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[U15 Megathread] Archwing/syndicates/limbo (It's Here Edition)


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I think the archwing stuff will sometimes be a random event that can happen during a regular mission (along with maybe some specific archwing missions).


Like, the archwing trailer showed. It be neat to have a normal mission suddenly turn into an archwing mission because a grineer/corpus battleship showed up and starting destroying the ship your on.

I doubt a new system,a BIG new system like this will be a random event that has % chance to happen.I'd prefer if this was it's own mission.

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Im interested, but not into point of hype interested. I rather see it through than get hyped or teart whole thing apart just after short video, trying to approach it carefully and logical way, but no cant do that, we have to overreact to everything. By either get hyped or hating idea right from beginning.

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I think the archwing stuff will sometimes be a random event that can happen during a regular mission (along with maybe some specific archwing missions).


Like, the archwing trailer showed. It be neat to have a normal mission suddenly turn into an archwing mission because a grineer/corpus battleship showed up and starting destroying the ship your on.


I think the ability to destroy the ship, or having a % chance for it to happen because of greneer/corpus/Infested is fine.


Though i would also like missions to incorporate it, so its not just random, but in the mission also.


Survival: When you run out of LS, you go into Archwing mode, and see how long you can survive in space being shot at.


Defense: The Defense objects can spawn in space, allow better rewards for harder combat.


Rescue: You can go outside the ship to bypass some enemies.


Sabatoge: When you destroy the core you destroy the ship, having to fly to extraction.


I think you get the point. :p I am fine with % chances, as long as the system can be used in all missions without needing the % chance.

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Fun is not allowed in gaming anymore, and never will be. Fun died long ago when people started to think like only thing matters is graphics, not gameplay, not story, but graphics and so forth. Ever since last gen, when "certain game race" truly started show their fangs, when everything must become super serious etc, fun died in gaming. I dont even know what im talking about anymore.

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Stop. You're making assumptions without enough evidence to support yourself. You do not know that this will be a separate tileset. In fact, the teaser implies moreso that this will be a random occurrence in normal missions.


I'm not saying there won't be a space boss, but your original post mentioned reworking bosses to be in space as something that will happen. As in, shoving a jetpack on Ruk and having him chase you through null-atmosphere.


I'm curious why people are so concerned with our opinions. Like it's going to ruin your experience or something.

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I doubt a new system,a BIG new system like this will be a random event that has % chance to happen.I'd prefer if this was it's own mission.


I think the ability to destroy the ship, or having a % chance for it to happen because of greneer/corpus/Infested is fine.


Though i would also like missions to incorporate it, so its not just random, but in the mission also.


Survival: When you run out of LS, you go into Archwing mode, and see how long you can survive in space being shot at.


Defense: The Defense objects can spawn in space, allow better rewards for harder combat.


Rescue: You can go outside the ship to bypass some enemies.


Sabatoge: When you destroy the core you destroy the ship, having to fly to extraction.


I think you get the point. :p I am fine with % chances, as long as the system can be used in all missions without needing the % chance.

I meant it as a random event that could happen along side it having specific missions for it. Not it just being a random event. I think the game needs more random events like the trailer showed anyways, to keep things interesting. 


There should def be archwing specific missions though.

Edited by Dtexas
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There are three basic tenets to being a ninja: "Get the job done", "Survive", and "Anything goes if it fulfils the first two". Stealth is optional, but it helps increase the likelihood of surviving, so it is often used.


Ninjas in the far future? Times change, more overt means of completion become viable as survival becomes easier.

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I'm thinking it may be used as a transition in Invasion missions. You're about to go through the boarding tube when the enemy ship suddenly pulls itself away, depressurising the area and forcing you to use Archwing to pursue the fleeing vessel.


Edit: Of course, I don't believe that that will be the only use of it, just that it would be an amazing way to integrate it.

Edited by Corvid
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Ninjas with Kites have been a part of Ninja fiction for a long time. Archwing is just that.

