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August 8Th: Community Hot Topics!


Community Hot Topics August 8th  

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Put unwanted but still needs love puppy in capsule send to Lotus, she can be the crazy Kubrow lady.

Aside from that either just one and done or a place where we can take it to let it go.


Don't have a PS4 so no comment on that one.

Could be a shorter timer 24 hours is a bit much.

They aren't easy but nor are they difficult, its mostly just boring and repetitive. 


Those doors are fine just need players to not stand at one like a statue and actually press X when prompted.


As for Votes to kick, clients can bring the vote but the host gets the final word or do as some games do and shove an idle timer in player idles for a minute game removes said player and frees the slot for another that won't idle, granted this would be turned off for defenses and survivals cause nature will eventually call and you can't really ignore it.


Voted no for auction house the in-game plat economy already sucks, no need to make it suck further. All it would take would be one jerk to put up something for 1000p or higher to really screw everyone over. The only way to make said auction house function is with STRICT rules and limitations for how much plat can be moved from one player to another, or simply don't use plat at all for it and just use the in-game credits.


As for Obby, I don't play him often enough to really say much, but Renewal is still too slow and way to situational, Most Obby players never use it until they themselves are nearly dead.

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I said Maybe to the Vote to Kick, because if you go into a game like Mass Effect 3's multiplayer, that vote-kick system is a mess. Players look at your rank, and they press that kick button. Maybe a few look at your weapons and mods, but not alot. There is also the aspect of people trolling with it. However, if you get that one AFK player on a high level defense, you'd want to kick them, and it'd be completely justified, as you need 110% of your team in the later waves. In my opinion, most players I've been with in public matches and/or recruiting haven't been idiots that just dink around (great job, guys!), so there should be maybe a one-minute timer on such vote-kick mechanics.

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Regarding Kubrow release, a quick button would be great, but something more involved as an option could be nice too.  

For example, maybe the ability to throw them out an airlock, with a little cutscene as they float away.


Or, perhaps require the player to make a Nikana first, which is then utilized in a ritual to give the Kubrow an honorable death.

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Vote to kick is a good option to have for sure, but it can be easily abused in the wrong implemenation. THis should only be an option if a player is inactive for x minutes, with an option on the menu to votekick the AFK player. As much as I am tempted to say that a votekick feature at any point during the mission for any player would be convenient in some circumstances, it also demolishes the fun for some players who may not be as good and then elitist players kick them as a result simply due to their skill level being lower.


Alternatively, there could be mission types that allow votekick and don't allow it - A free mode, so to speak. Although that may very likely overcomplicate the options for the player. I think the simplest and safest implementation of this feature would be a votekick after a certain period of AFK, say 5 minutes or so.


I do think that the Mastery tests are, in general, simply too easy to accomplish and the wait times are good as a result - The tests being as easy as they are, it shouldn't take more than once or maybe twice to finish them. However considering that this is a test of the Tenno's all-around skill in utilizing their frame, they should be across the board more challenging with shorter wait times for failure to allow for some trial and error.


I think that the mastery level currently is too high for what is currently locked behind tiers of this system also. Once you hit mastery 8, you can have everything. The current limit is I believe 17 or so, and at that point there really isn't a purpose to this other than to gain surplus exp.

Edited by Andaeros
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Kubrow release:

Like some suggested, a clan refuge where you can install unwanted kubrow, but also after x amount of time or at the discretion of a privileged member, the option to permanently remove kubrows.



It's prone to too much abuse, though some would say the player base has a lot to do with this.

One solution (amongst many) is a kind of penalty system/behavior rating, where too much afk and voluntary quitting lowers the player rating and pits him with others with the same rating range.



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Hi the poll stated to give my suggestions below:


What is your opinion on the wait time between failed mastery tests?


i know this is hard but a player which missed because of lag/connectivity issues or simply incompatible loadout

shouldnt be punished by this ... and i know that there is NO WAY we can detect "non player related faults"


so to summerize all my thoughts we should let them test twice a day it would work wonders with all those disconnected and bug related mission failure rage and with wrong loadouts 


as in my case i have to check wiki and youtube to watch the test and then adapt my loadout to it but others (like newer players) will often just "try" the test if they get to it without information on what to do the first time so "instant banning them" for 24 hours is a bit rough fot them on the fist try before they even know whats on that curent test!




