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Have The Tenno Lost Their Way?


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yes, fighting other tenno for money seems so wrong. PvP rewards should be only cosmetic in nature. e.g.: defeat 100 tenno and you are allowed to wear a nice shiny crown.


"Another sees an opportunistic mercenary, exploiting the Warframe's superiority for wealth"


The clans are all loyal to the Lotus but they'll turn on each other when she's not watching, especially if it means money. We've never been picky when it comes to who we fight for as long as they pay us.. 

Edited by vaugahn
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The clans are all loyal to the Lotus but they'll turn on each other when she's not watching, especially if it means money. We've never been picky when it comes to who we fight for as long as they pay us.
that is exactly what i am afraid of. DE allowed PvP over resources and payment for taking grineer or corpus sides. the next step would be: grineer and corpus paying tenno to annihilate each other.

so, the main reason for me to play Warframe is starting to fade away.

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that is exactly what i am afraid of. DE allowed PvP over resources and payment for taking grineer or corpus sides. the next step would be: grineer and corpus paying tenno to annihilate each other. so, the main reason for me to play Warframe is starting to fade away.


That's always been the case though. 


Of course, if you'd prefer to think of it in a different way that's totally fine. Here's a theory: in rail conflicts you have to level up from zero again...this is because the frame you're using is a cloned combat body that your Tenno is controlling from their ship. The Tenno do this to hone their skills against the most dangerous enemies they know; themselves. 


If you really don't like PvP and faction battles you can always just not play them.

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for me the main selling point of warframe was the strict PvE shooter system. so when the conclave was intruduced i shook my head in disbelif. but i could accept the conclave because it made sense the tenno had something like that. because, to measure one's strength an equal is needed. and the only thing as powerfull as a tenno is another tenno. and thus the conclave can be seen as a place of training and friendly competition.

the best way to disolve an enemy army, with as few casualties on both sides as possible, is to kill the enemy leader. so assassination missions, as underhanded as they may be, make sense too.

invasion missions picture the tenno as mercenaries, but they still make sense. because it is better to end the conflict quickly, before the whole sector is lost in chaos. the same applies to outbreak missions, except the infested don't negotiate.

i imagine tenno to be like this: http://warframe.com/game/factions/tenno

i am concerned about the direction in which the tenno are evolving.

1. clans & alliances

why is there a need for tenno to be divided? aren't tenno supposed to be "loyal only to each other" ?

2. dark sector

alliances fight each other over resources, and anyone can join. tenno shooting each other? when did this tenno civil war start? what happened to "the Tenno stand united" ?

3. kubrow

ordis has only limited space, i get that. but a tenno can't donate his pet to an orphanage or something? even selling or setting the kubrow free isn't allowed? a tenno has to willfully let his kubrow die a horrible death, in order to free up slots? is that a sign of "discipline and chivalry" ?

the kubrow issue can easily resolved by adding a "donate to orphanage" button. and clanification in itself is a minor issue.

as for the dark sector conflict. i am still looking for a solution which doesn't end up in a civil war.

maybe i am just overreacting, but to me the tenno seem more like savages than "noble warrior" .

Youre living in an illusion that all war doesnt eventually come to this


The Tenno arent loyal and they havnt lost their way


They never had a way, theyve never know  loyalty. All they know is a lady woke them up and Corpus tend to pay more credits than Grineer for invasions


Theres no Tenno Honor


There are people like you and me behind screens


The real Tenno


Theyre as honorable as the humans of earth and we all know how that goes


This was obvious long before PvP and your ever so thoughtless OP is just a bias hiding behind a half thought excuse as to why PvP shouldnt be a part of Tenno society




This is war so man up or go pick flowers on earth

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that is exactly what i am afraid of. DE allowed PvP over resources and payment for taking grineer or corpus sides. the next step would be: grineer and corpus paying tenno to annihilate each other. so, the main reason for me to play Warframe is starting to fade away.


