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You Could Ban One Warframe Forever, What Would It Be?


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Who needs CC when you can kill all the things?


A well played Ash can be as much of a boon to a team as a bad ash is a burden to one.


If I am using Ash I will dive into groups of enemies, cut them to shreds and then go find the next group, at the same time I can hit objectives and get revives because of my flexibility. 

CC is nice and all, but you cannot kill enemies with pure CC, so t some point you need damage. Ash has that damage.

His damage takes to long and there are frames that doo that faster.



Flashy frame that lacks something. I know i wanted him as my second frame when i was starting this game. But everyone sees him differenty, and plays him differently.



I can make him work and be decent with him, only thing that is making me not use him is same as with Rhino. I am disgusted by how many people are using specific frames badly and giving them bad reputation.

Edited by RoboDoge
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I don't mind if people use Rhino/Rhino Prime.  He's pretty useful, and I don't mind if he's a crutch for less skilled players.  If it helps them keep up with "my level" then more power to them.


The only Rhino I'm ever sick of seeing is the one that trots into Sechura Defense armed only for Melee.  That guy needs his hands slammed in a car door a few times so he has time to think about what he's doing to his teammates.  Gonna use his sword in the +25% Rifle Kills XP zone, puh-leaaaze.



The 'frame I'd ban, though?  Probably Nova, she manages to cause more problems in random public matches, whether it's from slowing down the Defense game with Molecular Prime, or Molecular Prime making Nekros Desecrate shots have a smaller window of opportunity, or Molecular Prime just making everything feel sleazy too easy with its damage enhancement and chain reaction effect, or an Overextended build speeding up the action more than the other half of the team can handle.  That one ability has rather a lot of effects, and all of them affect the team game.

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Last I checked, she took damage while in Hysteria, as it only gave her a massive boost to armor, but they must have changed it with U14.

When was this ever the case? Hysteria is literally invincibility until the duration runs out.

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Ash can be great in right hands, yes. But most of the hate comes from playing with "speshul" types of players.



What most Ashes do is following: "Equips Dread ( or any bow they can grab ), Kunai/Hikou/Despair and Hate ( obviously ). Slaps some edgyness 1337 colors ( black-red combo ) and proceeds to be Stalker. Runs towards the group of mobs, uses BS, 4 hours pass till animation is done, objective fails because rest of the team gets overrun.



Yes, Ash should be true ninja in Warframe and people like that style. I see him as newbie baits tho, just because that "ninja" feel. He is pure damage frame with little to no crowdcontrol or utility and isnt meant for teamplay. And if frame isnt meant for teamplay, i wont use it.

Hey, don't bash dread, that weapon is absolutely amazing against high tier enemies considering how high its crit limit is. Mmmh, red crits, red crits everywhere.

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His damage takes to long and there are frames that doo that faster.



Flashy frame that lacks something. I know i wanted him as my second frame when i was starting this game. But everyone sees him differenty, and plays him differently.



I can make him work and be decent with him, only thing that is making me not use him is same as with Rhino. I am disgusted by how many people are using specific frames badly and giving them bad reputation.

Who says you rely on Bladestorm for damage?


Spin2Win Galatine is a much better way to dish out the hurt. 


Tp to get in close, Start meleeing, maybe use Smokescreen for a quick stun and to proc berserker, rinse and repeat.

I try to avoid pressing 4 to win as much as possible.

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Rhino. In a heartbeat.


EDIT: If there's any question on "why?", it's the rhin00bs. They are, 100% the reason.

Almost word for word what I was saying. But imagine mine with x1000 wit and charm. And the second you read my version of this comment you went into a awe-induced-coma. Because thats what would happen. Kbye.

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None of them. Not because they all have the same end-game utility- it's not really debatable that Oberon is outclassed by other frames in almost every way. Some 'frames are going to be better for T4 Survival at 40+ minutes and that's okay. However, some people just enjoy playing certain 'frames whenever they please. I love using Oberon regardless of his end-game utility and I know others that love playing him too. This is a game people play for funsies, so they should be able to play however they like. Even Rhinoobs should be able to play however they like (even if I agree that it really cheeses early-game and cheats them out of the full experience).


If I were forced to pick a frame, then I'd probably choose Hydroid. From what I've been able to tell, there aren't that many people who absolutely love Hydroid. Also, I absolutely hate when players spam puddle & tentacle hentai over and over again and just make the game take longer. I don't have any problem with the abilities themselves but they are so abusable.


I wouldn't choose him willingly, but out of every 'frame I can think of, he's probably the one that would cause the least butthurt if he left.


