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Gamescom Tenno-Live Hype Megathread!


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Now why would Warframe need a engine update? Games looks great as it is, especially due to the fact that its a F2P. 


Because it would make it even more awesome and possibly solve quite a few of its current problems with things like parkour, kubrow fur, and cloth physics? 


I'm not saying it's likely (if at all), but it's one of the possible reasons for keeping things deep under wraps.

Edited by wtrmlnjuc
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DE is gonna open up a casino in vegas and put slot machines into the game. kubrows was just the start, i'm tellin' ya! ;)

pfft they already took out the scrambler and honestly I miss the scrambler.... now i have to breed like 20 doges til i get what i want....or pay like 800p for a good imprint on trade..

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Focus, Proxy, New Enemy Faction.

It can pretty much only be that stuff as they said it's gonna be BIG news. Those 3 things have a huge impact. Unless they decided yet again to just shelf something in favor of something new xD

Edit: Also....some people never get tired about still crying about the whole sellout/pwe crap...sheesh...it's getting old.

Edited by Shehriazad
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Xbox One Version + Perfect World Entertainment takeover.


They better not mention the p-word =_=


I was about to do exactly what they want us to:

Forget about it and act as if everything is fine.


edit.. woah.. everyone's going aggro.

Edited by WEREsandrock
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I'm hoping for either a Twin Queens reveal or more on the Rhegor update - or an ever FURTHER future update!


Sentients are cool, but I'd rather have the current system all fleshed out before we move on to something else.

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