Oberon's renewal ability is...



Dont get me wrong i LOVE the animation work in your game but oberon (if in need for crucial survival health boost)

just takes too long to cast his ability on top he stands on a spot and cant move for a duration and with "multi cast" to heal up he constantly gets "stuck" on a position till you get the desired health bar up enough


healing amount could be applied 50% directly and another 50% in some seconds but his cast animation and the projectile travel time is just a bit slow and in case you REALLY need this health directly you get a high penalty feeling while casting renewal for the above reasons


Do you like the idea of an auction house that is accessible in public player hubs?



I just think that we actually "desperately need" any kind of auction house system so i would be positive even if its on the bottom of a spider infested barely lit toilet!


No im sorry i just think about the "possible bad" framerate on the public player hub system and anyone with a low connection can IMAGINE how bad it would lag if there are thousands of tennos on the same spot like in mmos


It should be much better for anyones connections and the overall framerate if we could get a quick access button/option instantly without the need to travel in a tenno infested giant "player Hub" where most players get lagged out because they are all waiting on a single spot infront of the auction house like in most MMO games!

Edited by Severuslanskerr
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The Kubrow I think should be able to be sold for credits just like everything else is in the game that we don't want anymore.


As far as trading and an auction house I don't believe that is the answer but I do believe that in the trades there should be a separation between Mods, frame bp's, and parts as well as imprints. and weapons. My idea is that you separate it by a 7 way split. 4 categories for what your trading and 3 categories for trade, buy, or sell. It would cut down of the confusion. It would also allow for more people being able to get rid of their items and it would make it easier for the buyers/traders to find what they want.

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If you're thinking of putting an auction house in the Hub your should also have the option of having a room or decoration auction in the Clans that way the Hubs aren't killing everyone's fps.


Kubrow adoption house would be great for the HUBs too or in the Clans for clan only kubrows.  It would be great for new players to get there hands on a kubrow to try them out.  If they like it they could still do the quest because that's the only way to use an imprint is to get an egg.

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The main thing about Renewal is that it's too easy to flub. The travel time on the ability + its lack of benefit for a heal-over-time effect is too much. I'm not trying to suggest that it needs to be a Blessing-tier healing ability. It needs to be differentiated more from Blessing so that it is not expected to be. I personally think that Renewal would be better off as a long-term minor bonus cast, whereas Blessing would be the short-term higher-magnitude cast. Renewal should be akin to a buff, and Blessing should be akin to a panic button.

Renewal should provide:
Passive health regeneration that stacks with Rejuvenation.
General proc resistance or quick status removal.
Faster travel time or instant effect. 

The ability takes effect even if the player is undamaged at the time of its cast, and lasts for its normal duration. 

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Voted that Mastery Tests are too long. Twenty-four hours is way too excessive.


On that same note, the penalty is also applied if you passed your Mastery Rank test, and are able to begin the next one. You're forced to wait the next day, which is a little unfair.

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1. About Kubrow release


I think that a quest or quick remove button is good, but you have to take into consideration the lore behind domesticated kubrows which have their DNA constantly degenerating. Therefore, releasing in the wilds mean they will never, ever survive for long and they will die a slow death. So my suggestion is a third alternative to regular releasing (which I think should still be an option):


Kubrow Sanctuary

This will be a dojo room. The component to make this dojo room will mostly consist of Earth's flora antitoxin extract. By combining those plants together and modifying them into new seeds, the Tenno will be able to make a garden where spores are constantly released by those plants. Those "healing spores" will act like a stabilizer, but kubrows will need to stay exposed to the spores to stay healthy since it's not as strong as a single dose of DNA stabilizer.


The sanctuary will be a large room with soft ground, grass, flowers, stones and ponds for kubrow to run around, play, and swim all they want. There will even be small trees and dens so kubrow can have a small spot to rest on, or simply a high place to perch (like big cats in our world). Additional fountains can be added so kubrow can play even more, or even toys like balls with physics can be added.


