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The Reality Of "free-To-Play"


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How so?  Newbie players are gimped by only getting two slots for warframes, effectively limiting their versatility.  That 50 plat they get, most would probably not go on the forums and ask how to spend it (so not counting it as part of slot count).  Also Rank 1 and 2 Mastery Tests are harder than most people remember, especially for new players who only have the default weapons.  Once you get to Rank 2, the trade system is very cumbersome and slow, also not sure if a Rank 2 player could have anything valuable to trade at that point.


The thing is, most people wouldn't wait that long just to get to the good stuff and get some versatility.

Yes but that does not mean that everyone is gimped unless they pay when a new update comes out (Which is the point of the OP), sure new players are limited in what they can easily get but that is the case for most multiplayer games nowadays.


The way I see it the OP's argument would hold up if the game was pay to win but it isn't so his argument as no context to warframe. 

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yes you are gimped up until you reach rank 2 where you can start farming voids with clanmates and sell items or mods for platinum in order to buy more slots


That's IF you even get into a clan (if you even can use multiplayer, some people aren't lucky).  Tbh, I'd feel better about buying more slots if DE at least increased the default slot amount to 5.

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Sorry i meant in trading for mods, prime parts for plat.. :P

They've done that.

Blacklight:Retribution had a trading system where you purchase trade tickets to trade with others using the plat equivalent of it (called Zen). Although there it's done horribly, while here the trading system is actually quite well done.


Gah, off topic.

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The go to tactics for this are making RNG drop rates for new content extremely low and various wait-gates that can be rushed for plat. For example:


Making you farm the same mindlessly easy level for days as the only way to get the rare drop that you need to access the new content.


The 3 hour Kubrow wake up time.

And yet here I am without rushing a single thing at all in WF.

And that includes mirage and her quest-line.

So again, how is that being gimped?

Sure if you dont want to pay you have to wait a bit longer for some things, or run the same mission a few times more, but that is it.

I still dont see how that is 'gimped'.

You can still enjoy everything in the game for free.

You can still do everything in the game for free.

Time gates dont gimp you, you just have to wait a few hours longer.

So what if you cant use your Kubrow for 3 hours.

Is it so important to you to switch between your different Kubrows for every single mission that you do?

Is it so hard to either settle on a single kubrow for a day and switch over while your sleeping so the other one is available the next time you play?  Or to just use your sentinal for 3 hours?

I can hardly call just taking a little bit longer to do things horribly gimped.

I can hardly call having to run a mission a few times more horribly gimped.

I've farmed for every single prime piece in the game and have gotten them all.  Never once did I consider myself "gimped" because it took me longer than someone who bought them all on the trade channel or from the prime access packs.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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That's IF you even get into a clan (if you even can use multiplayer, some people aren't lucky).  Tbh, I'd feel better about buying more slots if DE at least increased the default slot amount to 5.

If you use multiplayer?

The hell do you mean by that?


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Please, tell me something that you have achieved by buying with RLC that i haven't bought with a few hours ingame.


Quite fast asnwer: nothing.


If you would use something like: Excalibur Prime, Snaka Prime and LAto Vandal (Founder only) i would even actually mind giving like a tiny bit of reason, but since you haven't touched on those 3 specific RLC purchaseable items, then there is nothing more to talk.


Best Regards

Your White Knight, Endrance

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Just RNG



Across millions of users, RNG has a statistical certainty. And for people who don't want to pay and don't want to farm for days (on average), they might as well give up on that new content.



Keyword here is CAN.


Yes, and the game is rather annoying if you don't. None of my other games go into annoying mode if I don't feed them money.

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I'd just like to chime in and say that in my F2P gaming experience, Warframe has one of the most fair models out there.  It is the only F2P game I have actually invested in, not because I was forced to, but because the developer was offering a good product and supporting them has real rewards.  The only thing that has made me go "wat" about their monetization strategy is some of the stuff with kubrows, but presently I am willing to attribute that to poor foresight and design rather than profiteering.

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 for people who don't want to pay and don't want to farm for days (on average)

These people chose the wrong game. Also, ON AVERAGE.



Yes, and the game is rather annoying if you don't. None of my other games go into annoying mode if I don't feed them money.

Single-player games? Because every, and I mean, EVERY F2P does that.

Edited by CBAROG
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If you're going to White Knight for DE, save your breath.


So you are ready to only hear one said of the argument? You sir, are a coward.


Anyway, I usually throw around 40-70€ on f2p games, because the developers need support and that's usually the price range of new games nowadays.

Edited by PeanutMonster
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You get access to almost everything in the game for free. Sure, there are some conveniences that plat can buy, but by the time you get to that point, you should be able to make a educated decision whether you like the game or not. If you do,you should be happy to support it, and contribute to its growth.

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I wont say how much i have spent becouse it will scare the crap out of many here but i have put alot of money into the game, not becose it forces me but becouse i wanted, one for helping the development since i fell in love with the game and saw it had a very big potential and two to have quicker acess to some contents i liked since diferently from some if not most players, i dont have 12 hours a day to spend grinding contents. At least 9 hours of my daily sun time is spent at work and when at home im either giving my husband or friends attention, if not playing Warframe.