EDIT: As a side note, it sounds like OP was fishing for a flame war. Is that really necessary on these forums? Just start a "Brakk 2 OP" thread or something and you'll get basically the same reaction.


Everyone else should be ashamed that they seriously think that their own personal preferences should dictate everyone else's. Just because you don't like [iNSERT FRAME HERE] doesn't mean it's actually fair to say other people shouldn't play them.

Edited by CaptainJohnson
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None of them. Not because they all have the same end-game utility- it's not really debatable that Oberon is outclassed by other frames in almost every way. Some 'frames are going to be better for T4 Survival at 40+ minutes and that's okay. However, some people just enjoy playing certain 'frames whenever they please. I love using Oberon regardless of his end-game utility and I know others that love playing him too. This is a game people play for funsies, so they should be able to play however they like. Even Rhinoobs should be able to play however they like (even if I agree that it really cheeses early-game and cheats them out of the full experience).


If I were forced to pick a frame, then I'd probably choose Hydroid. From what I've been able to tell, there aren't that many people who absolutely love Hydroid. Also, I absolutely hate when players spam puddle & tentacle hentai over and over again and just make the game take longer. I don't have any problem with the abilities themselves but they are so abusable.


I wouldn't choose him willingly, but out of every 'frame I can think of, he's probably the one that would cause the least butthurt if he left.


EDIT: As a side note, it sounds like OP was fishing for a flame war. Is that really necessary on these forums? Just start a "Brakk 2 OP" thread or something and you'll get basically the same reaction.


Everyone else should be ashamed that they seriously think that their own personal preferences should dictate everyone else's. Just because you don't like [iNSERT FRAME HERE] doesn't mean it's actually fair to say other people shouldn't play them.


I still don't understand how Oberon is any worse than Excalibur in T4 when he has regen, better health, and better stamina. There is no reason why Excalibur is any better than Oberon, there's nothing he can do better, and he has jack S#&$ in the way of good offensive abilities. Radial Javelin is worthless compared to Reckoning, which automatically hits everything in a radius, compared to Radial Javelin which only hits a maximum of 15 targets.

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None of them. Not because they all have the same end-game utility- it's not really debatable that Oberon is outclassed by other frames in almost every way. Some 'frames are going to be better for T4 Survival at 40+ minutes and that's okay. However, some people just enjoy playing certain 'frames whenever they please. I love using Oberon regardless of his end-game utility and I know others that love playing him too. This is a game people play for funsies, so they should be able to play however they like. Even Rhinoobs should be able to play however they like (even if I agree that it really cheeses early-game and cheats them out of the full experience).


If I were forced to pick a frame, then I'd probably choose Hydroid. From what I've been able to tell, there aren't that many people who absolutely love Hydroid. Also, I absolutely hate when players spam puddle & tentacle hentai over and over again and just make the game take longer. I don't have any problem with the abilities themselves but they are so abusable.


I wouldn't choose him willingly, but out of every 'frame I can think of, he's probably the one that would cause the least butthurt if he left.


EDIT: As a side note, it sounds like OP was fishing for a flame war. Is that really necessary on these forums? Just start a "Brakk 2 OP" thread or something and you'll get basically the same reaction.


Everyone else should be ashamed that they seriously think that their own personal preferences should dictate everyone else's. Just because you don't like [iNSERT FRAME HERE] doesn't mean it's actually fair to say other people shouldn't play them.

relax,just a hypothetical.

everyone going this deep into a fun topic is slowly gonna kill it.


and zephyr,so i don't have too look at here crazy over designed anymore.

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I still don't understand how Oberon is any worse than Excalibur in T4 when he has regen, better health, and better stamina. There is no reason why Excalibur is any better than Oberon, there's nothing he can do better, and he has jack S#&$ in the way of good offensive abilities. Radial Javelin is worthless compared to Reckoning, which automatically hits everything in a radius, compared to Radial Javelin which only hits a maximum of 15 targets.


Radial Javelin isn't Excalibur's signature move, though. Everyone knows that it's not that great of an ability and most Excal players I know just drop it off of his moveset, as disappointing as that is.


In regards to T4 (and what I mean by T4 is really late-game stuff where pure damage output just falls short), Excalibur's CC in Radial Blind outdoes Oberon's CC by far. Oberon has a momentary knockdown with Reckoning (and at the cost of an ultimate) while Radial Blind can stun enemies for a really long time in a really wide radius. That kind of utility scales infinitely, and will always be better overall.


Oberon's health regeneration honestly isn't all that great as it stands. It's too slow and doesn't really heal enough to be worth it. Life Strike on a melee weapon will get you better results, and Excalibur is already better at melee, so Excalibur arguably wins in the health department.