So you're going to stop playing because some players decide that they fit in on the second side of the Tenno?  Isn't that kinda selfish though?  You're basically demanding everyone should play the way you want to play or else you'll leave.


We don't annihilate eachother, we either do as Vaugahn says or we spare eachother's lives in the end.  As I said earlier in the topic, at the end of the day, we're all Tenno, and we all know the bigger threat, our differences end at the Dark Sector.

Edited by UFOLoche
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Can someone tell me in the lore where it says Tenno never fight eachother?


Or how a bunch of space ninja waking up not knowing anything and being sent to commit Xenocide on a daily basis and taking bribes from the very people they kill doesnt break the lore if PvP does?

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If you really don't like PvP and faction battles you can always just not play them.

that is why i am fine with conclave and dojo.

Can someone tell me in the lore where it says Tenno never fight eachother?

Or how a bunch of space ninja waking up not knowing anything and being sent to commit Xenocide on a daily basis and taking bribes from the very people they kill doesnt break the lore if PvP does?

well, DE makes up the lore as they see fit.

does that mean you're fine if the lore bekomes like this


Savage Warriors from an ancient era of war. Loyal to no one except themselves, they excel in indiscriminately killing friends and foes alike. Pillaging and looting across the whole solarsystem, they are the nemesis of all life.

"I am your reckoning." - Stalker

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does that mean you're fine if the lore bekomes like this?


Clans and PvP are consistent with our current lore. That's a bit of a slippery slope argument you're making, I don't think we're going to descend into all out murder-y chaos just because of the inclusion of PvP gamemodes, and I doubt the tenno lore will see any changes that significant. 


Is this a lore complaint, or a complaint about PvP?

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which is why in reality i would prefer it if the tenno would just wipe the floor with everyone once and for all. Though i am not sure we even have the capability of doing so, also that would end the game all together having no enemies left to fight so i tend not to think much about it as that is a necessary fact that we need factions for the game to continue

We already know there is at least one new faction coming... there is always someone to fight. It just makes sense to reduce not increase the number of available opponents.

If we make Corpus leave the system and then cleanse the remainder from the Grineer/Infested conflict we would still have plenty to do before the new enemy of the week shows up.

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Is this a lore complaint, or a complaint about PvP?

as you may have guessed, i don't like PvP. but does that mean i am wrong and resolving DS conflicts in such a manner is the way of the tenno?

why does everybody want dark sector conflicts to end in PvP?

why not something like this:

dark sector is in conflict -> tenno can select a side they want to support.

by completing normal missions across the solar system, they rake up points.

when the timer reaches zero, the alliance with the most points wins.

this would mean, we get rewarded for "upholding the balance".

and if you like the the new PvP mode this much, why don't you want it to be a part of the conclave?

because the conclave gives no rewards.

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The Tenno STILL came from humans even if they're not biologically "human" anymore, and, as I'm sure you all now, human DON'T always get along. They have different beliefs and different cultures without the overall race, and even if the Tenno are a small group even small groups have WILDLY varying opinions - and THAT'S where conflict starts, differentiating opinions.


DE also made Livestream statements about those polarities relating to ancient Tenno orders - different original clans, and even if new clans and alliances are being forged in their modern era there is no doubt that some of those old traditions of those old DIFFERENT FROM ONE ANOTHER CLANS have carried over, and with it likely a dislike of other clans.


You people need to STOP acting like "OOOOOOOH! PvP is HORRIBLE because it makes no sense for Tenno to fight! Clearly Tenno have nothing for love for one another! Why would they ever fight!??" - OP's point about "loyal to only one another" DOESN'T MEAN they all LIKE each other. I'm loyal to my family, my friends, but I SURE AS HELL still have people that I just HATE - even though they're the same type of being as my family and friends. Why should the Tenno be so different? I think we're making a MASSIVE assumption when we say ALL Tenno are close like brothers and sisters to one another.


