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Some Dojo Suggestions And Qol Improvements


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I will just put it in list form for ease of reading:

* Dimmable/adjustable ambient lighting for each room. Some rooms would be much nicer with lower lighting available.

*  More interactive mechanics in rooms. Specifically Oracle and Observation Deck. I will detail each of these below.
        * Oracle- Make this room into a lore-type room. Use it to add some more back story to each                  faction, could even make it an unlockable upgrade to the room, with space for expansion should more factions be added.
        * Observation Deck- as cool as this place is, it would be even cooler if we could select locations to view from the center console in the middle of the room. Locations around the solar system or  just custom locations designed by the devs. Also PLEASE fix that graphical glitch where the windows flash white constantly. Gives me a headache. 
        * Dueling Room- Different match types in the dueling room such as 2v2, 3v3, ect (would require a larger dueling room to be built, can be an unlockable upgrade) and spectator seating with where the spectators kneel and are locked in place to prevent interfering in the matches (which we already have, but was thinking more of an arena type thing)

         * Something to do in the barracks besides just let it sit there. I don't really have specific ideas for this yet, but I'm sure you guys can think of something creative.


* New decoration: signs. Signs like the ones near room entrances, except deploy-able. Can be used for giving directions, leaving messages, ect. Make them just like any other decoration- movable, adjustable in size, ect. 


*  Scoreboard on the obstacle course for the top 10 scores. 

* More rooms, especially gardens (and alternatives to water or sand rooms please)

* a PvE version of a dueling room kind of like a battle pit where clan members can test their might against increasingly more difficult opponents (possibly with a scoreboard as well)

That's all I have for now, thanks for reading. I love the dojo system and look forward to new changes and improvements you guys might be doing in the future!

Edited by Zorrandor
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One quality-of-life thing that is coming (tomorrow I think):


Placeable teleport beacons! Teleport decorations that, when activated, provide a list of other beacons in the Dojo that you can access via teleport.




Yay! Hopefully they will be renameable otherwise it might become quite a mess with a lot of teleporters... xD

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* a PvE version of a dueling room kind of like a battle pit where clan members can test their might against increasingly more difficult opponents (possibly with a scoreboard as well)


I like that. What i thought it would be fun was to actually use the dojo itself as the PvE room. With holographic enemies.



One quality-of-life thing that is coming (tomorrow I think):


Placeable teleport beacons! Teleport decorations that, when activated, provide a list of other beacons in the Dojo that you can access via teleport.




One of those things that leave you liek... y didnt they implement it in the first place :p

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One of those things that leave you liek... y didnt they implement it in the first place :p


Probably because they never thought that people would build clan dojos so huge they get lost in them. Also there weren't as much rooms available back then so the dojos could be quite small at the beginning and still fit everything. ^^

Edited by MeduSalem
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Guest zMiNixB0SSx

what i think would be a good idea if we can have a clan color and what we can do with that is use that color to decorate the dojo to make it more unique to your clan 

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For the Barracks: Maybe a secondary logout button would be included.

The animation would consist of the Tenno going to sleep in the pod and lotus saying something around the line of "Tenno, rest for now. I shall wake you when you are called (Or logged back on)."


Of course this wouldn't be the Long-term cryo sleep. 

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One quality-of-life thing that is coming (tomorrow I think):


Placeable teleport beacons! Teleport decorations that, when activated, provide a list of other beacons in the Dojo that you can access via teleport.



Eh... This will be really cool, but I'd still rather see some interactive kneeling pads to become place-able in the dojo. Like the ones in the original clan hall and the observatory.

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One quality-of-life thing that is coming (tomorrow I think):


Placeable teleport beacons! Teleport decorations that, when activated, provide a list of other beacons in the Dojo that you can access via teleport.




I was actually about to get on today and suggest this very thing lol. Had some new members constantly getting lost and had to escort them around and thought "teleporters in the dojo would be great right about now" haha. 

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You know those stone/wooden benches you can make? You know we can't actually sit on them...


This bring up a point I meant to make. More interactable things all over, with the decorations, rooms, ect. Interaction = immersion, which = people enjoying spending their time more in the dojo and willing to put forth more time and effort improving it. Doesn't even have to0 be overly flashy and elaborate things either. Somethign simple like what KilerDrone492 mentioned....just sitting on a bench quietly meditating.

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One quality-of-life thing that is coming (tomorrow I think):


Placeable teleport beacons! Teleport decorations that, when activated, provide a list of other beacons in the Dojo that you can access via teleport.



Just one; Shiny  (this is a good idea, please let us name the locations however to make it much easier on our members)


Eh... This will be really cool, but I'd still rather see some interactive kneeling pads to become place-able in the dojo. Like the ones in the original clan hall and the observatory.

This would be a good next step to interactive objects, though prehaps adding kneeling as test emotes (the animation is already there) would be the best option so we can kneel anywhere in the dojo), prehaps even with a hot key we can set to do so (holding crouch wont work as that is used when sliding, ideally an entire set of binds for non-missions would be good, especially given player hubs in the future).


A side note on these though is the two on one side of the dueling room face you towards the wall, so we would definatly need some waht to know the facing.


Also when you use escape in the new UI it makes you stand up, but doesnt switch the pad to standing and still considers you to be kneeling while you are walking about otherwise, preventing you from crouching or sliding.  USing a different kneeling pad fixes this however.

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Probably because they never thought that people would build clan dojos so huge they get lost in them. Also there weren't as much rooms available back then so the dojos could be quite small at the beginning and still fit everything. ^^

was this before or after they added the massive hall and garden tiles and elevators :P

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One quality-of-life thing that is coming (tomorrow I think):


Placeable teleport beacons! Teleport decorations that, when activated, provide a list of other beacons in the Dojo that you can access via teleport.



No, you don't get it, there is no thoughts about this, this is fantastic, i always get complains when the guys in my dojo get lost, also the ability to rename the teleportations beacon would be nice too

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  • 1 month later...

Some new things that were brought to my attention (possibly already posted elsewhere too):

* Trophy Room- can only hold about 6 statues, yet has enough spaces set aside for roughly 24 (room capacity in general seems to be a big problem with most rooms)

^ I suggest a feature to increase capacity of room, whether it be a new room with researches to increase individual room capacities, or just a capacity buff in general. I can understand that some people build massive dojos, and allowing them to increase capacity of each of their rooms would use a large amount of resources to store all that information, so there could still be a hard cap on total dojo capacity. Rooms like the halls and trophy room though, could really use a significant capacity boost. 


* Skyboxes- the option to alter the skybox on a per-room basis would be great (as well as the ability to adjust ambient lighting)


* Ambient sounds- The dojo is strangely devoid of sounds. Yes some gardens have nature ambience, and other rooms have a low mechanical hum to them (labs have the perfect ambience however). My suggestion would be to add a "jukebox" of sorts to the room interaction panels- containing of course soundtracks from the game itself, not someone's Conway Twitty collection >.> 


* Barracks- I really want to add a bunch of ideas here about barracks changes to make them something more than an empty room, but others have covered a lot of my ideas I would like to see, so I'll leave those other threads to discuss that. 


* Windows- nothing fancy like double bay windows, or stained glass cathedral behemoths, but maybe some simple ones down hallways, some windows to let us peep out into space as we walk through, especially since teleporters have now made walking around down the hallways obsolete. 


That's it for now, i'll add more when it comes to me. Thanks again for reading!

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