I didnt pay to register, i didnt pay to login, i have obtained many contents without paying a cent and recently have been taking advantage of crafting materials i collected in time to craft new contents rather then just purchasing them done. So as far as my one year game experience goes, the game has been Free-To-Play and nowhere near Pay-To-Win.

Edited by BiancaRoughfin
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I purchased the Hunter Founders Pack in March of 2013 and haven't spent a penny since. All other platinum I've received has been through trade. I've had complete access to everything the game has to offer simply by trading a few items here and there. It's not hard. Stop complaining. 

Exact same for me.

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From what I can tell most people commenting have either missed the main point of the post or just nitpicking at the opinionated second half of the post. It would be much more productive to discuss if DE could improve the current acquisition and farming systems in the game to allow for a more satisfying and rewarding experience, and whether the time-walls and huge reliance on RNG are necessary or justified

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I understand WF is under ongoing development, I'm just pointing out that to enjoy WF long term, it's going to be a lot more expensive than a subscription MMO. So lets not tout "F2P" like it's some admirable quality of the developer. This is not a charity; this is what crack dealers do when they tell a kid "The first taste is free".

If you're going to White Knight for DE, save your breath. The monetization schemes are part of the game and as "beta-testers" we're asked to give feedback.

So the point of the topic is that the "OMG DE gives you everything for free" argument is invalid?

If so then yes I agree. 

However I think DEs f2p idea is quite ok, you can get most of the things in the game by just playing but I think Planetside 2 does it better since there you are not limited by slots, RNG or the randomness of potatoes. There you can get everything except cosmetics by just playing the game, you have enough slots to try every faction, enough class loadout slots to not be gimped, no forced waiting for things, no randomness in your rewards, starting weaponry is some of the best guns in the game.

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Some people are limited to solo only due to bad networking/computer can't handle it/etc.. I'm not, but I've seen people who are and it sucks.  Sorry for not being more clear. XD

But there is no content that requires multiplayer, I play this game solo and have done all the content in solo. sure is more challenging but it is by no means impossible. 

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From what I can tell most people commenting have either missed the main point of the post or just nitpicking at the opinionated second half of the post. It would be much more productive to discuss if DE could improve the current acquisition and farming systems in the game to allow for a more satisfying and rewarding experience, and whether the time-walls and huge reliance on RNG are necessary or justified


Thanks for responding from reason rather than emotion.


I was a huge fan of DE, I wanted to support them and I did support them, just like all of you. If DE kept giving us a great game, I'd have kept giving them money. But with each update comes a new aggressive monetization scheme and it really gets to be insulting.

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Some people are limited to solo only due to bad networking/computer can't handle it/etc.. I'm not, but I've seen people who are and it sucks.  Sorry for not being more clear. XD

^last i checked....people dont really complain about trading connection or networking issues....

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From what I can tell most people commenting have either missed the main point of the post or just nitpicking at the opinionated second half of the post. It would be much more productive to discuss if DE could improve the current acquisition and farming systems in the game to allow for a more satisfying and rewarding experience, and whether the time-walls and huge reliance on RNG are necessary or justified

That was the point of the OP? Did we read a different OP then because the OP I read made a statement on what free to play is and then said that the game forced you to pay money otherwise you have a gimped version AKA saying it is pay to win. 

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So in my opinion, we should open to some form of grind if possible, not so large, but more gradual because at the moment most grinds are not grinds because with RNG behind it, it is more like gambles. However the main point is just that we need walls to justify our efforts of grinding rather than have all these easy access ladders for in-game content outside of cosmetics.

Personally, this is the reason I play most games. I like to put in hours to grind through the game to unlock "special" things, so I feel like I've put the effort to be rewarded in the end. A game that gives you the OP items without a grind isn't a game to me. I've put a good many hours (~300) in just a few months (3-4) and still busting &#! to get things and still enjoy the game. It's by far not the most hours I've put into a game (Disgaea series: ~500-600 each game and still going lol).

All F2P games are the same and honestly, a lot of them are even worse. WF gives the players the ability to experience the ENTIRE game without dropping money, where others put a road block and if you WANT to experience the ENTIRE game, you going to HAVE to put down money to get there.

Again, it's all about personal preference and I haven't seen (so far) where I've been REQUIRED to pay to get something. It's all up to player to make that choice.

Edited by (PS4)iTJ84
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Thanks for responding from reason rather than emotion.


I was a huge fan of DE, I wanted to support them and I did support them, just like all of you. If DE kept giving us a great game, I'd have kept giving them money. But with each update comes a new aggressive monetization scheme and it really gets to be insulting.

Aggressive monetization.

Oh boy.

*puts on tin foil hat*

Here comes the "DE is trying to squeeze our wallets dry"

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Thanks for responding from reason rather than emotion.


I was a huge fan of DE, I wanted to support them and I did support them, just like all of you. If DE kept giving us a great game, I'd have kept giving them money. But with each update comes a new aggressive monetization scheme and it really gets to be insulting.

I am sorry OP but you are just ignoring people who disagree with your opinion. As I previously stated calling someone a white knight is the same as admitting defeat because you cannot counter there argument so you just insult them instead. 

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