Also, WHERE is this statement that "Tenno do not raise a hand against other Tenno" coming from? A statement from DE? I recall something about "honorable duels" being mentioned, but nowhere in the game is it mentioned - and I continue to stress: until it's stated in the game, it's still up in the air for change.

Edited by Morec0
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The Tenno STILL came from humans even if they're not biologically "human" anymore, and, as I'm sure you all now, human DON'T always get along. They have different beliefs and different cultures without the overall race, and even if the Tenno are a small group even small groups have WILDLY varying opinions - and THAT'S where conflict starts, differentiating opinions.


DE also made Livestream statements about those polarities relating to ancient Tenno orders - different original clans, and even if new clans and alliances are being forged in their modern era there is no doubt that some of those old traditions of those old DIFFERENT FROM ONE ANOTHER CLANS have carried over, and with it likely a dislike of other clans.


You people need to STOP acting like "OOOOOOOH! PvP is HORRIBLE because it makes no sense for Tenno to fight! Clearly Tenno have nothing for love for one another! Why would they ever fight!??" - OP's point about "loyal to only one another" DOESN'T MEAN they all LIKE each other. I'm loyal to my family, my friends, but I SURE AS HELL still have people that I just HATE - even though they're the same type of being as my family and friends. Why should the Tenno be so different? I think we're making a MASSIVE assumption when we say ALL Tenno are close like brothers and sisters to one another.


Also, WHERE is this statement that "Tenno do not raise a hand against other Tenno" coming from? A statement from DE? I recall something about "honorable duels" being mentioned, but nowhere in the game is it mentioned - and I continue to stress: until it's stated in the game, it's still up in the air for change.

Guess you haven't read the lore on Conclaves

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that is why i am fine with conclave and dojo.

well, DE makes up the lore as they see fit.

does that mean you're fine if the lore bekomes like this?

The lore that DE has released so far all points to the Tenno being mercenaries who are all united under her name but seperate in goals and drives


'There is good and evil on each side of every war ever fought'


I wish i could remember who said this quote...


Even the Tenno arent entirely pure. They are the most powerful and honorable force of good in the galaxy but at the same time they have their own motivations and inner conflicts


Its unavoidable

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Maybe, Tenno never really honorable in the first place.


Maybe, before the mass cryosleep, some Tenno also worked for many orokin factions, or as a mercenary for hire, or a hitman.


I'd like to think Tenno as a samurai clan work under a shogun or lord. Every samurai loyal to his own clan and his lord. But could conflict with other clan and stuff. You know, politics.


Why Lotus makes us believe that we loyal to each other? Because she needs an army at that moment. She needs a group that could balancing the scale. Tenno was the perfect choice. We lost our memories and she fed us some fairy tale stuff about how Tenno are honorable, mysterious, and loyal soldier. It worked. the first groups of awoken Tenno could surpress Grineer expansion and all.


but after many years (let's say the game timeline is already a decade after the first Tenno awakening), we as Tenno gained new knowledge, new friends, new group. Tenno, as a human, got their own idealism, their own logic, their own thing. We got new rival, new enemy, and even some others we hate. I think that's a good stuff. It makes Tenno a believable faction. I don't want spent years of my life as a mindless soldier or a group of soldier with hive like mindset.


Old orokin memories faded away further and further, no big deal. everyone got the same amnesia anyway.

Edited by dataman88
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Honorably sparring with your brothers is one thing. Actively raising your hand against your brother Cain and Abel style is supposed to be a big no no in Tenno culture

There are rules


I agree that there are rules. I agree that trying to eliminate your siblings just for personal gain flies right in the face of the Tenno culture. I agree that it doesn't make any sense.

But the same example you brought of Cain and Abel reinforces the point that, unfortunately, no discipline is exempt from having flaws. I doubt that millenia of evolution are enough to achieve just that.


One might even believe that, after all, the Tenno do have a homicidal nature. What do we know about what do they do outside of fighting? Do they do anything outside of fighting? Or is that their only purpose? I don't take anything for granted, but if anybody asked me such a question I wouldn't be able to give an answer.

