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I Wish I Can Explore Space With My Liset..


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Even better if i just find each planet by myself with the help of nav segments. 

I'm just bored having every place in the solar system on my plate since I start playing.

I need something else to do rather than farming and grinding everyday.

I think gameplay wise this would be a great addition.


What do you guys think?


P.S. I started a new account. 

Just something I thought that would even make warframe better from a new player perspective.

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Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.


Good luck taking a 30 year trip between Earth and Jupiter :P

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Ok, ok, serious answer this time.


I don't think it works for interplanetary travel, partially because of the distances and partially because the Solar Rails are already established. It's how they get past all the pesky space in between destinations.


However, I wouldn't say no to a space combat minigame, where you do little strike runs against a bigger ship.

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Good idea.


And find treasures on tiny secret asteroids...

.. Getting into epic space battle with grineer galleons and corpus transporters...


Bringing this up for the 100th time but.... Has anyone else ever played Allods?


It would be awesome if Warframe had a similar ship/travel system...


But I guess that would be waaaayyy too much to ask.


You could install different cannons or (frikkin) lasers on your ship... the blueprints for these cannons would drop from enemies.

You could build and exchange the different parts of the ship (like... actual parts like the reactor, the shields, the controls, navigation) And all these parts have different characteristics.

Or hire a npc crew that maintains and repairs the ship during travel.

And invite up to 3 players to your ship who will man the cannons while you navigate the ship through space.

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You can control your Liset in ship loading screen on missions with movement Keybinds! By Darvo DE, let this stay unfixed!

It's intentional...


Check the update notes, they implemented it in the latest hotfix :3


I kinda wish we could fly around the planet the liset is orbiting, or fly around in general. Like a pilot seat or something, then when you want to start a mission you just go to navigation :P

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It would be cool if de added a gameplay segment where we could pilot our liset on approach to a mission area and we could pick where we personally wanted to land and where we wanted to be picked up(for ships and asteroids at least)

Edited by warpath514
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Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.


+1 for the hitchikers guide quote

Maybe you could shoot down asteroids for resources/credits

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Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.


Good luck taking a 30 year trip between Earth and Jupiter :P


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Something tells me that the Eve Online-likeness of the game is starting to unfold.


(Referencing DE's last discussion. :3)

and i left eve and wow for similar ongoing disasters, bit sucky when games youve happily stuck with for years go down the toilet.

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this is a wonderful idea. how would it work? hmm


while the valid point of both solar rails and distance between planets have been addressed


why not:


the solar rails are like train stations and the train is your ship. the rail blasts you (your ship and its cargo) at faster than or equal to light speed within navigable distance of your destination. from there we could pilot our ships from point a to point b, where point b represents some sort of loading dock. flying around in a space sandbox how do we limit the space the player has to travel. just have ordis say ' the obective is the other way operator' and turn the ship around when get to far out of bounds.


this seems most practical if:

*solar rails are attached to our dojo

*when not in conflict we are able to walk from inside our dojo out onto 'a rail' that looks somewhat like the first section of ds conflict maps, but with something that looks like it can launch us through space

*the rails serve as docking bays

*from our docking bays we would be launched within reach of a planetary hub

*planetary hubs have their own 'rails' of sorts, which justifies direct travel between hubs (going from jupter to eris)

*an animation occurs that shows the ship being docked and the tenno watching (id be happy with it dropping us out and then flying over to a pad, even if we couldnt see it on the pad after the animation sequence)

*an animation shows when our ships are launched via rail from one to another, from dojo and hub




if piloting our ships around hubs was allowed, we could have alerts with attacked hubs. they could be like, defend/exterminates. fly around and ward off corpus or grineer fighter pilots. little baby fomorians.  or giant ospreys that would make raptor ashamed.

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