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Hate Newbie Players? Please Read This When You Have Time.


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I used to be a newb in warframe the first week, then I played a lot and paid $50 for some plat, now I'm a master rank 10+ pro at this game, even some people who have mastery rank 15+ need my help. 

I'm sort of like that zorencopter guy, but I don't say stuff like that, I mean, I would say hurry the f**k up, but I'd be patient and wait, since I'm always the fastest player in the squad, and I don't zorencopter >:D


Is it fine if you dakracopter? Anyways, I'm fine with newbs, just not in serious T4 Defense/Survival missions.

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Its Newbs not noobs.



Newbs nothing about the game, "So how does X do Y?"


Noobs will get angry when you give them information. "I BEEN HERE FOR A MONTH NOW STFU" game hasn't been out for a week.


Newbs will ask questions "How did you do that?"


Noobs will boast "I killed X 12 times!" never got past welcome island


Newbs will try to learn "So if I do X i will get Y?"


Noob Try to lead badly "If this paper bag wasn't so wet I would get out!"

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I would be nicer... except I let them into my T3/T4 when I want to farm/do something instead of asking for a specific party and get upset when they die because I was too lazy to form an actual party for what I wanted.




They cant just "jump into" your Void runs, fault is on you because YOU let them in.



on a side note


Noob = idiot who refuses to learn from mistakes


Newb = new player



Doesnt mean that they arent used interchangeably, but actual meaning is different. I dont think you should be rude either way, newb or noob, just deal with them till you dont have to then put them on a blacklist and dont do runs with them, or if theyre new help them to learn.

Edited by Echoa
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I dont hate new players, far from it, i hate sucky players.


Usually when i look for group at recruitment i get 3 guys then look, ok this guy is rank 2, he cant be that good, i should expect him to suck but it should be ok, we got rank 5 and 12, we should be able to carry him long enough.

But when i join an event mission and i see idiots blowing 1 excavator after another, pumping 80 energy into 10 second excavator, forgeting completely about scanner and still doing less than 10% of total dmg i want to break their legs and i dont care how new to the game they are, basic knowledge and objective play is minimum everyone should require when playing any mmo.

I really dont care how new you are, if you are new i expect you to suck, but as long as im convinced you wont prevent us from reaching goal i will take you.

Theres also another aspect to this, ppl calling for rank 10+ for t4 on recruitment, really?? personally i expect rank 4 to be able to do 40 min t4 surv run if the team composition is right, thats how easy it is, btw right composition for t4 surv is nekros and 3 random guys. I perceive that kind of behaviour as most elitist it can get.


So to sum it up, dont be an elitist, expect new players to suck balls but dont a @(*()$ A****** about it and let them play and learn as long as they dont compromise succes. Also dont be so sure about yourself cause ive seen handful of players who i can call good without any doubt, many are mediocre at best and most just suck.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Game needs a "Group with other newbies only" option along with Public, Solo and Invite options. 


I found the culture of rushing (which I don't have any problem with per se, I understand why it exists) to be a bit annoying as a newbie too.


My preference as as newbie would be to play with other people who don't know the content, so we can discover it for ourselves.


Sure, one gets to know the tilesets eventually, and where to go next, etc., but for a while it's nice not to know, and to learn for oneself.

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Game needs a "Group with other newbies only" option along with Public, Solo and Invite options. 


I found the culture of rushing (which I don't have any problem with per se, I understand why it exists) to be a bit annoying as a newbie too.


My preference as as newbie would be to play with other people who don't know the content, so we can discover it for ourselves.


Sure, one gets to know the tilesets eventually, and where to go next, etc., but for a while it's nice not to know, and to learn for oneself.

Thats a different issue on its own. If high ranked players join, lets say Mercury mission, on public and rush through it, then they are being asses.

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I agree but it can still be frustrating seeing a Mastery 4-6 Frost/Frost Prime go down because they aren't using Snow Globe or people that are even higher going down because they are not inside the Snow Globe you just created.


As soon as I started playing Warframe, I loved it.  I have only gotten agree with randoms a few times but never to the point where I through the controller or broke my headset (*caugh* Battlefield 4).  I actually enjoy the grind (8 days to get Bite?) and love trading for plat (made 1k in plat in the month leading up to U14 PS4 now I have 0).  I love how the dev's playing the game more than we do and how they love the community.