Edited by Vintovka
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We already know there is at least one new faction coming... there is always someone to fight. It just makes sense to reduce not increase the number of available opponents.

If we make Corpus leave the system and then cleanse the remainder from the Grineer/Infested conflict we would still have plenty to do before the new enemy of the week shows up.


For crying out loud... Why are you so determined to reduce the amount of enemy variety in this game?

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People whined there was no PvP, so we got duels in the Dojos.  People whined that wasn't enough so we got conclaves.  More whining.... and we get Dark sectors PvP shoved down our throats even though this is supposed to be a PvE game.  PvP should be confined to conclaves and dojos.  Its fine if they want to add more modes to conclave, but leave it out of the rest of the game.


And I agree, it does seem to break what little lore has been made canon so far.

Very accurate. Members have had the desire of conclave.
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I love the fact that everyone's jumping to the conclusion that this is a PVP bashing thing and seem to ignore the fact that the OP's question is more about lore than anything else.


My answer? I share the OP's concern. If lore implications are to be taken seriously, the Tenno are struggling to just to survive, being trapped between Quake-esque commies who kill them in their sleep just because they exist, overly-ambitious blockhead nerds who butcher and sell Tenno and warframe parts for profit, and a weird virus that wants to eat everyone's face. And now, Salad and his remote-controlled mushrooms. Oh joy.


If lore is to be re-aligned, I would like the dark sectors to be treated as more of a hardcore training session between Tenno, competitive but banding. (I love PvP in this game, and all that comes with it.) The clans, in my opinion, would be much better off supporting each other, for example, helping train recruits from other clans, and responding to cries for help.


I could go on, but I'm tired. My point is, PvP shouldn't be treated as a war. It should be treated as a respectful test between groups of tenno willing to better themselves.

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I love the fact that everyone's jumping to the conclusion that this is a PVP bashing thing and seem to ignore the fact that the OP's question is more about lore than anything else.


My answer? I share the OP's concern. If lore implications are to be taken seriously, the Tenno are struggling to just to survive, being trapped between Quake-esque commies who kill them in their sleep just because they exist, overly-ambitious blockhead nerds who butcher and sell Tenno and warframe parts for profit, and a weird virus that wants to eat everyone's face. And now, Salad and his remote-controlled mushrooms. Oh joy.


If lore is to be re-aligned, I would like the dark sectors to be treated as more of a hardcore training session between Tenno, competitive but banding. (I love PvP in this game, and all that comes with it.) The clans, in my opinion, would be much better off supporting each other, for example, helping train recruits from other clans, and responding to cries for help.


I could go on, but I'm tired. My point is, PvP shouldn't be treated as a war. It should be treated as a respectful test between groups of tenno willing to better themselves.


Ehhh, I came into this game when Dojos had already been added, and by the time we started constructing our own Solar Rails I don't think that we had a "small" presence in the galaxy anymore. As the playerbase size of Warframe increased, DE seems to have run with the idea that the sheer number of Tenno has also increase - and why shouldn't they? We saved a massive number of them during Gradivus, and with every defense mission we've been awakening more and more. The whole "we're the handful of our kind left" statement doesn't hold up anymore, at least in my eyes.


We're our own force to be reckoned with at this point (imo), the only reason we don't seem to be treated as much of a major faction is that we operate from the fringes of the system and sectors (if the positioning of the dojo on the original starchart is any indication), content to keep to ourselves unless something requires our immediate attention and we stick to the tradition (and smarter style of war) of black ops-style warfare (smaller groups, smaller goals, still massive impact).


And Dark Sectors just come back to what I continue to stress about the Tenno: everyone disagrees. Each subgroup of the Tenno will have its own way of thinking about a situation, and from those differences WILL come conflict. It's just human nature - and, even altered as they are by the Void, the Tenno still are humans at their core.

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