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[U15 Megathread] Archwing/syndicates/limbo (It's Here Edition)


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If you read Mag Prime's codex,

  "It reached me, rising up - a gleaming beast, a plume of golden wings rising and unfolding behind it. An angel. It snatched me from my death. I could feel my lungs fill as it wrapped me in its wings." 

You see, DE has been developing this for quite some time now. They have thought this through.
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Because the game's title is Warframe not Liset?

Exactly. WE are the ultimate killing machines.

This on rail shooter argument is kinda worrying me too. Hope its a wider area where you can move freely. They maybe should create a death zone in some kind. So you cant hit invisible walls or move indefinitely far away. Maybe lotus or ordis should contact you if you move too far away and warn you.

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All I see in that trailer is some huge fan of gundam is working for DE,


 You say that like it's a bad thing.


When U15 does come out, which I suspect is around September because of the Xbox One thing, archwing is probably going to be some random generated event. Similar to how sometimes the Lotus would change the objective midway through the mission, it's probably going to be random on instances where extraction is shown to be impossible. A hint may be when the map tileset starts blowing bits and pieces of itself to kingdom come like in the trailer, followed which the Liset would blow a hole in the extraction bay and you'd fly out instead to the deployed archwing in space.

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One thing I'd like to point out that was said in the stream, the Devs also agreed in survival missions Warframes running out of air was stupid as well, thus the reason they are getting rid of the mode. Lastly that blue aura you see forming around the Warframe in video is a Void Shield. I understand the connotation of "Ninja" sometimes makes it hard to accept something new like this flying in space but we have to remember it's the old mixed with the future.

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Lol ps4 is not even on 14 and 15 is alreadt being anounced... -.-*

They can't jst release it like on PC, they have to send it to Sony for approuval.

This delayes things.

Also we are your Beta testers so you don't have to suffer all the bugs we had so your experience will be better then ours.

I couldn't play U14 for a day or so because of bugs, this won't happen to you guys.

Just have fun.

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I know I'm gonna get a ton of hate for this, but you know what? 






With that out of the way, here's my 2 cents on the whole Archwing deal.

I would like to remind you that this is just my opinion on how I see things.


Jetpacks in space? Cool. 

How does it work? I have no idea.


The problem that I'm seeing is that this will most likely be delayed very, very far back (again) and only be restricted to an event. After that, we maybe will see some mission nodes with this system in it, only watered down a bit. I also expect it to be buggy and glitchy on launch, so that doesn't make things any better.


Another thing is the part where we are in space with no visible source of life support. This makes 0% sense to me at all, unless these missions are gonna be timed to, say, 2 minutes or so or at least having us to return to our ship to refuel on life juice. I say this because I dont see how the hell do the tenno now manage to operate in an airless environment, when before we had to (and still do, I assume) restore life support to the whole area where we are working as a distraction and if said life support reaches 0% we start dying.


So unless DE somehow manage to make up how this all works in a way that it makes sense, I dont see this being any more than a shiny, fragile new toy to play with.


There you go. You may now throw the tomatoes at me.

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The arch would imply ancientness and being above other wings... While dropping the h is instead a reference to electricity and arcing like chaining from one target to the next. Drop your opinions if your not tired of archwing threads yet.

It just seems that arc makes more sense for your ELECTRONIC SCI FI WINGS

*may or may not main volt... Shhhhh*

Edited by RoboticApplesWithLasers
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How about I throw a book at you? Would that suffice?

Why would they work on something so big just to stuff it into an event. It makes no sense AT ALL.


As for life support, the design of it may change to something that may fix that little logical error.

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