I try to be nice to the newer players because when I started Warframe I found a lot of really cool nice players (one guy gave me Thunderbold, Constitution and Continuity for 2 R5's) but have ran into some jerks (funny thing is most of the time they are right, it just takes me a week or longer to realize it).


Even if you have played games for a long time, playing a new IP makes everyone a noob at the game.


Mastery 4 and higher...no longer a noob.

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Nothing against newbies. But they should make some different locks instead of silly mastery rank on weapons. How about each planet with all missions done would be one level? More motivation for players to do all planetary stuff instead of taxi. Also why frames don't have mastery rank limit but weapons only? You want frame from planet. To unlock frame lock you need all missions from that planet to earn right to use it?


Lots of people have taxied to all high level planets, and it is common to see mr0 in dark sector, pluto or ceres.Or maybe someone is boosting friend who just started game to get that first weapon from market instant and maybe sentinel? dunno


Only place where i don't like newest players is interception. If i revive somebody i loose capture point or two, better let him die after 3-4 deaths. I don't understand why in solo their main focus is different and they focus more killing me instead of capturing  all points.

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I have no problems with noobs except the ones that 1-3, joining a T3-T4 and saying "I'm not a noob, I remade a new account trust me. It's all about skill not the MK-1 weapons". And then to proceed to doing absolutely nothing except hiding behind an object or running into and dying at the 1st enemy they see...

Edited by angelsplight
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I actually make it a point to friend newbie players who are nice enough to say hi on chat before a match starts.

I've given multishot mods and spare prime parts to random newbies as Warframe welcoming gifts.

Quite a few veterans are good people in this game. When I was a newbie, many of the closed beta veterans taught me the ins and outs of gaining XP and parkour, etc. While I can't repay those folks as many aren't playing anymore I feel that meeting people like that along the way was something I've only seen in Warframe and I wanted to be a part of that.

We only benefit from a growing player base, it's what keeps the game alive.

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It always irritates me when I have to babysit new players, but I can manage with it.


What really bothers me is these Mastery 6+ noobs WHO ALREADY SHOULD HAVE THE EXPERIENCE BY THEN TO DO BETTER who keep getting downed left and right, and derp around more than actually do something useful.

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I actually make it a point to friend newbie players who are nice enough to say hi on chat before a match starts.

I've given multishot mods and spare prime parts to random newbies as Warframe welcoming gifts.

Quite a few veterans are good people in this game. When I was a newbie, many of the closed beta veterans taught me the ins and outs of gaining XP and parkour, etc. While I can't repay those folks as many aren't playing anymore I feel that meeting people like that along the way was something I've only seen in Warframe and I wanted to be a part of that.

We only benefit from a growing player base, it's what keeps the game alive.


This doe. Yeah.. I gave away some paris prime parts, and a couple of rare mods to some people which I now somewhat few regret for cause I coulda made money ;; Recently dropped all the plat I had to buy a Tethra Doom set lol

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As much as I love coptering around missions I have done several times already, a part of me wishes they would just remove it already... then you would have to rely on parkour more often to zip across the map, that is if the map allows for it.

Edited by Numerikuu
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Though it's mainly for clan recruiting purposes, I usually go to Cytherean, Venus to help beginners out, though i do bring a weapon i'm trying to rank up to get a few kills, i usually leave a few enemies for them. Met a few nice talkative players along the road even if they weren't interested. I'd usually help the ones who responded to my greetings with any missions afterwards

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Its usually the some of the players that are at rank 5-8 that really act as if they're top S#&$-aki mushrooms just because they now have a better arsenal then when they first started out.  Every so often I would revisit an old planet like Venus and fight jackal.  I too was in a situation where I was helping these two new players who were rank 0 and 1, and this rank 5 loki player was getting impatient cause he had already made his way to Jackal.  When we got to Jackal he was first to die as the other two new players did after.  I didn't bother reviving him for he too was being a $&*^-tionary for saying vulgar words.  Some people can just be so immature and so cruel.  Its usually on the less difficult planets, one precisely being Venus.