The purposes of a sanctuary is these:

- A safe haven and resting place for kubrows to retire without worries of their DNA deteriorating. No more stasis as if you're keeping them on life support.

- A natural-like habitat to play in instead of a small, enclosed space inside a tiny ship with cold metal floors

- A way for players to release kubrows in a "humane" way. Also a way to see your Kubrow again despite not being able to bring it into battle anymore.

- A way for the developers to allow players use more interactions with kubrows; released kubrows and regular kubrows that you bring along with you, but enter the sanctuary, may open some interactions that you can't do in the ship

-- It's also a good way to have more than one kubrow interacting with each other if such features are extended.


One sanctuary will be large enough to house a big number of kubrows, but a limit may be reached, so you may be required to build another sanctuary to house further kubrows. I suggest taking inspiration from real life sanctuaries for big animals, like Big Cat Rescue sanctuary.




Sounds like a lot of work? Well you guys made a big deal about kubrows as new companions and how you wanted to make them different from Sentinels, and not just from gameplay but as a new element to the game. Therefore, this is just an example I think the devs could take when it comes to going all the way with your premise, which I think is necessary. There's lots of potential for Kubrows.


EDIT: Just so you know, the above suggestion shouldn't be the only way to release. I think there should be at least two ways: the simple way (which will mean sure-death of the Kubrow), and the sanctuary way.

do this.



make a sand skate rescue as well

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My issue with the Rank Up test system is that it has been inconsistent for me: One time I waited 2 1/2 days before I could Rank up again, and now I have waited almost 4 days with still no option. I imagine this is just a bug, but I can't level up and/or unlock some of the weapons I would like. :-\

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Kick vote/two-person doors:  These are the same basic issue, namely having unwanted play styles in missions with you (afk mooching is a play style, even if that style is not really playing at all).  Solution: add a matchmaking option.  Right now you have solo, invite, friend, or anybody at all.  New option: mission boards.  You make a short "bio" possibly with set options you can choose (rusher, newb helper, ect) and host a mission on the board, others can see your game and bio (along with mastery rank and equipment loadout) and choose to join you.  Or you can choose to join someone else in similar fashion. 

This solves differing play styles mis-matching, but not griefer/moochers.  For that, allow players to migrate their game mid-mission, and they can choose to 'invite' players to migrate with them.  Nobody gets 'kicked', nobody loses anything, and an escape option is available.


Auction house:  I'm surprised that nobody has tried to fill this void yet.  All that needs to happen is for a group of players to create a clan designed specifically for trading.  They could advertise in chat, have a webpage up with buy/sell prices and possibly availabilities, anyone could place "orders" for what they want, and someone in game would whisper them and set up the transaction.  The clan would make a reasonable profit, and could quickly become a source of anything the community needs.

As for a DE solution: stop making mods a collectable card game.  They are modifications to warframes and weapons, thus they are a material component, and should be able to be crafted.  More rare mods may require combining lesser mods, and they would all require resources (some possibly rare or needing to be 'farmed').  The result: once you have the materials you can control what mods you have, and don't have to rely on luck-grinding or trading for what you need.

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An idea for the locked doors could be a small tweak. Instead of when one player presses it, it says "A teammate needs help opening the door", it opens the hacking screen and they have to solve a hacking puzzle. Maybe one of the bigger ones from the mastery test, BUT if another player hits the console while the first player is hacking; it cancels/solves the puzzle and the door opens like it currently does.

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Players have in the past expressed interest on offline trading, but at the same time concern about an Auction House, especially with real money (in the form of Platinum) likely to be one of the main things being traded.


For me personally, I wont take part in Trade chat, because quite frankly, lifes too short. But offline trading would also benefit people who work shifts or in different time zones etc. I would also like to see the offline trading mirror a real world trade rather than a more traditional mmo auction house. Ie the seller has to state the price they are looking for, the buyer states what they are prepared to offer etc.




General approach

Any trade posted will immediately use up one of the sellers daily trade slots. Any item purchased will immediately use up one of the buyers trade slots. (This should ensure that any posted trade can happen immediately, and prevent players from spamming the trading post and encourage them to take each trade more seriously since they probably wont want to waste any daily trade slots.)

