail at getting what we want.


I would willingly shell out 200 platinum at a solid re-usable skin I could get from the market, allowing me to customize my Kubrow to my own liking, color and all.

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 *cough* Mod Packs *cough*

 *cough* Key Packs  *cough*


Gosh, if only the community had come down ultra hard on DE back then instead of just letting them slide....

THANK YOU after your edit I want to take back my +1

Edited by Nkomo-Sama
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kubrows, whatever color they may be, (for all i care it could be nothingness like the dojo-parcour-abyss) those platypus/dog/thingies could easily get chestarmour so i can make them look like my dog-thingy... there are grineer and infested whatevers around, i don't want any more harm than some warm clothes for it.


... sorry for my rambling i started writing got distracted and then finished it weirdly i suppose

Edited by Meteorlink
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so far i have gambled 400-600p and haven't even got close to something that i want (except pattern, i love the lotus pattern!) so what did i learn? RNG suuuuuuucks!! is it worth 10p a scrabble? No! the kubrow was the one thing i really looked forward to in update U14. for me the color of my kubrow is verry important!


The RNG color thing destroyed the kubrow fun.....At least for me

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*cough* Mod Packs *cough*

 *cough* Key Packs  *cough*


Gosh, if only the community had come down ultra hard on DE back then instead of just letting them slide....

For the third time already, these two are hardly the same as the Kubrow colors, want an explanation? Well I'm tired of repeating it, I've mentioned it up to two or three times in this thread already so go just go and look back a little.

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