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I have to be honest and say when I'm on a defense mission and I see a new person hacking away at a corpus guy and the corpus guy is taking forever to die I just end up shooting him. I do get a bit impatient when something like that happens, but generally I try to let the new guys get their kills.

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It always irritates me when I have to babysit new players, but I can manage with it.


What really bothers me is these Mastery 6+ noobs WHO ALREADY SHOULD HAVE THE EXPERIENCE BY THEN TO DO BETTER who keep getting downed left and right, and derp around more than actually do something useful.

They could have a really low warfarme rank

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I like to adress something that i have experiened when playing with others, especialy older players

that have played the game alot longer. This isnt just Warframe but in other games too.

As an example, let me tell you what i experienced some time ago when playing online with 3 other people.

It was me, 1 guy who was zorenchoptering and 2 new players who just joined warframe.


I was staying behind and was helping the new players to get them to play the game, like guiding them

and all that. But then there was this guy who was zorenchoptering and he was already at the reactor

(was playing Sabotage). When he was there, he called the new palyers (Censored) noobs and called me

a founder elitist (and ofcorse, back to the kitchen joke). He said alot more things to the new players

but those where far to vulgar to even say it here openly.


Why am i talking about this? Well, let me ask you something. You play Warframe, and you have all

the awesome mods, weapons and the experience of using them, or you might be a zorenchopter guy or gal, who

wants to rush through the level for various reasons, may it be for unlocking more nodes on a planet, farming or

simply have no patience, but one thing that stops you from rushing, are the new players who are still new

to the game and need more time to catch up, and you get mad at them, doing name callings and insult them.

But maybe one thing, jsut one thin,g you might have forgotten something, for i have never forgotten the

most important thing.


We all where Noobs too in the past.


Shocking isnt it? Just like them, you and i once where drooling babies on the battlefield, had no idea how to

play and had to learn and grow up and able to experience the best of the game, but many of you (me included) never

had it easy at the beginning (in my case, for economical reasons). I can tell you my story as a noob but i save it

at the spoiler tag at the bottom if you are interested.


On to the point. Back in 2007, i bought Unreal Tournament 3 when it jsut came out.

On many of its loading screens, it have tips and tricks. One of them was this

sentance if i remember it correctly *Practice good sportsmanship, you were a noob once too*.

That quote is indeed true since, we all where noobs too in the past, and none are born pro.

I know quite few of you who does care for the new players and for that, i have full

respect to.


All i want is that if there is a new player in your team, let them take their time to get to know

the game, let them have fun. If you really need to rush a level to unlock nodes, collect resources and

materials or other reasons that require rushing, do so solo, it be also alot easier for you.


Alright, so you are interested in my story as a noob in Warframe? Well here it is.

While Excalibur was my starter, i choose Volt later since i had platinum (Also bought Bo).

While many veterans had alot of fun wiht their mighty weapons and mods that could deal over 2k

damage, i was stuck with a Braton, Sicarus and Bo while using Volt.

For a long time, i wanted a new warframe, so i searched around google and the only

warframe i could farm that was actauly possible for me to get, was Ember.


But getting the parts for Ember was alot harder than it was today consider that the

blueprints where dropping as purple orbs, and most of the time it was either the wrong one or

it never dropped at all. Also, even when i finaly got the parts, getting the materials for them

was even worse. Control Module was the part i needed the most, and it might sound silly

to most of you, but belive me, that sucker was rare, very rare, and Hyena had it.

At the time, Hyena was actualy a rescaled, recolored Jackal but was ALOT stronger.

So imagen firing a low powered Braton on it. Not that fun i tell you.


THat is just a taster on how my noob life was. When i aquired a new job that gave me alot

more cash, i could spend more money in WF without having economical problems.

I later managed to get into major events (Gradivius Dilemma was my first), and

aquiring exclusive weapons and items where awesome, and i later became a founder and

later aquired my most priced item, Hayden Tennos's armor <3


Even after such a long journey, i still look back at those frustrating days and i am

happy on where i am now. I do my best to help new players to embrace what this amazing game

has to offer, giving them some tips and tricks, helping them out on missions and so forth.


Thanks for reading this spoiler tag.


That be all my luvs.

TL:DR :3
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