Health also quickly becomes irrelevant in T4. When someone can one-shot you regardless of your health pool, it's just not going to matter. Maybe in the first 30 minutes or so it can save your skin, but at some point you have to have another way to survive. CC is just a better way of doing that.


Higher Stamina is nearly useless, let's be real. There are a few cases where it comes in handy but overall it's just not that important.


relax,just a hypothetical.

everyone going this deep into a fun topic is slowly gonna kill it.


and zephyr,so i don't have too look at here crazy over designed anymore.


This thread was dead from page one to be honest. As soon as people started taking it seriously and riding the hate train, the whole thread went to hell. And honestly, that should've been expected from the get-go. I agree that there's some fun in venting what 'frame you personally dislike and a fun little hypothetical scenario but it was handled really really poorly.


Flame thread is flamey. Flame thread will continue to be flamey.


Flame Repellent will do NOTHING to ease the flames.

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Radial Javelin isn't Excalibur's signature move, though. Everyone knows that it's not that great of an ability and most Excal players I know just drop it off of his moveset, as disappointing as that is.


In regards to T4 (and what I mean by T4 is really late-game stuff where pure damage output just falls short), Excalibur's CC in Radial Blind outdoes Oberon's CC by far. Oberon has a momentary knockdown with Reckoning (and at the cost of an ultimate) while Radial Blind can stun enemies for a really long time in a really wide radius. That kind of utility scales infinitely, and will always be better overall.


Oberon's health regeneration honestly isn't all that great as it stands. It's too slow and doesn't really heal enough to be worth it. Life Strike on a melee weapon will get you better results, and Excalibur is already better at melee, so Excalibur arguably wins in the health department.


Health also quickly becomes irrelevant in T4. When someone can one-shot you regardless of your health pool, it's just not going to matter. Maybe in the first 30 minutes or so it can save your skin, but at some point you have to have another way to survive. CC is just a better way of doing that.


Higher Stamina is nearly useless, let's be real. There are a few cases where it comes in handy but overall it's just not that important.



This thread was dead from page one to be honest. As soon as people started taking it seriously and riding the hate train, the whole thread went to hell. And honestly, that should've been expected from the get-go. I agree that there's some fun in venting what 'frame you personally dislike and a fun little hypothetical scenario but it was handled really really poorly.


Flame thread is flamey. Flame thread will continue to be flamey.


Flame Repellent will do NOTHING to ease the flames.

Except the cost of Oberon's powers are completely neutralized with proper modding, and you can get health regen all the way up to 58 health per second with proper modding. There is nothing that Excalibur does that I can't do better as Oberon with half decent weapons. Excalibur is only "better" than Oberon if you actually don't even know how to properly mod a Warframe to min-max powers like a good 'ol Dungeons and Dragon munchkin. The only time radial blind even becomes semi-useful is when rezzing downed allies surrounded by allies. Otherwise there is nothing Excalibur does that I can't do better simply be using good weapons and a well modded frame. If I need to get out of a fight as Oberon, I can easily cheese my way out with Dual Ichors with maxed berserker. Slap around an enemy a little bit until you start getting crits, then dive slash your way out of the battle, each one will send you flying down an entire hallway faster than non-hitscan weapons.


Like I said, there is nothing that an Excalibur can do that I can't do better with a competent loadout. It's Warframe. Enemies are only lethal if you severely screwed up a situation or went into a battle with a poor loadout.

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Except the cost of Oberon's powers are completely neutralized with proper modding, and you can get health regen all the way up to 58 health per second with proper modding. There is nothing that Excalibur does that I can't do better as Oberon with half decent weapons. Excalibur is only "better" than Oberon if you actually don't even know how to properly mod a Warframe to min-max powers like a good 'ol Dungeons and Dragon munchkin. The only time radial blind even becomes semi-useful is when rezzing downed allies surrounded by allies. Otherwise there is nothing Excalibur does that I can't do better simply be using good weapons and a well modded frame. If I need to get out of a fight as Oberon, I can easily cheese my way out with Dual Ichors with maxed berserker. Slap around an enemy a little bit until you start getting crits, then dive slash your way out of the battle, each one will send you flying down an entire hallway faster than non-hitscan weapons.


Like I said, there is nothing that an Excalibur can do that I can't do better with a competent loadout. It's Warframe. Enemies are only lethal if you severely screwed up a situation or went into a battle with a poor loadout.

Radial Blind > Everything Oberon can do. No contest. Stop being ignorant.

Oberon being the next frame to be buffed proves he's garbage.

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