Any valid item can be posted for a selected amount of time, say up to three days. (Ie sufficient for a long weekend.) There will however be a small fee collected for every hour that an item goes unsold. (Hopefully encouraging reasonable prices.)

There may also be a sales tax applied for the benefit of the clan and/or DE.

All resources/credits etc must be available when an offer/purchase is made and will be held by the game until the transaction is complete or rejected.



Different types of trade.

Fixed price trade
The buyer can specify one or more exact prices, ie say a specific amount of platinum or specific mods or blueprints. if a buyer is prepared to meet any of those prices the trade goes through.



Post an offer
An item could be posted as 'offers accepted', in which case the seller will be allowed a small amount of text to indicate what kinds of offers they are looking for.

A prospective buyer would be allowed to make a single offer which can be edited, but only to increase the offer, not remove or reduce it. The prospective buyer cannot see the details of the offers from other players.

The vendor can accept or reject any offer at any time. Rejected offers can not be accepted later, but the rejected player could make a new offer. The seller may also make a counteroffer to a prospective buyer that they may then accept or decline.



Post a request
Likewise a buyer could also post a request for a cetain item with a short description outlining the kind of price they would be willing to pay.

Again, sellers would be allowed to make a single offer, which can be edited, but only to improve the deal offered. The prospective seller cannot see offers from other sellers.

The buyer can accept or reject any offer at any time. Rejected offers can not be accepted later, but the rejected vendor can make another offer. The buyer may also make a counter proposal to a prospective vendor that may be accpeted or declined.



Quick Trade Exchange
As a quick alternative to the above trade system have an npc/system that offers trades at a small loss to the current average. Say approx 20%. (Obviously any trade would count as one of the players daily trades.)

Could limit the item supply, (ability to purchase) to items sold to the exchange by other players. Ie if the exchange runs out of a specific type of item then players cannot buy that item from the exchange until someone else sells one to the exchange.

Hopefully players looking for the best deal will be encouraged to trade with each other instead, but it should also offer a safety net for new players while they get a feel for items values to help avoid them getting ripped off by the less scrupulous. It also gives DE another tool to tinker with the economy either as a money sink, or controlling the supply of certain items if necessary.

Since these trades would also then feed back into the average price tracker for the item, you would get a basic supply/demand model automatically. Ie buy an item from the exchange and the average price goes up slightly, sell an item and the average price goes down slightly.


The only problem with this is what do you use for valuing the trades? Ie if you sell something for 5platinum you know the value of that trade, but if you trade a nightmare mode for a prime part how do you value that? Do you give everything an estimated platinum value? I guess if you do then you would also be able to offer a price history tracker for each item showing average, maximum and minimum trade values for a specified period of time.




Either way, consider this a vote in favour of some form of offline trade, I would just prefer it not to be an Auction house.

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Removing kubrows would be kinder if you could just sent them to something like an adoption center where players could adopt kubrows left there for credits or something like that. Just clicking and forgetting about that kubrow because you didn't like its color/pattern/build or type seems cruel to me. Then again most players in this game just care about patterns and ways to get more plat without paying a cent.

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Explanation for my vote on Oberon's Hallowed Ground: I'm kind of not sure what to vote but I think this would be put under utility. However, I kind of wish Hallowed Ground were kind of an AoE damage reduction aura centered around Oberon. This means that Oberon has the ability to function in a similar role as Trinity while providing a more damage centric kit instead of a pure utility kit.


The idea I had for Hallowed Ground was basically this: Oberon casts the ability, and then an area around him begins to pulse with energy and he gains an amount of damage reduction. Allied warframes that enter the area gain half the damage reduction Oberon gets. Also this aura could possibly apply a small health regen aura to compliment his Renewal and any Rejuvenation aura cards being run in the group. This would allow for Oberon to kind of retroactively heal his allies while still having options for damage as opposed to Trinity's proactive healing abilities. In other words it kind of makes Oberon a passive support frame while Trinity is more of an active support frame.

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