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Thanks De For Letting Me Watch My Kubrow Die Slowly


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That's right I got myself another dog of the same type and do not want, but because we can't either

A) Take our dog out for a walk and put a bullet in the back of the head...

B) Put it up for adoption through the Lotus Adoption Agency (better than releasing into the wild) or...

C) Kubrow Blender


I'm currently logging on everyday just to check on the currently dying kubrow and have to wait until then just to do another random generation that may or may not give me a new type, which results in me watching another one die slowly inhumanely.


Welp got that off my chest.


Buy prints of the type you want if you want that specific type.

Random gives random results, random means you will not get exactly what you want.

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Considering I've seen them update even after it was 3am their time, makes your argument invalid lol.

You mean for U14, that is a complete exception to the norm, I seriously doubt they would keep their people there over night for 14.5.  U14 was way behind and there was a lot of pressure to get it out even if it wasn't ready, that is not the case for 14.5.

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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You mean for U14, that is a complete exception to the norm, I seriously doubt they would keep their people there over night for 14.5.


They've done it many times. Gravidus' update hit a minute after midnight and DE was still there pumping out hotfixes at two AM their time.


That's just how DE rolls, really.

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You mean for U14, that is a complete exception to the norm, I seriously doubt they would keep their people there over night for 14.5.  U14 was way behind and there was a lot of pressure to get it out even if it wasn't ready, that is not the case for 14.5.

Not just U14 lol. As stated before they have done it many times, including closed beta.

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What if the only reason kubrows decay at all is because they spend so much time around Tenno? We know Tenno leak 'void energy' going by the Hyena tac alert, and we know from Excal and Ember Prime's lore that the void is basically The Warp from 40k with the serial numbers filed off.


Don't quote me on that, but isn't the reason for the DNA degeneration due to us tampering into their DNA in the first place? I'm trying to find a source for this information, but from the wiki, I feel this information makes more sense than us leaking void energy being the cause of their degeneration (even if techno-babble can explain that, the following is more likely IMO).


"Recent DNA-altering technologies have been unearthed that can allow them to once again be domesticated to become loyal and protective companions to their new owner. However, this process leaves the domesticated animals riddled with degenerative genetic defects that must be constantly repaired."


The transmission you get when starting Howl of the Kubrow seem to suggest that. It makes sense that us forcing a reverse-evolution on them may create instabilities like that.

Edited by Casardis
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Don't quote me on that, but isn't the reason for the DNA degeneration due to us tampering into their DNA in the first place? I'm trying to find a source for this information, but from the wiki, I feel this information makes more sense than us leaking void energy being the cause of their degeneration (even if techno-babble can explain that, the following is more likely IMO).


"Recent DNA-altering technologies have been unearthed that can allow them to once again be domesticated to become loyal and protective companions to their new owner. However, this process leaves the domesticated animals riddled with degenerative genetic defects that must be constantly repaired."

Actually, the best bet is telomeres.


When a cell divides, it takes a little bit of damage, but it has a buffer. Divide it enough times, and you're screwed(also known as old age).


For a human, it takes 80~100 years, and they take 20 years to grow up.

Other animals are calculated off of this, so like, "dog years" is because dogs get their cells dividing 7 times as fast as humans. They take under 3 years to reach maturity, and die off around 11~14.


Kubrows grow up in 2 days.


So there's approximately 10 kubrow years to every 1 day. Which means a kubrow dies of old age after a few weeks, unless we do something about it.


More here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/285931-crazy-realizations/

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Actually, the best bet is telomeres.


When a cell divides, it takes a little bit of damage, but it has a buffer. Divide it enough times, and you're screwed(also known as old age).


For a human, it takes 80~100 years, and they take 20 years to grow up.

Other animals are calculated off of this, so like, "dog years" is because dogs get their cells dividing 7 times as fast as humans. They take under 3 years to reach maturity, and die off around 11~14.


Kubrows grow up in 2 days.


So there's approximately 10 kubrow years to every 1 day. Which means a kubrow dies of old age after a few weeks, unless we do something about it.


More here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/285931-crazy-realizations/




*Note: This is a serious response.*

Edited by Casardis
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That's right I got myself another dog of the same type and do not want, but because we can't either

A) Take our dog out for a walk and put a bullet in the back of the head...

B) Put it up for adoption through the Lotus Adoption Agency (better than releasing into the wild) or...

C) Kubrow Blender


I'm currently logging on everyday just to check on the currently dying kubrow and have to wait until then just to do another random generation that may or may not give me a new type, which results in me watching another one die slowly inhumanely.


Welp got that off my chest.

I've been doing the same. XD

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