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Loki Prime Could Kinda Use A Model Rework


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I LOVE Loki. Favorite frame. When Loki Prime came out I was thoroughly excited. I have Loki Prime and totally love what they did with him and his cool new armor.

BUT am I the only on who noticed they actually didn't touch the base model, but only put additional parts on him? I love the idea and actual design of these parts, but they also look a lot like they were kinda slapped on in a rush. Many of the pieces are not on properly attached and the meshes don't always match. Some pieces even have slightly different color tones.


I totally understand that this is by far DE's most ambitious prime frame design yet, and I also understand that they were rather rushed with him. I would greatly appreciate it if DE went back and revisited Loki Prime's model and either;

1. Add the separate parts directly to the old Loki model (they are currently "separate" like armor is on any other frame)


2. Correct the broken placement and fix the mesh issues.


I hope DE can get to this when they have free time! With the new stances, weapons, (frame?), Wyrmious, and Archwing, I completely understand that they are swamped.


Thanks for reading and have a great day!


Edit: Here are some pictures to show you what I mean. Also it turns out that Rhino Prime also had the same thing done to a certain part of his waist!


Edit: I WOULD have posted images but apparently the forums don't like Imgur. If you guys know of another site let me know.

Edited by Nazder
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i dont know why people are saying no to this when hes not asking them to change the frame but just fix the not so well polished parts, loki prime is one of the nicer looking prime frames and it would be nice to see him polished. personally tho if they were to go back and polish some frames the first i would like them to look at is Banshee...she actually really does need a full rework and polish, the idea behind her wasnt a bad one but the final product sort of feels....out of place

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You guys read the whole OP, right?

He's raising issues with the quality of the model, not to change the model.


I'll just reiterate it in a short sentence or two:

Loki Prime just needs his textures fixed.

Loki Prime is already amazing as is.

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I think people are jumping to conclusions due to the thread's title. A model rework implies that the model itself requires changing. If you said a 'texture quality rework', or something along those lines, it would result in less confusion.

Edited by MonsieurZero
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That's what Prime Frames are.

Actually if you inspect every other prime frame you can see that the new "prime/gold" parts are actually put directly into the warframe. Loki only has a base model that they put additional parts onto. Much like normal armor for every other frame.


I think people are jumping to conclusions due to the thread's title. A model rework implies that the model itself requires changing. If you said a 'texture quality rework', or something along those lines, it would result in less confusion.

And yes I probably should have said something like that too XD

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Wow people, why are you posting in a thread if you aren't even bothering to read the entire OP? Your posts are based on ignorance and are doing nothing to contribute to a healthy discussion.


OT: +1 I too would like for the extra bits to be added to his base model.


I think people are jumping to conclusions due to the thread's title. A model rework implies that the model itself requires changing. If you said a 'texture quality rework', or something along those lines, it would result in less confusion.



If people were reading the entire OP there would be no confusion.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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yes please.


Model of the Loki Prime is horrible, clipping everywhere. And that model is a part of Prime Access. You may/could buy it with money. Right leg clipping through a torso, syandana clipping, sword clipping through model's back, Primary weapons clipping through the back, sidearm are clipping through legs. Bad, sloppy work.


I too lazy to show screenshots, but overall quality of cosmectics in WF is bellow average. Overall quaility of model is bellow average as well.

For example i don't use syandana on my Trinity because it looks horrible.


Overall quality of cosmetics in WF is bad, and some of these cosmetics are platinum only. How about that?

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Description is right, title is wrong

Agreed. I might post this again in a few days or a week with a new title. Maybe then people would be more willing to read it.


I read it and I still disagree with it. 

Please tell me why you disagree so I can understand :D

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I read it and I still disagree with it.

Disagree with what? That the model is poorly strapped together? That can be objectively verified (not by me tho) and isn't up for disagreement.

You disagree with the notion that it should be improved? That is an interesting stance.

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Haha hey Nazder, I agree with your points but I think that other prime frames before him could use updates much more. Frost Prime, Excalibur Prime, Mag Prime (especially).

Yeah frost could use a bit more gold put on him as well as Excalibro Prime. Not too sure about Mag Prime though. Her gold is pretty solid and she has it decently distributed. Her prime helmet I actually enjoy (say WHAT?!?!?) because it makes her look like a generic cyclops when using a heavy weapon.

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Agreed. I might post this again in a few days or a week with a new title. Maybe then people would be more willing to read it.


Please tell me why you disagree so I can understand :D

Because Loki primes model is fantastic and should be left alone. 

Edited by Plasmaface
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