SO actually...Archwing is VERY ninja in the sense of Ninja Fiction...if you took ninjas to space then wings with engines would be the logical evolutionary step from Ninjakites on earth.

Let me get this article bit from Wikipedia:

"The ninja's adaption of kites in espionage and warfare is another subject of legends. Accounts exist of ninja being lifted into the air by kites, where they flew over hostile terrain and descended into, or dropped bombs on enemy territory. Kites were indeed used in Japanese warfare, but mostly for the purpose of sending messages and relaying signals. Turnbull suggests that kites lifting a man into midair might have been technically feasible, but states that the use of kites to form a human "hang glider" falls squarely in the realm of fantasy."
And if we are talking about LEGENDS, then this is nothing but very old fiction...and 50% of Ninja is fiction....thus fiction is Ninja...and Kites are Ninja...and Archwing is very Ninja.

I mean come the F*** on... according to OLD japanese legends and folklore...Ninjas are people who summon toads and weave hand symbols to fight ancient dragons...yes...in a sense Naruto is totally what old legends are telling about Ninjas...and you're trying to tell me that Ninjas 10.000 years in the future can't use a pair of mecha wings and still have to use kites? In space? DAMN SON, go with the times! It's the year 12.014...not 1.500.
Edited by Shehriazad
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So I was lucky enough to watch the devstream yesterday and although I was excited about the new katana stance mod and the Tonfas, nothing excited me more than the video of getting our Arch Wings! I was a huge Gundam fan so this had me hooting and hollering like a 13yo girl at a One Direction concert. However I have a concern....whenever I blow out a window and I get exposed to space I start dying...will I now be able to breath in space?!  Also I want to have feather aesthetics for my wings...please DE...please give me them!! <3


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Personally id like the %chance as long as it was at an reasonable level say 5%? Only on space bound tile sets ofc (and its just a number guys).

And we definitely need some dedicated arch wing nodes, say one per system for enemy and level variation.

Off topic, i haven't had an additional objective in forever! blessing and a curse :/

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i dont see any anti-flying in space policy 


Remember... this is the future so the translation of things is different.

It's in the Legendary Abilities section


The ninja's adaption of kites in espionage and warfare is another subject of legends. Accounts exist of ninja being lifted into the air by kites, where they flew over hostile terrain and descended into, or dropped bombs on enemy territory.[74] Kites were indeed used in Japanese warfare, but mostly for the purpose of sending messages and relaying signals.[97] Turnbull suggests that kites lifting a man into midair might have been technically feasible, but states that the use of kites to form a human "hang glider" falls squarely in the realm of fantasy.[98]



Oh, some one posted this stuff already.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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I've tried all that, it's a waste of time. Unless you're a pie eyed forward thinking shill you're not going to get anything answered, addressed or noticed.

And a lot of the crap I mentioned has been addressed in prior streams, and streams before that..etc

Pie-eyed and shill, wowza I'm vastly unfamiliar with your slang sir, lol! No, I hear yah, I just want to instill maybe a little more positivity, I think a balance is to be struck in the myriad of mindsets we're seeing here. I don't know the dynamics of how submitting questions work, but no matter what I still think you should keep voicing your concerns to them, and I also get what you're saying, it's all been said before by the devs. But you don't know where each of these processes are at currently, we do know that a few of these are on the devs' priority list. And I really do see your concerns as valid, and I hope they don't ruin what's to come in Warframe for yah bud. Edited by (PS4)Swiggey
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So i just watched the recorded stream; Archwing could be cool, depends how it plays. But I was immediately struck that how come we can blow a window out, or the Life Support can be shut down and we painfully die slowly, but leaping into the cold vacuum of space and strapping on a jetpack makes us immune??

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We were never ninjas. We are mercs. 



no, YOU are a wannabe merc. there is a difference. if you want to get woken up from your cryopod to squabble for someone elses loose change thats your issue.


dont try to pass off your lack of direction on everyone else

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